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Topic: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.
Started by: Sindyr
Started on: 7/26/2006
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 7/26/2006 at 4:22pm, Sindyr wrote:
Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

I am now currently trying to have conversations with what seems to be over a dozen people simultaneously, who are posting quite rapidly.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to devote the time and energy required to reply with a quality well written response.  I am going to have to abbreviate, to forego examples, and to speak plainly.  I will have to make many formatting, grammar, and spelling mistakes as I ramp up my speed to try to keep up.  For example, if someone writes a specific and detailed response about why I am wrong about something, I simply can't spend twenty minutes writing a well thought out reply without getting severely backed up on other replies I must attend to.  Plus the fact is that I seem to have to repeat myself alot.

So unfortunately, I am going to have to resort to vulgar abbreviations and terse replies that will seem unworthy of me.

I again apologize, but there is no other option for me as long as I continue to be flooded by a dozen people on a dozen threads.

So don't take it personally if I start to use some standard replies like:

-Already explained: see above and other threads
-Nothing new has been said, my previous reply stands
-Nothing relevant has been said, my previous reply stands

and such like.  It's not personal, it's just that I am only one man and don't have enough time and energy to get more detailed, even if I wanted to spend my whole day doing this, and I don't.

Thanks for your understanding.

Message 20593#214421

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On 7/26/2006 at 4:35pm, Sindyr wrote:
Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

Wow.  Finally a break in the flood.  Gonna grab some lunch and check back in to see if I have been reflooded.

Message 20593#214433

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On 7/26/2006 at 5:08pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

Here's a novel idea.

Quit starting multiple threads at the same time.  Quit responding lightening fast to every post that comes up.

Post slower and you won't be flooded.

Moreover...don't hide your rudeness behind a veil of "I don't have time to reply with a quality well written response".  That's crap.  Simply don't reply until you DO have time.  That's the beauty of asynchronous communication...the post will still be here tomorrow.

Rude is one thing, but expecting everyone else to wade through a thousand empty Sindyr posts just because you don't have the time to post intelligently is beyond the pale.  It isn't an "unfortuneate side effect", its childish attention seeking. I highly recommend you stop it immediately if you actually desire people to continue to pay you any heed at all.

Message 20593#214446

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On 7/26/2006 at 5:23pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

If there's a "break in the flood," it's in part because (this post aside), I'm simply not responding to your posts anymore, Sindyr. You've shown no respect for people who question you or disagree with you, you don't rely on reason, you set up hypotheticals to "prove" that you're right, you discount people's responses to you. I suggest you read Valamir's response to you here and think about real hard before you respond to another post, because he's been on the Forge longer than almost anyone else and he knows the score.

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Message 20593#214454

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On 7/26/2006 at 5:31pm, Sindyr wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

I am getting more of the same, unfortunately.  (shrug)

I hope others are more understanding.

Everything I have written, especially before I started to get flooded, stands well on its own, and almost every question that keeps being asked has its answers already there, if one but looks.


Message 20593#214457

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On 7/26/2006 at 5:39pm, Bret Gillan wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

Let these forums no longer be known as the Muse of Fire Forums. I hereby rename them: WACKYTOWN. ;)

Message 20593#214462

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On 7/26/2006 at 5:42pm, Sindyr wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

Uh, OK. ;)

Message 20593#214464

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On 7/26/2006 at 5:53pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

See, if I were den mother as well as moderator, this is where I'd step in and say "Okay, people, this is only going to get worse and worse.  Let's stop it here."

Eh.  You guys don't need a den mother.  I'm gonna sit back and watch the carnage.

I will observe that Sindyr's tack here is really badly chosen.  It seems based on the idea that his continuing to post as fast as he possibly can on as many threads as he can possibly manage is a higher priority than him listening carefully and responding thoughtfully.

