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Topic: {Divinity} Posting the PBP
Started by: sean2099
Started on: 6/26/2006
Board: Playtesting

On 6/26/2006 at 5:46am, sean2099 wrote:
{Divinity} Posting the PBP

Hey everyone,

I have started a PBP for my game.  They have just submitted their character sheets to me and I have looked them over.  Already, I have found things to put into the Divinity rules.  So far, I haven't had to delete anything...just tweak existing material.  A good sign I hope...

I have 3 players so far.  I don't know their RL names, so I will be using their character names.

Xaos - God of Maddess and Rebellion
Ajax - God of Farming and of Farmers
Dharken - God of Justice and Honour

Already, I can see potential disagreements with Xaos and Dharken since they have portfolios that could clash with each other.  I went ahead and posted their character sheets at the site I am playing at.  I don't like holding too many secrets plus I thought they needed to figure out how their pantheon is going to work.  I wonder how Ajax is going to turn out.  I hope he won't be the shy one of the group. 

There isn't a lot to report but the playtest is already showing me some things.  I want to keep everyone abreast of what will happening during the playtest.



Message 20228#211252

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On 6/26/2006 at 9:01pm, sean2099 wrote:
Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

I guess this should go in the playtesting thread vs actual play thread.



Message 20228#211301

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On 6/27/2006 at 6:52pm, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

Hi all,

As a result of the initial changes, I have tweaked the transformation power, added a section about realms, brought up concerns about timing and a couple of other minor points.  I have gathered this from the character creation process.  Other than that, it went pretty smoothly.  Everyone seemed to make their characters without any major problems (Divinity allows players to create their own skills...the problem comes that with too much flexibility, which is creating too broad or too narrow focused.  I included sample skills but the last bit is a thread on its own.) 

They used the prompts and had anywhere from semi-detailed to completely detailed characters.  That's the good news.

The bad news?  I have heard from anyone initially interested for two to three days now.  I am new to PBP so I don't know if this lag is a common problem or if they have already grown disinterested in the game.  Perhaps some of it is my fault...I told them they would have creative input (maybe they interpreted that as being unprepared?)

Anyway, that's what I have learned from playtesting in the past few days.


Message 20228#211353

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On 6/30/2006 at 8:05pm, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

Well, I got a couple of bites on the IC thread.  We decided to go with a class warfare scenerio (farmers vs fishermen and merchants.)  The city is on the sea but they control some fertile ground as well.  New levies have been passed but they give a lot of exemptions to the merchants and sailor class.  Previously, the levies were done according to wealth but now based on a flat rate (thereby taxing farmers far more).  The city has started to riot...waiting to see what happens next.:)


Message 20228#211594

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On 7/2/2006 at 12:22am, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

Ajax has decided he wanted to enlarge one of the farmers (this being a sign of favor for his followers.)  Right now, the riot is only within the central forum.  I would like to see the response of the others but even if they have lost interest, I am going to do my best to entertain the one(s) who are posting.  There are already stories of it through the grapevine.  He has posted his intention in OOC but not in IC. 

I am working on the transformation power right now as a result.  I am running the gambit between avoiding too many rules and just saying "GM Fiat" as the answer to everything.  Being freeform-minded, I am trying to minimize the rules but the rules that are there...I want them to be effective.

In any case, I'll keep posting here and I will make a split thread asking for input on mechanics.

Message 20228#211644

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On 7/4/2006 at 1:50am, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

Hi all,

I wish we can update these posts but here goes the update.  Finally, Dhakan responds, sending a vision to all of his priests.  The priests have formed a party that is going to the central forum.  I am assuming Ajax's next action is to still to transform one of the farmers (probably making him larger and stronger with an animal trait or two but he may surprise me.)  Xaos sits back (haven't heard from him yet.  He is an active PBP user though.) 

So far, I haven't used a lot of rules yet, just RP based off answered prompts.  I have some ideas as to up the tension but you'll have to either join the PBP at make a character and join the game or stay tuned to this thread.

Thanks for your interest,


Message 20228#211761

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On 7/5/2006 at 10:41pm, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

Just reporting my results after "Fireworks Day" ;)

With the help of some people in and out of the playtest, I tweaked my mechanic on transformation.  I have it so when mortals are transformed, it uses a scale from bad to good that the Divinity alters, one way or the other.  I have kept the inanimate rules the same.  I did to avoid things such as exact percentages, etc.

