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Topic: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)
Started by: c
Started on: 7/26/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 7/26/2006 at 3:02pm, c wrote:
[MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)

So I've been thinking about how I would like My Fucked Up Childhood to be played. I would like it to be good for one-shot's or short campaigns. This seems to call for strong situation. So here's my present line of thought.

You play children who are the last generation and have been given the power to control reality by God... or so Satan claims. The timeline will be right after the Rapture. The game will start with the PC's being brought from whatever their lives are onto a hill (perhaps tie in Psalms 15?) for a soliloquy with Satan and perhaps a direct challenge of one sort or another. You see Children don't have the facilities to understand the choices they make yet, so God doesn't take any of them, and since Satan has inherited the Earth and not the meek, God's sent him as an errand boy to let the Children know that they have been chosen to decide the fate of the left over inhabitants of Earth through their actions... or so Satan says. Maybe God is just a twisted motherfucker like the Maltheists believe, and perhaps he goes by Satan sometimes just to confuse the issue and keep hope alive. Perhaps this is Hell? The important part is -> PC's forced together -> they have the power to accomplish their desires -> Unanswered metaphysical questions-> profit... no I mean-- most likely friction.

The setting will be apocalyptic earth as opposed to say post-apocalyptic. The remaining church claims there was no rapture... they wouldn't still be here right? Plus Hindu's, Buddhists, Muslims, and many other non christian churches have reported missing followers. Men have begun to travel in packs raping and pillaging, government is splintering leaving powerful weapons in questionable hands. Also I'm considering that the dead have risen as promised, but it's not really the way believers envisioned John's writings. We're talking Zombies. More like 28 days and the new Dawn of the Dead style rather than the shambling type. That might push too far towards silliness if not handled well, and could cover over the rest of the game.

So what I'd like to see for this thread is; General comments on if the setting or situation is interesting, what is or is not interesting about them, clarification about situation or setting, and suggested RPG's, movies, or books.  Not Mechanics questions, or ideas. Mechanics will be in a separate thread, coming up shortly.

Message 20590#214345

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On 7/26/2006 at 4:19pm, coldblackwind wrote:
Re: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)

Hmm, very Judeo-Christian concept here. Its nice and reminds me of Constantine (DC comics Hellblazer) for starters in a way.

I would like to know how/why the children are "chosen" to control reality by God?

I think that just having the knowledge that the rapture is here is enough to make several great games out of it. I mean how would you say goodbye to that Aunt you always loved but know is going to christian hell for her sins. Now if the children had guardian angels that had a specific power and the children could influence the angels to act on their behalf that would be a twist. Or if the children just has some special gifts, like foresight or the ability to see demons and angels that would be swift.

With the dead popping up and the children involved, how they would cope will also be interesting. If they could control reality, they could wish all the monsters away. Too easy. But if they could tame a few or hide from them in plain sight would be cool as well.

Just a few thoughts.

Message 20590#214412

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On 7/26/2006 at 4:41pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)

Hi Richard,

The way I'm seeing it, the children could cause angels to intervene, or wish the monsters away, but I'm planning for the effects of their powers to be localized to an extant depending on the strength of their ability. I've got a post about some of my mechanical ideas here :

Why and how the children are chosen? I don't know. If I define that too much it could potentially block all the people with better ideas than me. I think they could all have different reasons also. What might be some of the reasons? The Children are in balance so make good test subjects as to the true nature of man. Their parents were particullay noteworthy whether for their dedication to religion, or for their decadance. The child has done something extraordinary in the past? Perhaps Satan is lying and they aren't chosen by God, maybe they are chosen by Satan?

I like the ideas about foresight, and seeing angels and demons. I'll have to think about that.

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Message 20590#214435

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On 7/27/2006 at 3:52pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)

Here's my thought - is this about kids or about God/Satan?

'Cause it can't be both, you know. Either kids are some kind of fixed or anchoring point for taking a look at God/Satan stuff, or the God/Satan stuff is a fixed or anchoring point to look at kids.

Can you help me out on this one?

Best, Ron

Message 20590#214704

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On 7/27/2006 at 6:38pm, slavemind wrote:
RE: Re: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)


Why do you think of the chosen-thing so concrete. Why give them these supernatural powers in the beginning.Acquiring them over the time would be an interesting element. Especially when the kids have to sacrifice something (or someone).
Think of that:        A child has a bitter nightmare after being raped. In this nightmare the child undergoes the rape several times. The desire of ......... (e.g. revenge) grows and the children awakes with the wish to accomplish something. How these kids join up and try to reach their goals together would give an interesting point. The focus would be on the kids and your story about God/Satan could be used as an example: One Kid has the desire to proof God that mankind is not bad and mustn't`t be destroyed.

Message 20590#214737

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On 7/28/2006 at 1:09pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)

Hi Ron,

I'd love to help you out. The problem is I'm still trying to wrap my head around what you are saying. That means I can only answer the literal part of your question. It's about the kids. I could care less about God or Satan. My main problem has been trying to create a situation to place  the children in. Something that removes them from parental constraints, and gives the players the ability to shape the universe. Previously I was using an Orphanage, an idea I stole from my favorite T.V. show, a Japanese anime titled Monster. Something about the Orphanage idea didn't satisfy me. I thought this idea up but after sleeping on it, something about it didn't satisfy me either. Basically, I'm having a hard time making a situation.

Hi slavemind,

The reason the chosen thing is concrete is that the children's powers are just a way of allowing the players to have a good deal of control of the game which should hopefully lead to meaningful challenges between them.

Message 20590#214854

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On 7/28/2006 at 1:26pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)

Hi Clyde,

Fortunately, my question was fully literal. There is no hidden meaning you have to dope out.

However, your answer makes this whole thread confusing to me. The only topic you've really hit hard is what God wants, what He's like, what Satan wants, whether who means what, and all sorts of similar stuff.

If it's about the kids, then what matters are the choices the kids are given. That's all. What sort of choices did you have in mind?

Best, Ron

Message 20590#214861

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On 7/28/2006 at 4:00pm, c wrote:
RE: Re: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)

Ah... I see.

What are the children's choices? That's a great question, and I'm not really sure what the answer is. The way I've been thinking of it is the players would be revealing the children's choices. I was thinking I would say here's this situation, what do you do? If I'm understanding you correctly-- you are saying there needs to be more context than, "You're all in a bar, now what do you do?"

So my mechanics seem to be suggesting that a choice between enduring painful situations or forcing their wants on to others is the most important choice for the children. Beyond that I'm unsure.

Message 20590#214886

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On 7/28/2006 at 4:45pm, slavemind wrote:
RE: Re: [MFUC] First shot at situation + Setting (adult language + blasphemy)

eventually to answer one of the following questions will help you to get an idea of that. (What are the childrens choices)

Is it about everyday problems or is it epic?
How hard is it going to be?
How much power/influence will the children have?
Will there be anything to guide or help the children make their decisions?
Are there any enemies in the beginning, for example demons or parents, who want the children....

I could think of a war between two gangs, a murderer and many problems of everyday life, which can be very interesting when looked at with the eyes of a raped kid.

Message 20590#214892

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