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Topic: Character-Player Interface
Started by: aaronil
Started on: 8/5/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 8/5/2006 at 9:26pm, aaronil wrote:
Character-Player Interface

Hello, my name's Aaron and this is my first post on the Forge.

Role-playing games are unique in that you can adopt the persona of someone with vastly different capabilities than you, usually represented by various character traits. How this fact is reconciled is what I'm calling the character-player interface (I'm not sure if there's a Forge term for this, but I'm eager to learn).
As an example, say my friend Jarett wants to play a charismatic leader but feels unqualified for the task. How could I help him fulfill his dream of playing this charismatic leader?

My question is how do you build an rpg that not only accounts for the character-player interface, but does so in a way which helps and inspires a player to portray a character different from them? How have you addressed this challenge in your game design and play?

Aaron Infante-Levy


Reason is a character trait representing the ability of the mind to form abstract concepts and operate logically and swiftly. It is used to compute math problems, navigate mazes, figure out how complex systems work, and to determine how long it takes to read a book.

You may use Reason point in the following ways:

Comprehension: While you might not understand all the lingo in the game world, nor have the vocabulary of an Oxford scholar, your character can figure out the meaning of most words. Each Reason point you spend allows you to understand one source’s information (such as a person or a book) for a scene. If you don’t understand the language then you only get the jist, not the specifics.

Detect False Premise: Though you might not be able to pinpoint the flaw in an argument, your character zeroes in on such false assumptions. Each Reason point you spend reveals one false premise. For example, a false premise of “because he is a criminal killing him won’t harm society” is that all criminals don’t contribute to society.

Logical Conclusion: Your character can anticipate the logical conclusion of a significant event, calculating what is most likely to occur in a chain of reactions. Each Reason point you spend allows you to predict what will happen as a result of an event (even a hypothetical one): 1 point (an hour), 2 points (a day), 3 points (a week), 4 points (a month), 5 points (a season), 6 points (a year), 7 points (a decade), etc. However, this only looks at one dimension of the event’s effects (e.g. “within one town” or “economically speaking”); you may spend Reason points to increase the number of dimensions that you take into account.

Quick-Thinking: Even though it may take you a while to come up with a plan, your character can do so in blinding speeds. Each Reason point you spend cuts the time in half (round down). Thus if you spend 4 Reason points you could reduce a 20 minute plan to only taking 1 minute in the game (1/16 the time).

Puzzle Hint: You might be flummoxed by the Narrator’s puzzle (riddle, maze, or what have you), but your character keeps his cool and applies what he already knows to gain an insight. Each Reason point you spend gets a helpful hint from the Narrator or another player of your choice.

Message 20768#215864

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On 8/5/2006 at 10:31pm, TonyLB wrote:
Re: Character-Player Interface

Well ... there's two things here:  One is trying to help a player to tell a story about a character who has abilities beyond the player's.  Like, I cannot lift a car.  And yet, I can tell stories in which lifting a car (off of, one presumes, a scared child) is very important.

Another (largely separate) thing is trying to help a player feel as if they, themselves, have abilities that mimic the character's.  Now, I will be all over the game (a LARP, one presumes) that lets me feel that way about lifting a car.  But since, at the gaming table, we're mostly thinking and socializing, such things are often restricted to feeling smarter and more socially adept than we actually are.

Now the first (telling a story about a clever person) is pretty easy.  When the player says "Ah!  Did you notice the mud on the man's shoes?  It is a distinctive type known only in the southern moorlands," you (the GM) immediately say "Genius!  How do you do it, Holmes?" ... and you start figuring out how the mud that you'd never heard of before, and the moorlands that have nothing to do with "your plan" will turn out to be utterly critical to the story that actually gets told.

The second ... that strikes me as much trickier.  I mean ... you're basically trying to deceive the player (albeit with their connivance) and that's hard.

Which are you looking for?

Message 20768#215875

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On 8/5/2006 at 11:43pm, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

I'm not making the same distinction you are. The way I see it I'm trying to help a player portray a character who has abilities beyond the player's. What's the second distinction you make? I'm not clear.

You suggest that when a player portraying a clever character comes up with something, the Narrator should accept it as truth and go on from there, that is improvise. Thus I assume the Narrator wouldn't react the same to a dim-witted character? That's interesting.
Improvisation strikes me as something the Narrator is either going to do all the time regardless of the character's intelligence (because that's their preferred style of play), tries to do as little as possible (because they like to be in control of the game's plot), or there is a built-in game mechanic allowing who narrates to switch, such as The Pool's "monologue of victory."

Thanks for your response.

Message 20768#215882

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On 8/5/2006 at 11:57pm, anders_larsen wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

Far the most game have mechanic that will help and inspire a player to play a character with abilities very different than his own. The best example is the combat system. Not many roleplayers are good at combat, but fighting characters are popular anyway. The reason for this is that there is a mechanic that define in what ways the player (through his character) can affect the game.

So if you want the same possibility for a Leadership ability, then a way to do this is to make a Leadership mechanic. It is not always enough with just a Leader skill, because a skill does not define in what ways it affect the game. But if you have a mechanic that say: if you do this, there is this chance that this will happen, the player will know he can do, even though he have no leadership ability himself.

Of cause with this approach, there have to be a mechanic for each ability that is important for the game.

A simpler way to do it is to have a higher level conflict resolution that give the player narrative control. But this is not something I have worked with in my own game designs.

- Anders

Message 20768#215886

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On 8/6/2006 at 12:53am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

aaronil wrote:
I'm not making the same distinction you are. The way I see it I'm trying to help a player portray a character who has abilities beyond the player's. What's the second distinction you make? I'm not clear.

Well, it seems sorta cheesy to say "define the word 'portray'," but I think that may be what it comes down to.  An actor will have great difficulty portraying a six-legged tentacle horror, particularly on-stage.  He doesn't have, for instance, six tentacles.  An animator will have substantially less difficulty portraying the same horror.  Doesn't matter that he doesn't have six tentacles.  He's got a pencil and paper.

In the first case "act out" is included in "portray" because of the way that the actor chooses to portray a subject.  In the second case, not so much.  Similarly, great intelligence is difficult to portray if I must (for instance) actually recite the mathematical theorems that my character creates.  It is quite easy to portray if I can just say "And then Richards spouts a complicated and elegant mathematical theorem," and everyone will nod and agree.  See the differences in what is subsumed in portrayal?

That's the distinction I'm making.

aaronil wrote: You suggest that when a player portraying a clever character comes up with something, the Narrator should accept it as truth and go on from there, that is improvise. Thus I assume the Narrator wouldn't react the same to a dim-witted character? That's interesting.

Glad you like it.  My take on it is that someone who buys great intelligence is buying the ability to predict what's going to happen.  So if they make a prediction, the odds of it being correct should be influenced by whether they have great intelligence.

Now, yeah, you could say "Uh ... because of your great intelligence you wouldn't predict X, but would instead predict Y," if you want.  But since "What's going to happen" is just as potentially fluid as "What the intelligent person predicts" you could change either or both to bring them into synchrony.

Now it would be funny to have a person whose powerful ability is their raw stupidity ... such that if they predict something it cannot happen, even if it was what the GM was planning.

