The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Wherein Guy Asks Questions about GenCon 2007
Started by: Thunder_God
Started on: 6/21/2006
Board: Conventions

On 6/21/2006 at 3:28pm, Thunder_God wrote:
Wherein Guy Asks Questions about GenCon 2007

I have to ask, is the more important issue that of "Not familiar with selling books at GenCon" or that of "Too many new books"?

If the former, then what about Booth Monkeys, who may have previous experience with the booth, even if they did not sell books beforehand?

If the latter, then what about old-hands who release, say, 4 books mere days before GenCon? They may be experienced, but these are 4 games that people are not familiar with.

Last, what about odd-cases like people who had their book in PDF format for 3-4 years(aka Jared) and only now take them to the Con?

I am curious, as this may prove helpful for next year's booth and for finding "solutions" on the solo-publisher level.

Message 20186#210946

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On 6/21/2006 at 9:03pm, Blankshield wrote:
Re: Wherein Guy Asks Questions about GenCon 2007


I'm totally not one of the primary booth sponsors, or even someone with loads of GC booth experience, but I definately know that it's too early to open this conversation.  Give it 6 or 8 months, and ask again.


Message 20186#210979

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On 6/21/2006 at 9:06pm, Thunder_God wrote:
RE: Re: Wherein Guy Asks Questions about GenCon 2007

Technically, this was split from the "One Game a Newbie" thread.

But, considering on the answer, this is exactly the time to discuss it.
If the problem is merely the book being "unknown", then it could tell you how many books and when to publish them if you want to ensure them being showcased at GenCon. You just need to look at people's plans and comments to know that it's never too early to plan ahead.

If the answer regards Forge Booth experience though, then a Booth Monkey could know he can have X books showcased.

Also, the answers may help focus the effort to create new (sattelite?) booths next year.

Message 20186#210980

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