The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)
Started by: epweissengruber
Started on: 7/3/2006
Board: Conventions

On 7/3/2006 at 9:01pm, epweissengruber wrote:
Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

Torontonians, Eastern Ontarians, Quebecois, and Ottawanians! 

Get down to Peterborough for Phantasm 15!

Phantasm is held September 23rd & 24th, 2006
Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 Midnight
Sunday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Peterborough Public Library: 345 Aylmer Street North

Cost for Phantasm is $5.00 per game session, or $25.00 for a Weekend Pass.

Games Erik Weissengruber will be running:


1) Heroquest: "KungFu assault on the Wizard Stronghold!"
- using the generic Heroquest rules to do wild kung-fu action

2) Dogs in the Vineyard: Paladins of a new faith fight abominations in the wild west
3) Heroquest: Free Trader Issaries calling ... Mayday!
- using the generic Heroquest rules to do space opera

4) Playtest of Robin Laws' new game "The Esoterrorists."

P.S.  Head to Peteboro's legendary Montreal House to check out the live music!  Hopefully, the Silverhearts are back to doing their legendary Thursday night gig there.

Message 20289#211748

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On 7/17/2006 at 7:09am, eyebeams wrote:
Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

I'll see you there. I live in Peterborough.

Message 20289#212857

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On 8/31/2006 at 5:42pm, epweissengruber wrote:
Re: Phantasm 15 -- Updated Schedule

    Phantasm is a Sci-Fi and Fantasy Role Playing Convention in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

    This year is Phantasm's 15th Anniversary!

    Phantasm is held September 23rd & 24th, 2006
    Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 Midnight
    Sunday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    Peterborough Public Library: 345 Aylmer Street North

    Cost for Phantasm is $5.00 per game session, or $25.00 for a Weekend Pass.

    Saturday Morning (10am - 2pm)
    Game Storyteller
    1. D&D 3.5 Craig Merchant
    2. Top Secret Richard Mitchell
    3. D&D 3.5 Brett
    4. Shadowrun Jason Mallory
    5. Cyberpunk 2020 Steve Esdale
    6. Dogs in the Vineyard Erik Weissengruber
    7. BESM (Hart City Blues) Jon Mark
    8. Warmachine/Hordes demos Brian Henry

    Saturday Afternoon (3pm - 7pm)
    Game Storyteller
    1. Railroad Tycoon Richard Fisher
    2. D&D 3.5 Richard Mitchell
    3. D&D 3.5 Brett
    4. D&D 2nd Ed Bryan McKellar
    5. 7th Sea Jason Mallory
    6. Call of Cthulu Lawrence Marzari
    7. Cyberpunk 2020 Steve Esdale
    8. Heroquest: Kung Fu Assault on Wizard's Stronghold Erik Weissengruber
    9. Paranoria Brendan Stephens
    10. Spycraft 2.0 Jon Mark
    11. Werewolf Paul Copeland
    12. Sorcerer Rowen Berry

    Saturday Evening (8pm - 12)
    Game Storyteller
    1. D&D 3.5 Craig Merchant
    2. D&D 2nd Ed Bryan McKellar
    3. Vampire LARP Jason Barker
    4. AFMBE Roger Landry
    5. Call of Cthulu Lawrence Marzari
    6. Cybergeneration Steve Esdale
    7. Warmachine/Hordes demos Brian Henry
    8. Open Gaming w. Erik Weissengruber

    Sunday Morning (10am -2 pm)
    Game Storyteller
    1. D&D 3.5 Craig Merchant
    2. Top Secret Richard Mitchell
    3. D&D 3.5 Brett
    4. SLA Industries Bryan McKellar
    5. AFMBE Roger Landry
    6. Heroquest: Free Trader Issaries Calling ... Mayday! Erik Weissengruber
    7. World of Warcraft Carl G.
    8. Warmachine/Hordes demos Brian Henry

    Sunday Afternoon (3pm - 7pm)
    Game Storyteller
    1. Marvel Super Hero Richard Fisher
    2. D&D 3.5 Brett
    3. Shadowrun Jason Mallory
    4. AFMBE Roger Landry
    5. Call of Cthulu Bryan McKellar
    6. Paranoria Brendan Stephens
    7. D&D 3.5 Carl G.
    8. A Game of Thrones Jon Mark
    9. AD&D 2nd ed Paul Copeland
    10. LARP Ron Hoppe (ITA)
    11. Exalted 2nd Edition Robert.Choi
    12. Open gaming with Erik Weissengruber

Message 20289#219334

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On 9/4/2006 at 6:18pm, Ned wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

Okay, I'm in, and giggly glad some Forge flavour's on offer!

Just a quick question, Erik: Notice you're offering a game Friday, and that the con's official start is there a time/place set up for Friday games?

Message 20289#219646

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On 9/11/2006 at 2:33pm, epweissengruber wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

Unlike past years, the con will only be running Saturday and Sunday.  Please see my second posting regarding the schedule.

Message 20289#220346

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On 9/12/2006 at 9:30pm, Ned wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

Ah, thanks. Seeya there.