Message 20768#215890

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On 8/6/2006 at 4:06am, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface


Are you familier with the game Burning Wheel, specifically the Duel of Wits mechanic? It's designed to do exactely what I think you're getting at - allow a player who does not (f'rex) a very good ability to convince other players of his side of argument the tools to place the effort of convincing into the mechanical realm, instead of the purely social realm. Does that make any sense?

This thread on the Burning Wheel forums is all about DoW and how it works, and may be of interest.

I hope some of that helps.

Message 20768#215900

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On 8/6/2006 at 7:05am, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

TonyLB wrote:
In the first case "act out" is included in "portray" because of the way that the actor chooses to portray a subject.  In the second case, not so much.  Similarly, great intelligence is difficult to portray if I must (for instance) actually recite the mathematical theorems that my character creates.  It is quite easy to portray if I can just say "And then Richards spouts a complicated and elegant mathematical theorem," and everyone will nod and agree.  See the differences in what is subsumed in portrayal?

I see the two ends of the spectrum you are describing. I'm looking to create a balanced character-player interface (neither requiring the full mathematical theorem, nor letting it go at the one liner). My thought to accomplish this, rather than provide the character with bonuses based on the player's exposition, is to provide the player with tricks based on their character's ability.

TonyLB wrote:
Now it would be funny to have a person whose powerful ability is their raw stupidity ... such that if they predict something it cannot happen, even if it was what the GM was planning.

:D Funny yes, and interesting too.

Nathan wrote:
Are you familier with the game Burning Wheel, specifically the Duel of Wits mechanic? It's designed to do exactely what I think you're getting at - allow a player who does not (f'rex) a very good ability to convince other players of his side of argument the tools to place the effort of convincing into the mechanical realm, instead of the purely social realm. Does that make any sense?
This thread on the Burning Wheel forums is all about DoW and how it works, and may be of interest.
I hope some of that helps.

Thanks, it does. Having not played Burning Wheel yet, I'm left wondering at all the discussion about it. Some say "it reduces roleplay to a dice roll" others say "it keeps the game moving fast and encourages role-play". I'm a bit bewildered about what to think.

Message 20768#215907

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On 8/6/2006 at 1:18pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

Hi Aaron,

I'd suggest playing a few games that address your interest in different ways.  Burning Wheel's Duel of Wits does so explicitly, regardless of where you fall on its utility at the table.  Prime Time Adventures gives protagonists broad narrative authority of the type Tony mentioned, which makes playing characters far outside your range and expertise a snap.  Breaking the Ice forces you to create and play a character that is very different from yourself.  All are awesome and worth knowing as a designer. 

Message 20768#215917

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On 8/6/2006 at 5:28pm, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

Thanks for the suggestions. BW and PA are both on my list of games to play and probably buy. Breaking the Ice is completely new to me, but the premise sounds fascinating. I checked out the game's website, but I'm wondering if it's applicable to multi-player games with a "part-time" Narrator? (I ask because it touts itself as a two-player game)

Message 20768#215933

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On 8/6/2006 at 7:12pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

Well, BtI is all about helping and inspiring you to play someone different from yourself - it isn't even possible to play someone like yourself.  So from that POV it may be noteworthy.  ECB is releasing the follow-up to Breaking the Ice, Shooting the Moon, which is a three-player game and may be pertinent to your questions as well.

Message 20768#215941

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On 8/7/2006 at 7:41am, davidberg wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

Hey Aaron-

After reading this thread, I am guessing that your desire to "help and inspire a player to portray a character different from them" could be nit-pickingly re-worded as a desire to "give a player some fun tools to allow his character to be effective at things he himself is not effective at", with an emphasis on social / mental effectiveness.  If that's accurate, then your "Reason points" and 5 abilities that use them sounds like a good stab at it to me.

Come up with as many social / mental feats that might be fun to accomplish in-game as you possibly can.  If a player wants to MacGuyver a booby-trap, there should be an entry in the rulebook for it.  If he wants to write a poem so moving that it'll sway his estranged ex to visit him, likewise. 

It should be noted that in many games, abilities to do such things would be effected by Skills (set traps, jury-rig, write poetry) and/or Knowledges (literature, psychology).  So you'll need to decide what players will be thinking about (aptitude vs. training vs. background) when figuring out how to get the abilities they want, and whether chosen abilities will be relatively specialized (set traps), relatively broad-spectrum (solve problems), or a mix of both.


If you are concerned with realism and consistency, I have put some thought into allowing characters certain social feats their players may be incapable of without rendering an interaction incoherent or stupid.  E.g., I very much wish to avoid:

Scenario 1:
Player 1: I say, "You don't look so ugly, Ugly Bob!"
GM: (knows that Ugly Bob prides himself on being ugly, but consults his player's Charisma stat and sees that it dictates Bob react favorably)  "Aw, what a kidder!" says Bob.
Player 1: "No, I'm serious.  I've seen ugly guys.  You're not ugly at all."
GM: (fudges another polite response)
Player 2: Didn't we hear that Ugly Bob has killed guys for calling him "not ugly"?

Scenario 2:
GM: You remember what you've heard about Ugly Bob, and using your high Charisma, you talk him into showing you his secret lair.
Player 1: Uh, wait, what actually happened?
Player 2: He had to summarize cuz you would have fucked it up.  That sucks, I wanted to play meeting this guy...

Even if you're not particularly concerned with these possibilities, you might want to think about how such situations get handled in your game.

If you're interested in what I've come up with so far (warning: low on the "inspiring" factor), let me know.


Message 20768#215974

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On 8/7/2006 at 8:57am, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

aaronil wrote:
You may use Reason point in the following ways:

Comprehension: While you might not understand all the lingo in the game world, nor have the vocabulary of an Oxford scholar, your character can figure out the meaning of most words. Each Reason point you spend allows you to understand one source’s information (such as a person or a book) for a scene. If you don’t understand the language then you only get the jist, not the specifics.

Detect False Premise: Though you might not be able to pinpoint the flaw in an argument, your character zeroes in on such false assumptions. Each Reason point you spend reveals one false premise. For example, a false premise of “because he is a criminal killing him won’t harm society” is that all criminals don’t contribute to society.

Logical Conclusion: Your character can anticipate the logical conclusion of a significant event, calculating what is most likely to occur in a chain of reactions. Each Reason point you spend allows you to predict what will happen as a result of an event (even a hypothetical one): 1 point (an hour), 2 points (a day), 3 points (a week), 4 points (a month), 5 points (a season), 6 points (a year), 7 points (a decade), etc. However, this only looks at one dimension of the event’s effects (e.g. “within one town” or “economically speaking”); you may spend Reason points to increase the number of dimensions that you take into account.

Quick-Thinking: Even though it may take you a while to come up with a plan, your character can do so in blinding speeds. Each Reason point you spend cuts the time in half (round down). Thus if you spend 4 Reason points you could reduce a 20 minute plan to only taking 1 minute in the game (1/16 the time).

Puzzle Hint: You might be flummoxed by the Narrator’s puzzle (riddle, maze, or what have you), but your character keeps his cool and applies what he already knows to gain an insight. Each Reason point you spend gets a helpful hint from the Narrator or another player of your choice.

