The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Gen Con Booth Newbie Visualization
Started by: Paka
Started on: 8/3/2006
Board: Conventions

On 8/3/2006 at 6:21pm, Paka wrote:
Gen Con Booth Newbie Visualization

I am trying to picture this weekend a little bit.  Allow me to visual here and let me know where I am off.

I will arrive at the convention center on Wednesday morning, a day earlier than previous years because we'll be setting up the booth.  Hand-cuffed to my wrist will be 50 copies of the Dictionary of Mu.  I will get out of my limo at the convention center and my bodyguards will keep the screaming fans away.

I will go up to the desk and ask for my badge, saying that I am with the Adept Press booth.  The guy at the desk will ask me if I am THE Paka.  I will inform him that yes, I am indeed.  After signing autographs I will head to the dealer's room with my Forge badge.

We will meet in the Dealer's room and set up shop, go over demo's and procedures and all that jazz.

What time will we meet at the dealer's room on Wednesday?

Other than fantasizing hubris, is the rest of how this is going to go down about right?

Message 20748#215615

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On 8/3/2006 at 10:44pm, abzu wrote:
Shaken, Not Stirred

Judd: 1. Me: 0.

The booth set up on Wednesday is typically rather chaotic and without schedule. Get in, stop by the hall and get your badge and come to the booth and drop off your stock.

Plan on a 5ish booth meeting at which I will be giving everyone the rundown and at which Ron will do his spiel as well. After that, we eat and then we party at the DJ awards. Or you do. I'm going to run a Burning Empires game for Chris Moeller!

Thursday morning, you report for duty at 9 am and we go over booth procedures and demo tips again. And then we are off and running.

Message 20748#215663

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On 8/3/2006 at 11:11pm, RobNJ wrote:
Re: Gen Con Booth Newbie Visualization

I'm sure you have a surfeit of offers, but if anyone needs help with anything, let me know.  Right now I am registered for nothing.  If this kind of post isn't appropriate on this thread, then please delete it.

Message 20748#215670

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On 8/3/2006 at 11:24pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: Gen Con Booth Newbie Visualization

Just a heads-up, Luke: I will be insinuating myself into this Chris Moeller BE game like a bad mother-in-law.

Message 20748#215674

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