Message 20289#220516

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On 9/21/2006 at 1:19am, Mister Hoppe wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

Hello To All....
This is a littel plug for my firend who are running game at this years Phantasm con (in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada) I hope that you can come and play with us.

Here is what we are running
On the Saturday,
The Imaginary Theatre Association (The ITA) presents  it's first Video Game Tournament - MORTAL KMOBAT: TRILOGY - OLD SCHOOL

Once again human beings are in the fight for their entire existence as the evil black sorcerer Shang Tsung and his dark minions challenge the human race to the ancient ritual of Mortal Combat. The Portals of our reality once again stand ready to be opened. The only things stopping the invasion are the warriors of Humanity. Lu Kang, Sonya Blaze, Johnny Cage, Raedon and the rest of the fighters will defend our reality from certain destruction.
Click here for more information   ---->
another image

On the SundayThe Imaginary Theatre Association (The ITA) presents : - Werewolf: The Forsaken; Peterborough's Silent Cry’s -. A Live Action Role-Playing Game.

Within cloudiness of September; The Northern Ontario wind's are speaking of a heinous crime, between the Were-wolf's and the Vampire's. This whisper has spread like wild fire threw the grater and lesser packs and even the wondering wolves of a treason that has happened within the Wolves own lines.

A gathering has been called in Peterborough, in the hopes to hunt down the offenders and make an example of those who would betray there Kin...
Click here for more information   ---->
another image

well here we are.  We hope that you can come out play with us - and thank for your time ,

Ron Hoppe.
Head Coordinator
of the Imaginary Theatre Association

(edited by me to convert images to links - RE)

Message 20289#221260

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On 9/25/2006 at 12:57am, epweissengruber wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

The Phantasm con went very well and is representative of a very open and functional gaming community.

I ran 3 Dogs in the Vineyard Demos and had lots of players for my Heroquest sessions.  There was a plethora of well-run d20 events -- including a Smurfs game -- classics like Top Secret, as well as licensed properties like Usagi Yojimbo.

Plus, Peterborough has one of the longest-running Werewolf LARPS in the world and LARPERS would do well to turn to them for advice and suggestions.

Message 20289#221510

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On 9/25/2006 at 10:06pm, eyebeams wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

epweissengruber wrote:
The Phantasm con went very well and is representative of a very open and functional gaming community.

I ran 3 Dogs in the Vineyard Demos and had lots of players for my Heroquest sessions.  There was a plethora of well-run d20 events -- including a Smurfs game -- classics like Top Secret, as well as licensed properties like Usagi Yojimbo.

Plus, Peterborough has one of the longest-running Werewolf LARPS in the world and LARPERS would do well to turn to them for advice and suggestions.

It would actually be the Vampire LARP. it's run without a continuity reset since 1994. I helped run it in 1997 and 2000. The ITA has apparently been around in one form or another for a while, but not really in Peterborough until this year. Peterborough was part of a network called the Shared Universe for a few years until that collapsed.

I'd attribute Peterborough's success as a gaming community to three things:

1) Gamers play in regular games with their friends. There aren'y many desperate hobbyists.

2) It's a college and university town. This has been a substantial influence, especially on the LARP.

3) A few volunteers ran a gaming club aimed at young people for several years, teaching the basics of D&D and a few other games.

Message 20289#221581

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On 9/26/2006 at 3:39pm, Mister Hoppe wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

To eyebeams...
Yup and your right in this topic- and on that note - i would like to thank everyone for the grate time that we (at the Imaginary Theatre Association) had this year. i am doing some pre-post game notes for the ITA. I'll post something here when it all together and posted, and I would like to thank everyone who play with us, we really had a good time. And as for myself - One last thing - i had a good time in playing in James 3ed Vamp game (thumps up, and good work BtW)
Thank you to all :)

Ron Hoppe.
Head Coordinator
of the Imaginary Theatre Association

Message 20289#221643

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On 10/2/2006 at 4:28pm, Ned wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

Kinda late in posting, but just let me say...wheee!

Phantasm's one of my favourites, for many of the reasons described above. It's small, friendly, smoothly run, and a remarkably consistent site of great games and players. I ran a rawther good session of my as-yet-unpublished-but-maybe-someday-eh RPG, and played in one of Weissengruber's kick-ass Heroquest games. St. Ed Greenwood made his customary appearance, all generous and wise, and we even managed to squeeze a round or two of last-call bevvies out of the surly local publican.

Only bummer is to have missed out on RoyalCon, a new one that started this year in Montreal, but sadly went off the same weekend. Did anyone at the Forge try it out? A little coordination between the two cons on dates would not go amiss.

Message 20289#222250

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On 10/2/2006 at 8:52pm, walkerp wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

Definitely agreed.  RoyalCon was a success as well.  I would love to avoid overlapping next year if possible.  (I'd even more love to get some Indie games there.)  We are working on our dates for next year right now.  Who can I contact at Phantasm to see if we can work things out?

Congrats on your success!  It sounds like fun.

Message 20289#222270

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On 10/3/2006 at 1:10am, Ned wrote:
RE: Re: Phantasm 15 (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)

walkerp, Dave Watson's your man for Phantasm, and he's a true gent. Have PMed you contact info.

Message 20289#222306

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