Could you perhaps instead give the player points, which he can spend define what a 'charasmatic leader' can do (and he makes up powers in much the same way you have). Each powers cost is open to bartering amongst the whole player group. Any player can set their own starting price (the highest price wins). That way, everyone can agree and internalise the power as noted. He shows each one to the group, one at a time, and is instructed not to  fall in love with any he makes in advance and before he actually knows if he'll be able to afford them.

What I'm suggesting, is that once you get initial agreements, latter portrayals are more open to further agreement by everyone.

Message 20768#215977

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On 8/11/2006 at 10:08pm, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

David wrote:
Come up with as many social / mental feats that might be fun to accomplish in-game as you possibly can.  If a player wants to MacGuyver a booby-trap, there should be an entry in the rulebook for it.  If he wants to write a poem so moving that it'll sway his estranged ex to visit him, likewise. 

It should be noted that in many games, abilities to do such things would be effected by Skills (set traps, jury-rig, write poetry) and/or Knowledges (literature, psychology). 

What you describe (skills) is "what the character can do." I see my approach as "how to help the player depict their character." I think this is an important distinction. I'm not trying to subsume character skills/abilities; rather I'm trying to present universal tools. It's not just for those who are "roleplaying challenged" but for anyone having a bad day, unable to get into their character, or taking on a new or temporary persona.

David Berg link=topic=20768.msg215974#msg215974 date=1154936487 wrote: If you're interested in what I've come up with so far (warning: low on the "inspiring" factor), let me know.

I'd like to see your ideas, David. Thanks.

Callan S. wrote: Could you perhaps instead give the player points, which he can spend define what a 'charasmatic leader' can do (and he makes up powers in much the same way you have). Each powers cost is open to bartering amongst the whole player group. Any player can set their own starting price (the highest price wins). That way, everyone can agree and internalise the power as noted. He shows each one to the group, one at a time, and is instructed not to  fall in love with any he makes in advance and before he actually knows if he'll be able to afford them.

What I'm suggesting, is that once you get initial agreements, latter portrayals are more open to further agreement by everyone.

Totally. I envision this system as being best-suited to a creative bunch of players willing to adapt it to their needs. Still, I also want to provide some basis for creation, a spring-board if you will, so that players have an idea of what's possible with Reason, Perception, Willpower, or what have you.

Message 20768#216365

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On 8/12/2006 at 6:36am, davidberg wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

aaronil wrote:
What you describe (skills) is "what the character can do." I see my approach as "how to help the player depict their character." I think this is an important distinction.

I think it is too.  Perhaps I went onto a tangent.  The best I can say now is that having "what the character can do" defined in a compelling and easy-to-work-with fashion may help the player depict their character.

aaronil wrote:
David wrote:
If you are concerned with realism and consistency, I have put some thought into allowing characters certain social feats their players may be incapable of without rendering an interaction incoherent or stupid . . . If you're interested in what I've come up with so far (warning: low on the "inspiring" factor), let me know.

I'd like to see your ideas, David. Thanks.

Okay, here goes.  The following is not an attempt to resolve issues that I've found problematic by way of clever solutions; it's an attempt to draw clear lines between what's problematic and what isn't, and simply ditch the problematic stuff.

This is long.  I'd post a link, but I don't have a website.  Instead, I'll just drop the font way down, so as not to tie up a huge chunk of your thread.

Social Play

Your character's ability to be charming, suave, commanding, likable, frighteningly erratic, or to create any other desired impression in others, is dependent solely on your ability to roleplay that.

Your character's ability to devise plans of action based on knowledge and information is likewise dependent on your own powers of reasoning.

Your character's ability to acquire knowledge and information is generally a matter of roleplaying, but there are a few important exceptions:

1) Noticing things in the character's environment

2) Judging the significance of things in the character's environment

3) Noticing and judging the behavior of people the character comes in contact with

Noticing things in the character's environment

The character is there and the player isn't, so the GM must fill in this knowledge gap with description to some extent.  Ideally, this extent is determined by the players asking questions of the GM, deciding what is relevant to their characters and pursuing it.  Anything not covered by the GM's initial description and subsequent player questions can be assumed as, "The character wasn't looking for/thinking about it."

Obviously, it is very important that the GM's initial description include all sights, sounds, smells, etc. that a character "would notice" right off the bat.  If the GM wishes to suppose that "not all characters would notice all things equally", he can refer to the following character attributes:

1) relevant experience, in the form of either shared understanding of character background, or applicable Sensitivities

2) a Notice score

3) the combination of the above

In a case where the GM still feels that the character might or might not notice something, the Notice score and Knowledges can form the basis of a roll.  A possible system: Skill Check based on Notice, with a +1 bonus for every level of applicable Sensitivities.

The players and GM must discuss whether or not this system will be used before character creation, so players will know whether they want to spend character points on Notice and Sensitivities.

Judging the significance of things in the character's environment

Telling a player the physical phenomena that his character notices may not cover the whole story.  Characters have experience that their players don't, and these inform their assessments of physical phenomena.  It is often appropriate for the GM to follow a remark such as, "There's a yellow blaze mark on the tree," with, "this means someone other than the Imperials had planned to make a trail here."  When is this appropriate?  Hopefully, a general understanding of the character's background (plus prior gameplay) will enable the GM to decide.  If it still seems somewhat arbitrary, though, he can refer to the following character attributes:

1) Knowledges

2) a Memory score

3) the combination of the above

A possible system: Skill Check based on Memory, with a +1 bonus for every level of applicable Knowledges.

The players and GM must discuss whether or not this system will be used before character creation, so players will know whether they want to spend character points on Memory and Knowledges.

Noticing and judging the behavior of people the character comes in contact with

The GM may not be up to portraying/describing every facial tic of every NPC the characters want something from.  The GM may also be uncertain how well the characters can notice and judge these signs to guess at the NPC's true mood/motives/intentions.

A similar scenario exists in the reverse: an NPC attempts to "read" the characters beyond simply hearing their words.

What is roleplayed determines the bounds of the interaction, but if there is room within those bounds for varying levels of deception and perception, the GM can refer to the following character  and NPC attributes:

1) a Social Perception score

2) a Control Mannerisms score

A possible system:
S.P. attempts are rolled as Skill Checks based on the S.P. score.  The difficulty (target #) is modified by the opponent's C.M. score if the opponent is actively trying to dissemble or avoid giving away information.  If the opponent is not attempting this, the difficulty is unmodified.

The same system applies for the reverse scenario: the GM rolls the opponent's S.P., modifying the difficulty according to the player character's C.M.

The players and GM must discuss whether or not this system will be used before character creation, so players will know whether they want to spend character points on Social Perception and Control Mannerisms.


Players are encouraged to write down on their character sheets the types of things they learn in-game as reminders for later.  These Knowledges are free, and need not be paid for with character points.  Some Sensitivities may also be acquired for free, granted to the player by the GM as a direct result of something that happened during play.  All other Knowledges and Sensitivities are bought (during character creation and later) with character points.

If you decide to use the Notice, Memory, Social Perception and Control Mannerisms stats as part of your game, the costs to buy and boost these should reflect how useful you expect them to be.  As occasional supplements to roleplaying (recommended), they should be cheap skills (base 1 or 2).  As frequent determiners of important character success and failure, they should be treated like Ability Scores (Agility, Toughness, etc.).