As far as storyline, Dhaken had sent his priests to make an announcement that all of the city leaders need to assemble the next day.  The priests had to run away when the doors and windows sealed themselves shut and their openings covered with stone.

Then, a prophet of the Old Gods appeared on the rooftop of the forum, and shouted that they were returning.  He jumped off the roof and everyone in the mortal npc crowd expected him to die.  Instead, he turned into smoke just before he would have hit the ground.  Some of the crowd thought Draken's priests did it while others thought this was a precursor to the returns of the Old Gods.

Exciting stuff...Now, I had to tell Ajax that if I didn't hear anything from him, I was going to assume that he went into the forum to transform a farmer and thereby, showing his support for their cause.  In addition, this would mean he would inside the forum after it was sealed up.  Can't decide if he can go through the walls or not...Being a nice guy, I will probably decide no mortal barriers can stop the gods from coming into buildings but I have a bit of a "perverse" side as well.

Thanks for reading,

Message 20228#211903

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On 7/6/2006 at 3:30pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

Hi Sean,

I guess I'm confused. Is this really a playtest? Are you really using the rules you've written? As far as I can tell, you and the others are doing standard text-based "writing a story" together.

Best, Ron

Message 20228#211947

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On 7/6/2006 at 6:21pm, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP


Ron wrote:
Hi Sean,

I guess I'm confused. Is this really a playtest? Are you really using the rules you've written? As far as I can tell, you and the others are doing standard text-based "writing a story" together.

Best, Ron

Hi Ron,

Thanks for coming by here.  I have gained some insight into making my game better.  Some of the stuff has been done bia PM'ing.  I have set it up so far in terms of players doing things without being opposed.  (At this point, I mean no slight towards you but have you looked at my playtest PDF.  If so, perhaps you are seeing something I am not.  If not, may I arrange to send what I have written so far to you if your schedule permits it?)  More or less, I have guidelines that tell them what they can do or not do.  I am trying up the conflict within the story.  It's a bit different playing over the internet (I have never really played that way before but I want to try game out with people I did not know.)

The next part of the story (at least as I envision it) is now try out opposed contests.  At this point too, the PBP has a double meaning, play by post and play by play.
I think that is part of the confusion you are experiencing.  I could be wrong though.

In any case, thanks for reading my wee little thread.


Message 20228#211972

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On 7/12/2006 at 11:34pm, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

I ran into a snag.  It was a small one as Dhakan decided which way he wanted to approach Myridon, the man of smoke.  Some of the NPC gods in the player's pantheon had invited in an attempt to work out some kind of arrangement other than war.  The snag came in because some of the skills were unclear in description.  It sounds like something small but ironically, communication skills are more important to beings of their level of power. 

The other snag was describing the point bid system.  I think it was more of a matter that they never played a game with point bid system rather than lack of clarity.  I have found others as I played solo.

The playtesting has been real fruitful and I know that improvements can still be made.


Message 20228#212459

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On 7/18/2006 at 2:24am, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: {Divinity} Posting the PBP

This is my last post to this particular thread.  The PBP went on a bit further.  Myridon was driven off via an opposed contest regarding a speech given by Dhakan.  Myridon went off in a huff, promising hard times for Discordia.  I got to test my basic mechanics, character creation, and an contest between player and NPC.  They brought up some good points and the game has benefited from them.  I posted some more but I haven't heard anything in a few days from any of the posters.  I am not writting them off, as it is summer after all.  However, if they are done with this particular PBP, I appreciate the time they took to read my PDF and try out a new game.  I'll consider it a first demo.

What did I learn:

1.  Simplify, Simplify, Simplify:  I am not done with this all the way in Divinity but it is getting even easier to play.

2.  I need to make some of the terms clearer and more explicit.  I have heard from them and other people I know...more examples.  That includes describing what a karma-based game is like.  I believe the PBPers I had were used to fortune-based systems...nothing wrong with that.

3.  Some of the game was intuitive.  Character creation was quick.  One minor snag, which was related to point 2.  The background questions helped flesh out their backgrounds.  Even the least detailed background was still more detailed than other games I have played in.  (only personal experience I know but still refreshing to see that I learned from other game playing sessions.)

4.  I also have a laundry lists of things I do need to check out in future playtesting sessions.  What flaws I have seen are better defined.  I feel much more focused after the PBP.

5.  PBP worked okay but I would like to play via internet chat, instant message, or (gasp) a face to face session.

6.  Again, I will post another thread if the PBP picks back up or when I start another playtest group.



Message 20228#213003

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