The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Word on the Heroquest stand alone rules?
Started by: Latreya Sena
Started on: 6/6/2006
Board: HeroQuest

On 6/6/2006 at 7:49am, Latreya Sena wrote:
Word on the Heroquest stand alone rules?

I haven't been around here (the Forge) for a while now - life beckons – but I do believe I read a thread here once about the Heroquest rules being released without Glorantha. Any word on when it’s due?

Also, I'm looking forward to Mythic Russia, not entirely convinced I will purchase it, but I would like to see the reviews first and am interested in the way Mark has presented the rules: Hopefully a lot more lucidly then in HQ!

And lastly, if you haven’t already had a good laugh, I highly recommend visiting this page:

- for unusual abilities that players and narrators have created. It’s a blast.


Message 20031#209607

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On 6/6/2006 at 11:58am, Mark Galeotti wrote:
Re: Word on the Heroquest stand alone rules?

Latreya wrote:
I haven't been around here (the Forge) for a while now - life beckons – but I do believe I read a thread here once about the Heroquest rules being released without Glorantha. Any word on when it’s due?

All I can really say with any authority is that it's unlikely to be this year.

All the best


Message 20031#209614

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On 6/6/2006 at 2:34pm, mark mohrfield wrote:
RE: Re: Word on the Heroquest stand alone rules?

Latreya wrote:
I haven't been around here (the Forge) for a while now - life beckons – but I do believe I read a thread here once about the Heroquest rules being released without Glorantha.

The title for it is Questworlds, BTW.

Message 20031#209625

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On 6/7/2006 at 5:41am, Latreya Sena wrote:
RE: Re: Word on the Heroquest stand alone rules?

Hey, thanks for the replies. Geez, me dumb, I did a search on Questworlds and noticed there's the info at I'll keep an eye out for it. Next year then, fingers crossed.


Message 20031#209681

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...started by Latreya Sena which Latreya Sena participated HeroQuest
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...from around 6/7/2006