I fear this may be useless to your endeavor, but hopefully at the very least it'll give you some food for thought.


Message 20768#216381

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On 8/12/2006 at 10:56pm, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

David, on the contrary, that was really helpful. I thought your decision to make character charisma dependent on player charisma very interesting. As it turns out I was thinking along the same lines, and have 3 abilities which mirror yours: Reason, Focus (incorporating memory), and Perception.

Here's an example of the kind of play I'm shooting for. (In this example, a negative score can be used a number of times equal to its value. The player makes some error based on their deficient score and is rewarded with a Conviction/Action/Hero/Story point.)

Sir Justin has Reason -1, Perception +1, and Focus +2. He is entering the crypt of a saint of his church ahead of the rest of his group after a church prelate reported that a group of Sinarite heretics have chained themselves to the saint’s coffin. It has just rained.

Narrator: As you descend the crypt’s glistening stairs you can make out torch light, and hear moaning and the sound of whips upon flesh. A sharp cry pierces the night wind.
Sir Justin: Hmm, I’m guessing they’re just showing their devotion (you know, flagellating), but I’m going to make an error of reason, jumping to the conclusion that they’re defiling the tomb. I need some Conviction points bad after last adventure. I’ll charge into the crypt with my mace drawn yelling, “Defilers! Heathens!”
Narrator: As you charge forward you slip on the water covering the stairs.
Sir Justin: Wait a second! I would have noticed the water.
Narrator: Ok, I’ll be clearer next time, but recall that it just rained. Do you want to use a Perception point to have taken into account the water?
Sir Justin: Yeah, but I still am jumping to conclusions here, so I’ll yell out as I descend the steps steadily, “I am an inquisitor of the Brethren of Light, tasked to defend the blessed saints from grave defilers and heathen defamers. Prepare a champion amongst yourselves, for tonight all are punished!”
Narrator: Emerging into the torch-lit crypt, you see a group of men and woman chained to the coffin of St. Alstarius; their backs are stripped bare and their fellows whip them with scourges while tears pour down their cheeks. Seeing you approach, a young broad-shouldered canonist stands in your way, “How dare you draw arms in the tomb of a blessed saint?”
Sir Justin: Hmm, these are those Sinarites you mentioned earlier, huh? I’ll spend a Focus point to recallt their ethos is. That’ll help me decide how to handle this…

Perception represents the mind’s ability to selectively acquire sensory information and interpret it usefully. It is used to listen to people speaking behind closed doors, spot someone hiding, count the number of soldiers in a company, smell traces of incense, taste a hint of poison, and feel your way in the dark.

Implied Intent: While you might not describe everything your character would be trying to perceive, your character still is on the look out. Each Perception point you spend compels the Narrator to answer a vague question like “do I notice anything that might help me out of this prison cell?” The Narrator might simply provide you with some ideas or require you to make a Perception check, with varying results providing more or less information.

Percept: A percept is the mental impression of what the senses perceive. While you might not be clear about what the Narrator is describing, your character might know exactly what it is. Each Perception point you spend allows you to get a one or two word answer about the identity of what you’re witnessing. For example, you might have no clue what “a large stinking vulture-like bipedal creature with murderous eyes and an aura of evil” is, but your character might recognize it as a demonic vrock. If your character wouldn’t know, then the Narrator may veto your expenditure.

Taken into Account: When you don’t notice something because you weren’t paying attention or your Narrator wasn’t clear enough (not because it was hidden), your character still notices it. Each Perception point you spend allows you to have noticed something after the fact – the scene is re-played from the time you noticed.

Visualize: While you might have trouble visualizing the scene, your character witnesses what’s going on in its entirety. Each Perception point you spend allows you to consult with one map, picture, or other visual aid; your character must reasonably have access to such information. If no aid is available, the Narrator will sketch something up for you.

Wiggle Room: The Narrator provides you with information about what your character perceives, but often such description has to be somewhat vague in order to keep the game moving. While you might not get the full picture of the scene, your character does. Each Perception point you spend allows you to make one reasonable assumption about the scene’s environment, such as a chandelier in a duke’s palace.

Focus represents the mind’s ability to concentrate despite distraction, to remember information, and to absorb new lessons. It is used to maintain control over a supernatural power, perform an action despite violent motion, recall a bit of obscure lore, recognize a guard you’ve seen before, or advance a skill.

Memory Aid: While you might be unable to remember new information, your character retains it like a sponge. Each Focus point you spend compels the Narrator (or another player) to provide you with a memory aid – a handout, chart, or mnemonic device for example – regarding one scene, character, object, place, or organization.

Quick Recap: While you might be foggy about what’s happened in the game, the events are clear in your character’s mind. Each Focus point you spend compels the Narrator (or another player) to provide you with a quick recap of last session’s events (or, if you’ve just arrived at the game late, that same session). Each additional point you spend extends the number of sessions recapped.

Recall: When you forget something, your character probably knows it. You may spend a Focus point to get a reminder from the Narrator or another player of your choice; this may take the form of “do I recognize the guard?” If it’s disputed or no one can remember clearly, the player whose character has the highest Focus has the final say.

Take a Break: While you might get tired of a scene, your character is intently focused. You may spend a Focus point to take a short break from the scene or to gloss over events and get on with the main adventure – of course, you’ll either revisit the glossed over events in a flashback or you’ll give the Narrator say over what transpired “behind the scenes.” For example, you might get tired of trying to figure out a puzzle and decide to pick it up later, or even to solve it in between game sessions.

Weaving/Framing: These terms refer to taking control of the narrative. Weaving gives you control for a short moment to declare what you discover, whereas framing makes you the Narrator for an agreed upon time, usually depicting a tale told within the game.

Message 20768#216408

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On 8/14/2006 at 3:20am, davidberg wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

aaronil wrote:
I was thinking along the same lines, and have 3 abilities which mirror yours: Reason, Focus (incorporating memory), and Perception.

There are important differences in the ways we intend to use these, but I'm guessing these are appropriate to the differences in our games.  You're trying to "help and inspire players to play characters different from themselves", and most of the systems you outlined sound well-suited to that.  My goal is more to allow players to direct their characters in a way that makes sense within the gameworld and doesn't interfere with anyone's immersive experience.  A lot of your systems would somewhat interfere with immersion for me, but that may be fine for your game -- the trade-off may be well worth it.

So, keep that in mind as you read my responses below.

aaronil wrote:
Sir Justin has Reason -1, Perception +1, and Focus +2.

I am not sure how "spending points" intersects with these character attributes.  When you spend a Focus point, is it gone?  How do you get more?

aaronil wrote:
Sir Justin: Hmm, I’m guessing they’re just showing their devotion (you know, flagellating), but I’m going to make an error of reason, jumping to the conclusion that they’re defiling the tomb. I need some Conviction points

I prefer to think "what would my character do?" as opposed to "what can I make my character do in order to get what I want?" 

Your example sounds pretty palatable, at least assuming that actual play wouldn't routinely include that amount of exposition, instead going more like:
Sir Justin: They must be defiling the tomb!
Narrator: Uh, well, that's possible, but-
Sir Justin: Reason -1, baby.

As long as the only actions that can get you Conviction/Action/Hero/Story points are actions that reflect "who your character is" (as defined by his attributes), then you're probably good, but from your example I can't tell whether or not this is the case.