Now if I want to read really charitably (as I usually do) I can say "Yeah, but that's not what he meant.  He probably just feels the natural desire to not let a bunch of people gang up on him while he sits back silently taking hits because he's trying to adhere to a high standard of posting."  I feel that myself, in many situations.  It's hard to say to yourself "Okay, I gotta just let nine out of ten of the responses I could make go, and do one as well as I possibly can."  If Sindyr would rather not do that?  I can dig that.  I'd rather not do it too.  Just because it's the smart choice doesn't mean it's fun.

So I don't immediately jump from "Wow, he's chosen a monumentally bad conversational tack," to any judgment about Sindyr as a person.

At the same time, he's chosen a monumentally bad conversational tack, and now (metaphorically) he's going to bleed for it.  I got zero problem with that.  Such is life.

Message 20593#214472

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On 7/26/2006 at 5:57pm, Gaerik wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

Sindyr wrote:

-Already explained: see above and other threads
-Nothing new has been said, my previous reply stands
-Nothing relevant has been said, my previous reply stands

Ooooh....   I need this shorthand too!  I'm so totally stealing this.  Here's my canned responses and what they mean...

- Already explained: see above and other threads.

You've refuted my hypotheticals and my argument isn't solid enough for me to have real Actual Play examples or evidence, so I'm going to pretend that something I said up above was worth a shit and direct you to reread my earlier drivel.

- Nothing new has been said.  My previous reply stands.

I'm still ignoring your argument, since it doesn't match with my preconceived notions.  I can continue to do this for months... yea, even years!  You will eventually agree with me because I simply outlive you.

- Nothing relevant has been said, my previous reply stands

Since my argument doesn't have any merit and yours does, I'm going to pretend yours isn't relevant to the conversation.  Read all my other posts and try not to fall asleep from the sheer redundancy.

Message 20593#214473

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On 7/26/2006 at 6:00pm, Sindyr wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

TonyLB wrote:
I will observe that Sindyr's tack here is really badly chosen.  It seems based on the idea that his continuing to post as fast as he possibly can on as many threads as he can possibly manage is a higher priority than him listening carefully and responding thoughtfully.

Normally, I would agree, but fortunately (or unfortunately) most fo the questions that keep coming have already been addressed, so spending the minimum possible time on them is possible and probably wise, simply referring them to the earlier answer.

Now if I want to read really charitably (as I usually do) I can say "Yeah, but that's not what he meant.  He probably just feels the natural desire to not let a bunch of people gang up on him while he sits back silently taking hits because he's trying to adhere to a high standard of posting."

That perhaps was a problem.  I hope as the flooding dies down over the next several days, I can go back to more in depth responses.

Again, my apologies for my limitations of time and energy, but I am just one man and still have to earn a living and do many other things apart from being here on these forums.

Should any feels so motivated, I am always available voice for a MUCH more efficient mode of conversation.

Message 20593#214475

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On 7/26/2006 at 6:02pm, Sindyr wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

Andrew wrote: (stuff)

If that's what it takes to get you through the day, go for it.  There's a LOT of other true things and facts I have posted, so if you will be rewriting everything I have said to suit your preconceptions, you better get to it, there a LOT of work to do.


Message 20593#214477

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On 7/28/2006 at 6:46am, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: Unfortunate side effect: Abbreviations. AFFECTS ALL THREADS.

Sindyr wrote:
Everything I have written, especially before I started to get flooded, stands well on its own, and almost every question that keeps being asked has its answers already there, if one but looks.

I had, like, eleven questions for you, Sindyr. Then I "but looked" as you suggested (which I assumed meant to look at my own butt) and you're right: the answers were already there.

Until you can give more time to your posts, though, I'm gonna start drinking again. It's the only way I can deal with the heartbreak. Please, please come back to full power as soon as you can. Think of my liver.

Also, thanks SO MUCH for posting about your personal time-management issues here on the Muse of Fire Games forum. That is exactly the kind of content I'm looking for when I visit here. If anything else crops up in your life -- I mean ANYTHING -- get back here and tell us all about it as soon as you can. Be as detailed as possible.

Message 20593#214827

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