Another thought: If every action that correlates well with a positive or negative score on a character sheet is rewarded, characters may start out seeming nicely distinct, but eventually become a bit predictable and simplistic.

aaronil wrote:
Narrator: As you charge forward you slip on the water covering the stairs.
Sir Justin: Wait a second! I would have noticed the water.
Narrator: Ok, I’ll be clearer next time

Yeah, GM, be clearer!  I'm not a big fan of rewinds and do-overs.  I'll address that below.

aaronil wrote:
Implied Intent: While you might not describe everything your character would be trying to perceive, your character still is on the look out. Each Perception point you spend compels the Narrator to answer a vague question like “do I notice anything that might help me out of this prison cell?”

Another solution would be to have the player make a Perception roll/expenditure and a Reason roll/expenditure, answering the question in two parts:
1) you Perceive a drain pipe above a cell bar
2) you Reason that the cell bar under the pipe might be weakened from water damage

aaronil wrote:
Percept: A percept is the mental impression of what the senses perceive. While you might not be clear about what the Narrator is describing, your character might know exactly what it is. Each Perception point you spend allows you to get a one or two word answer about the identity of what you’re witnessing. For example, you might have no clue what “a large stinking vulture-like bipedal creature with murderous eyes and an aura of evil” is, but your character might recognize it as a demonic vrock. If your character wouldn’t know, then the Narrator may veto your expenditure.

The last sentence makes me happy.  The converse would also make me happy -- if your character would know, why should he have to spend points or roll against his Perception score to have the Narrator fill him in?

aaronil wrote:
Taken into Account: When you don’t notice something because you weren’t paying attention or your Narrator wasn’t clear enough (not because it was hidden), your character still notices it. Each Perception point you spend allows you to have noticed something after the fact – the scene is re-played from the time you noticed.

Interesting.  If all the players are oblivious, and equally so, this works out well.  The most Perceptive characters notice stuff, and benefit themselves/the group accordingly.  However, two less positive options:
1) Player 1 wants to notice stuff, but doesn't want to buy a high Perception score, so he asks the GM lots of smart questions and takes advantage of his own good memory.  Player 2, an oblivious doofus who wanted to play a perceptive character, becomes grumpy that he bought a high Perception score but isn't getting anything out of it because Player 1 always beats him to the punch.
2) Player 1, who would otherwise have been invested in paying attention and asking the GM smart questions, buys a high Perception score and proceeds to play passively, doing what he feels like, confident that he has a rewind-and-do-over button.

aaronil wrote:
Visualize: While you might have trouble visualizing the scene, your character witnesses what’s going on in its entirety. Each Perception point you spend allows you to consult with one map, picture, or other visual aid; your character must reasonably have access to such information. If no aid is available, the Narrator will sketch something up for you.

Sketches are always helpful in helping players gain the spatial knowledge their characters have.  Why should you have to spend a Perception point to get this assistance?  Does the Narrator tell players who have low-Perception characters, "Sorry, if you couldn't figure it out from my description, then your character can't tell how high the ceiling is, or how many steps away the charging guy is, or whether there's enough room to circle around the barrel."? 

"But Narrator, my character is right there!  My Perception isn't negative ten!"

aaronil wrote:
Wiggle Room: The Narrator provides you with information about what your character perceives, but often such description has to be somewhat vague in order to keep the game moving. While you might not get the full picture of the scene, your character does. Each Perception point you spend allows you to make one reasonable assumption about the scene’s environment, such as a chandelier in a duke’s palace.

So, wait, if the Narrator hadn't planned on a chandelier being present, a player can make one be present by spending a Perception point?  That is absurdly powerful for players with a good sense of physical strategy.

It also shatters any illusion that the gameworld exists in its own right independently of the players' gaming.

aaronil wrote:
Focus represents the mind’s ability to concentrate despite distraction, to remember information, and to absorb new lessons. It is used to maintain control over a supernatural power, perform an action despite violent motion, recall a bit of obscure lore, recognize a guard you’ve seen before, or advance a skill.

That's an interesting combination of abilities.  "Do X despite distraction" sounds like "focus".  (And I like the attention to physical actions that require focus because of physical circumstances.  That's a unique arena for invoking mental abilities.)

"Remember stuff", on the other hand, doesn't sound like "focus" to me.  Rolling that into one stat with "do X despite distraction" might be a fine move, as long as you make that very clear to avoid wrong assumptions based on the name.

aaronil wrote:
Memory Aid: While you might be unable to remember new information, your character retains it like a sponge. Each Focus point you spend compels the Narrator (or another player) to provide you with a memory aid – a handout, chart, or mnemonic device for example – regarding one scene, character, object, place, or organization.

I like the gist of this, but interrupting play to draw a chart for someone would suck.  Paying points to get memory help is cool, but paying points to pass off the work of writing stuff down is not.  I'd say that using this ability should compel others to help you decide what you will write down (where? back of the character sheet? this deserves some thought) to aid your memory.

aaronil wrote:
Quick Recap: While you might be foggy about what’s happened in the game, the events are clear in your character’s mind. Each Focus point you spend compels the Narrator (or another player) to provide you with a quick recap of last session’s events (or, if you’ve just arrived at the game late, that same session). Each additional point you spend extends the number of sessions recapped.

Again, I wonder if requiring point expenditure for this makes sense -- it kinda implies/assumes that characters with low Focus are mentally disabled to the point of not remembering what they ate for breakfast fifteen minutes ago.

aaronil wrote:
Recall: When you forget something, your character probably knows it. You may spend a Focus point to get a reminder from the Narrator or another player of your choice; this may take the form of “do I recognize the guard?” If it’s disputed or no one can remember clearly, the player whose character has the highest Focus has the final say.

I bet using this ability will be more popular than using Memory Aid.  Only playtesting will tell if Memory Aid gets used at all...

aaronil wrote:
Take a Break: While you might get tired of a scene, your character is intently focused. You may spend a Focus point to take a short break from the scene or to gloss over events and get on with the main adventure – of course, you’ll either revisit the glossed over events in a flashback or you’ll give the Narrator say over what transpired “behind the scenes.” For example, you might get tired of trying to figure out a puzzle and decide to pick it up later, or even to solve it in between game sessions.

So if the character has a higher Focus than other characters, his player has more right than other players to announce, "I'm bored with this part, let's fast forward"?  When to break and when to fast forward sound like much higher-level player concerns than character attributes.  If you do want to connect the two, I think everyone should have to pay a Focus point (and everyone should always have a Focus point to use for this).

aaronil wrote:
Weaving/Framing: These terms refer to taking control of the narrative. Weaving gives you control for a short moment to declare what you discover, whereas framing makes you the Narrator for an agreed upon time, usually depicting a tale told within the game.

Giving players the ability to take control of the Narration is an interesting choice with many advantages and drawbacks (see "Wiggle Room" response).  But I don't see any advantage to tying this to a character's Focus stat.

Message 20768#216442

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On 8/15/2006 at 3:53am, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

David wrote:
I am not sure how "spending points" intersects with these character attributes.  When you spend a Focus point, is it gone?  How do you get more?

Ok, the idea began as an add-on to a standard attribute+skill system of resolution. The original idea was to make attributes more relevant to the actual game and how player depicted their characters. So, you can still make an attribute check as normal.

When you spend a Focus point, yes it's gone and your focus drops by one. However, you replenish your attribute pools at the end of every game session. Alternately, characters have a reserve of Action/Conviction/Hero/Story points (with various uses); spending one of these points replenishes one of your attribute pools.

I prefer to think "what would my character do?" as opposed to "what can I make my character do in order to get what I want?"

I totally agree, and share your perspective that "playing is the reward and no other rewards are needed to keep my in the game." However, not everyone is of the same mind. Consider this approach a bridge for those less evolved role-players. ;)

Your example sounds pretty palatable, at least assuming that actual play wouldn't routinely include that amount of exposition, instead going more like: *snip*

You got it, baby. Of course, there's nothing stopping a player from making a longer exposition if they wish.

aaronil wrote:
Narrator: As you charge forward you slip on the water covering the stairs.
Sir Justin: Wait a second! I would have noticed the water.
Narrator: Ok, I’ll be clearer next time

[Yeah, GM, be clearer! 

Actually I think the GM was being fairly clear (yes, there was room for improvement) because he mentioned it had just rained and that the stairs were glistening. My guess is you would have liked the GM to have provided a warning like "Are you sure you want to charge down wet stairs?" You and I disagree about how clear the GM was being. That's the point. In a situation where most narrative control rests in the hands of the GM, players will disagree. What seems clear to one person, another might be oblivious to. Hence these "nifty tricks" to help a player run their highly perceptive inquisitor-tracker.

Another solution would be to have the player make a Perception roll/expenditure and a Reason roll/expenditure, answering the question in two parts:
1) you Perceive a drain pipe above a cell bar
2) you Reason that the cell bar under the pipe might be weakened from water damage

I like that. It's sort of the extended contest version. You've definitely given me something to think about!

1) Player 1 wants to notice stuff, but doesn't want to buy a high Perception score, so he asks the GM lots of smart questions and takes advantage of his own good memory.

There are a few assumptions here.
First, that attributes are bought with a limited supply of points; on the contrary I'm considering three different systems: artwork-based, life-path based, and bidding based. If I did go with a point buy system I would be very careful to talk with the players before hand about these potential pit-falls that you've raised.
Second, that the GM would answer all of the players questions without referencing the Perception of the character in question or calling for a Perception check. Of course, this requires a sharp GM who is not going to be tricked.

Player 2, an oblivious doofus who wanted to play a perceptive character, becomes grumpy that he bought a high Perception score but isn't getting anything out of it because Player 1 always beats him to the punch.

I'd argue that if Player 1 is beating Player 2 to the punch, that, under these rules, Player 2 will feel less dissatisfied than he would have felt without these rules (after all, before he had no way to play this perceptive character because he was always overlooking stuff and relying on other players to remind him). Also, you assume a competitive stance between Player 1 and Player 2; what if Player 1 used his great memory to help Player 2 instead of hoarding it to himself?

2) Player 1, who would otherwise have been invested in paying attention and asking the GM smart questions, buys a high Perception score and proceeds to play passively, doing what he feels like, confident that he has a rewind-and-do-over button.

Well, I very much doubt a player would do this. Keep in mind that attribute points are a finite resource and spending them also lowers your bonus on attribute (and related skill) checks. While they can be replenished by action/story points, these are an even rarer resource that have many uses, many which overshadow recharging an attribute pool. So, such a theoretical player could be passive at some points, but not throughout the adventure (unless they were burning all their action/story points, and even then they couldn't do this in perpetuity).

Sketches are always helpful in helping players gain the spatial knowledge their characters have.  Why should you have to spend a Perception point to get this assistance?  Does the Narrator tell players who have low-Perception characters, "Sorry, if you couldn't figure it out from my description, then your character can't tell how high the ceiling is, or how many steps away the charging guy is, or whether there's enough room to circle around the barrel."? 

I had been thinking the same thing, and now that I look at it my suggestion for a "visualize" use of Perception is absurd and supports the sort of adversarial GM-Player relationship you describe. Consider it nixed.

aaronil wrote:
Wiggle Room: The Narrator provides you with information about what your character perceives, but often such description has to be somewhat vague in order to keep the game moving. While you might not get the full picture of the scene, your character does. Each Perception point you spend allows you to make one reasonable assumption about the scene’s environment, such as a chandelier in a duke’s palace.

So, wait, if the Narrator hadn't planned on a chandelier being present, a player can make one be present by spending a Perception point?  That is absurdly powerful for players with a good sense of physical strategy.

I wouldn't say absurdly powerful. As you said: the character is right there. The GM, by necessity, doesn't describe every detail. In a more narrative game this would be summed up as a simple rule: "Assume that whatever a player says is truth. Take it at face value and move on from there." Of course, a smart Narrator can spin an over-presumptuous idea for all kinds of mischief.

It also shatters any illusion that the gameworld exists in its own right independently of the players' gaming.

Well, only if it's severely abused. Consider two scenarios: A) a highly detailed immersive setting, and (B) a last minute game with a one sentence setting hook.
A) In the highly immersive setting players have presumably immersed themselves in it. They know the theme, the technology level, their character's relationships, the various faiths and so forth. I don't see a player in such a setting saying misusing this ability. After all, that a chandelier would be in the manor of a French duke isn't that much of a stretch, and doesn't hurt the game world at all. And certainly the GM's plot hasn't been harmed by the sudden realization that there's a chandelier in the room. It's not that it pops into existence, rather the character is taking advantage of something that was previously in the background that is only now coming to the foreground.
B) In the one-sentence setting players are looking to have an evening of fun. It may or may not be immersive, depending on the group's style. They know next to nothing about the setting and will create it as they go. In such cases it's easier for a player to abuse Perception points, but then again there's nothing pre-existant for them to damage. Instead, it's something for the GM to run with and adapt to...and in those cases where it's over the top to provide a guiding hand to keep the game true to the sentence hook.

Also, I think it might come down to the fundamental difference between our game styles as you pointed out earlier.

That's an interesting combination of abilities.  "Do X despite distraction" sounds like "focus".  (And I like the attention to physical actions that require focus because of physical circumstances.  That's a unique arena for invoking mental abilities.)

"Remember stuff", on the other hand, doesn't sound like "focus" to me.  Rolling that into one stat with "do X despite distraction" might be a fine move, as long as you make that very clear to avoid wrong assumptions based on the name.

I'm still looking for the right name for the "focus" attribute. I'm definitely aware of what you point out, just haven't found the answer yet.

aaronil wrote:
Memory Aid: While you might be unable to remember new information, your character retains it like a sponge. Each Focus point you spend compels the Narrator (or another player) to provide you with a memory aid – a handout, chart, or mnemonic device for example – regarding one scene, character, object, place, or organization.

I like the gist of this, but interrupting play to draw a chart for someone would suck.
Ok, I should clarify that this would be only after the game session or at a designated break, not in the midst of things. That would *really* ruin my immersion.

Paying points to get memory help is cool, but paying points to pass off the work of writing stuff down is not.  I'd say that using this ability should compel others to help you decide what you will write down (where? back of the character sheet? this deserves some thought) to aid your memory.

Good points, thanks! I agree that spending the point is more a "cry for help" from the other players. As for where to physically write down notes, my group always has spare paper and I assumed that was a gaming staple. :) Of course, henna tattoos, sand paintings, or public art could work too.

aaronil wrote:
Recall: When you forget something, your character probably knows it. You may spend a Focus point to get a reminder from the Narrator or another player of your choice; this may take the form of “do I recognize the guard?” If it’s disputed or no one can remember clearly, the player whose character has the highest Focus has the final say.

I bet using this ability will be more popular than using Memory Aid.  Only playtesting will tell if Memory Aid gets used at all...

All this needs to be playtested. Hopefully I'll get to do some this month. I also agree that the "quick recap" and "memory aid" uses are tenuous at best. "Memory aid" could just be rolled into "recall" and "quick recap" gotten rid of completely.

So if the character has a higher Focus than other characters, his player has more right than other players to announce, "I'm bored with this part, let's fast forward"?  When to break and when to fast forward sound like much higher-level player concerns than character attributes.  If you do want to connect the two, I think everyone should have to pay a Focus point (and everyone should always have a Focus point to use for this).

Giving players the ability to take control of the Narration is an interesting choice with many advantages and drawbacks (see "Wiggle Room" response).  But I don't see any advantage to tying this to a character's Focus stat.

I have play-tested this and it's totally goofy. Glad you felt so too. ;) My player pointed out that fast-forwarding the pacing and wiggle room are really narrative tools that don't belong tethered to an attribute.

Message 20768#216496

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On 8/15/2006 at 12:49pm, baron samedi wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface


On a side note, I think from my gameplay experience that Dogs in the Vineyard RPG could give you a good example of what you're trying to achieve for players lacking in charisma trying to take their dream role of a character who's strong in this.

The four-level escalation process and the important out-of-character bid process driving to a conclusion doesn't require a strong player charisma/presence, but still creates intensity. I suggest you check it out.


Message 20768#216521

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On 8/15/2006 at 6:42pm, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

Thanks Erick, I'd like to check it out.
Eesh, now I've got 4 games on my list: HeroQuest, Burning Wheel, Primetime Adventures, and Dogs in the Vineyard!

Thanks for your input and suggestions.

Message 20768#216593

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On 8/15/2006 at 7:50pm, davidberg wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

aaronil wrote:
When you spend a Focus point, yes it's gone

Ah, okay.  That definitely curtails some of the "abuse by habitual reliance" pitfalls I foresaw.  I guess now it's just an issue of setting up costs such that a nice middle ground is found between "never worth it" and "always easily worth it".

aaronil wrote:
and your focus drops by one.

Er, wait, your Focus attribute (the thing you use for skill checks etc.) drops by one?  Aren't attributes general descriptors of characters' relative strengths and weaknesses, that more or less define their in-game abilities?  Wouldn't screwing with such attributes render every character a sort of open ability template, where no one stays better or worse at certain things than everyone else?  It's an interesting idea (at the extreme, everyone could just allot points into attribute pools anew at the beginning of every session), but I get the impression that's not what you're going for...

That may just be a matter of degree...  However, another problem occurs to me.  What happens in-game when a character burns a Focus point, thereby becoming less capable of Focus?  "Suddenly, your character, having exerted his will to an extreme to remember the appearance of Evil Man, finds himelf mentally burned out and less able to focus on anything in the immediate future.  But, hey, dude, at least you now have a cool drawing of Evil Man to look at."  Burning Reason would actually be even weirder.  "Logic... skills... diminishing!  Can't... make... deductions!"

aaronil wrote:
However, you replenish your attribute pools at the end of every game session.

If these are just points-that-buy-ability-uses, this is probably okay.  None of these abilities seem to be crucial enough to in-game success that players will just stop sessions prematurely to refresh pools.  On the other hand, if these are also attribute points, e.g. "how well I can focus", then I imagine awkward breaks would become routine:

"Well, we're about to enter the main bad guy's lair, and I want to be able to do my running shot with my bow, but I really want my full +3 Focus for those shots, and I'm down to zero Focus after getting all that help on remembering stuff this session.  So, my character pauses before the lair door.  Let's resume next week, with me at my full combat ability."

aaronil wrote:
In a situation where most narrative control rests in the hands of the GM, players will disagree. What seems clear to one person, another might be oblivious to.

Good point.

aaronil wrote:
1) Player 1 wants to notice stuff, but doesn't want to buy a high Perception score, so he asks the GM lots of smart questions and takes advantage of his own good memory.

There are a few assumptions here.
First, that attributes are bought with a limited supply of points

If that's not the case, then ignore my argument.  I wasn't worried about the simple fact that players have different aptitudes, just about using those aptitudes to exploit the character-creation system.

aaronil wrote:
on the contrary I'm considering three different systems: artwork-based, life-path based, and bidding based.

Artwork-based?  As someone who can draw, that sounds cool to me, but what about people who can't?

aaronil wrote:
Second, that the GM would answer all of the players questions without referencing the Perception of the character in question or calling for a Perception check. Of course, this requires a sharp GM who is not going to be tricked.

There's really no substitute for player attentiveness.  If you, as a player, think to ask a question, what's a GM gonna do, refuse to tell you what's right in front of you without a successful Perception check?  Usually, it's just a matter of an attentive player directing his character to "look closer" or "go over there and check it out".  I'm all about rewarding and encouraging this kind of attentiveness -- if one player is less attentive, and is therefore less effective at doing things his character should be good at, well that's his fault, and I'm okay with that.  But you may not be.

aaronil wrote:
I'd argue that if Player 1 is beating Player 2 to the punch, that, under these rules, Player 2 will feel less dissatisfied than he would have felt without these rules (after all, before he had no way to play this perceptive character because he was always overlooking stuff and relying on other players to remind him).

True, you have given Player 2 the recourse of saying, "GM, help me out here.  My character has a high Perception."  I've just found that, in most games I've played, the GM's handouts to a stat-reliant player never measure up to the results obtained by players who are attentive, pro-active, and detail-oriented.

aaronil wrote:
Also, you assume a competitive stance between Player 1 and Player 2; what if Player 1 used his great memory to help Player 2 instead of hoarding it to himself?

If that was the case, would either of them need your mechanics?

aaronil wrote:
2) Player 1, who would otherwise have been invested in paying attention and asking the GM smart questions, buys a high Perception score and proceeds to play passively, doing what he feels like, confident that he has a rewind-and-do-over button.

Well, I very much doubt a player would do this.

Same effectiveness, less effort?  All but the most story- and immersion-centric players would do this.  That is, if not for your finite-resource-expenditure system.

aaronil wrote:
So, wait, if the Narrator hadn't planned on a chandelier being present, a player can make one be present by spending a Perception point?  That is absurdly powerful for players with a good sense of physical strategy.

I wouldn't say absurdly powerful. As you said: the character is right there. The GM, by necessity, doesn't describe every detail. In a more narrative game this would be summed up as a simple rule: "Assume that whatever a player says is truth. Take it at face value and move on from there." Of course, a smart Narrator can spin an over-presumptuous idea for all kinds of mischief.

If there's an out-in-the-open agreement that super-convenient player setting contributions will be countered by super-inconvenient GM arbitration, and everyone likes that, great.
Player: I bet there's a chandelier right above me, with a long enough chain that I can swing on it to get into that second-story window!
GM: Okay, there it is.  Unfortunately, as you begin swinging back to generate momentum, a weak link in the chain goes, and you and the chandelier come crashing down.
Player: Ha ha!  That was fun.  Okay, I bet there's also a...

Unfortunately, I think what happens more often is that there is no agreement, or at least not one that genuinely satisfies everyone, leading to:
Player: I bet there's a chandelier right above me, with a long enough chain that I can swing on it to get into that second-story window!
GM: Uh... (thinks about rules, which tell him to accept this) crap.  Okay (thinks about the cool battle he had planned to get the characters up to the second story), there it is.  Unfortunately (thinks about how to sabotage this), as you begin swinging back to generate momentum, a weak link in the chain goes, and you and the chandelier come crashing down.
Player: Hey!  What the hell?  Why would it have a weak link?  You just didn't want me getting into that window!

aaronil wrote:
It also shatters any illusion that the gameworld exists in its own right independently of the players' gaming.

Well, only if it's severely abused. Consider two scenarios: A) a highly detailed immersive setting, and (B) a last minute game with a one sentence setting hook.
A) In the highly immersive setting players have presumably immersed themselves in it. They know the theme, the technology level, their character's relationships, the various faiths and so forth. I don't see a player in such a setting saying misusing this ability.

Okay, you have more faith in players resisting the urge to use every method they can to gain an advantage than I do.  :)

If the players' only motivation for contributing to the setting is to help the GM flesh it out and make it real and vivid for all concerned, then great.

aaronil wrote:
It's not that it pops into existence, rather the character is taking advantage of something that was previously in the background that is only now coming to the foreground.

I think it'll come off that way if done for aesthetic reasons, but it won't if done for strategic reasons.

aaronil wrote:
B) In the one-sentence setting players are looking to have an evening of fun. It may or may not be immersive, depending on the group's style.

I see nothing in your system to interfere with that.  My words of caution have largely been from an "immersion good, visible contrivance bad!" perspective.

I like a lot of your ideas, and I would totally play your game.  But I don't think I'd pick it if I was looking, first and foremost, for a deeply immersive experience.

aaronil wrote:
As for where to physically write down notes, my group always has spare paper and I assumed that was a gaming staple. :) Of course, henna tattoos, sand paintings, or public art could work too.

It's all about mandalas, baby.

No, seriously, my point was that if you want to create a fun option for something a player can do, you might want to enhance the appeal by creating a sheet with a fun layout, or a section on the main character sheet, or some such.

Message 20768#216606

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On 8/17/2006 at 6:41pm, eruditus wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

TonyLB wrote:
Another (largely separate) thing is trying to help a player feel as if they, themselves, have abilities that mimic the character's.  Now, I will be all over the game (a LARP, one presumes) that lets me feel that way about lifting a car.  But since, at the gaming table, we're mostly thinking and socializing, such things are often restricted to feeling smarter and more socially adept than we actually are.

I ran a game once where one of the protagonists was possessed and an uber-badass.  She went to grab another PC and I was standing behind the victim lifting him.  Granted this was a touchy-feely larp among friends so no one minded and the girl playing the protagonist was all jazzed that she completely felt like she was lifting him :)

Sorry, I wasn't tryint to derail, Its just a means to bridge that gap Physically as well as on paper.

Message 20768#216973

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On 8/22/2006 at 7:40pm, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

David wrote:
Er, wait, your Focus attribute (the thing you use for skill checks etc.) drops by one?

Actually, I meant the Focus Pool - which is different than the Focus attribute (the maximum number of points in the pool). As to whether you'll actually use attributes for skill checks (as in attribute+skill ranks as bonus to roll), I'm tending toward "no" because I want attributes to operate as the interface between player and character, not a bonus to a roll.

aaronil wrote:
However, you replenish your attribute pools at the end of every game session.

If these are just points-that-buy-ability-uses, this is probably okay.  None of these abilities seem to be crucial enough to in-game success that players will just stop sessions prematurely to refresh pools.  On the other hand, if these are also attribute points, e.g. "how well I can focus", then I imagine awkward breaks would become routine:

Ugh! Really, your players would do that? I can't even imagine that happening with any of the groups I've played with!

aaronil wrote:
on the contrary I'm considering three different systems: artwork-based, life-path based, and bidding based.

Artwork-based?  As someone who can draw, that sounds cool to me, but what about people who can't?

It's not about artistic talent, it's about expression. The basic chargen process is: Draw a picture of your character in 5 minutes! After that pass your picture to the player on your right, who can draw in an additional thing (or write something). This process repeats until the original character "sheets" get back to their owners. Then the player incorporates everything on their sheet into a pitch to the rest of the group. There's a bit more to it than that, but those are the basics.

aaronil wrote:
Second, that the GM would answer all of the players questions without referencing the Perception of the character in question or calling for a Perception check. Of course, this requires a sharp GM who is not going to be tricked.

If you, as a player, think to ask a question, what's a GM gonna do, refuse to tell you what's right in front of you without a successful Perception check?  Usually, it's just a matter of an attentive player directing his character to "look closer" or "go over there and check it out".
Well, of course if it's right in front of them and clearly observable I'm not going to conceal that. However, it's possible for characters with low perception to overlook concealed or seemingly unimportant things no matter how indepth a description the player gives (usually benefiting from meta-game knowledge) of searching the fireplace or what have you. It's not necessarily about one player being more attentive than another (though I agree that attentiveness should be its own reward), it's whether a player is RPing their character's faults (in this case a low Perception score) as well as their strengths.

True, you have given Player 2 the recourse of saying, "GM, help me out here.  My character has a high Perception."  I've just found that, in most games I've played, the GM's handouts to a stat-reliant player never measure up to the results obtained by players who are attentive, pro-active, and detail-oriented.

Hmm, could be I am more willing to handout more than you. I'd have to play in one of your games to be sure. Hopefully I'll get to playtest these ideas soon and I'll definitely report back whether this is a problem.

aaronil wrote:
Also, you assume a competitive stance between Player 1 and Player 2; what if Player 1 used his great memory to help Player 2 instead of hoarding it to himself?

If that was the case, would either of them need your mechanics?

Actually, cooperation is built into the mechanics, it just regulates how much cooperation there can be given the circumstances. Players have numerical advantage over a single GM so these mechanics actually prevent players from giving ideas to a player whose character has no communication from and is separated from the group.

aaronil wrote:
2) Player 1, who would otherwise have been invested in paying attention and asking the GM smart questions, buys a high Perception score and proceeds to play passively, doing what he feels like, confident that he has a rewind-and-do-over button.

Well, I very much doubt a player would do this.

Same effectiveness, less effort?  All but the most story- and immersion-centric players would do this.  That is, if not for your finite-resource-expenditure system.

I guess I game with story-centric players then. :)

aaronil wrote:
So, wait, if the Narrator hadn't planned on a chandelier being present, a player can make one be present by spending a Perception point?  That is absurdly powerful for players with a good sense of physical strategy.

I wouldn't say absurdly powerful. As you said: the character is right there. The GM, by necessity, doesn't describe every detail. In a more narrative game this would be summed up as a simple rule: "Assume that whatever a player says is truth. Take it at face value and move on from there." Of course, a smart Narrator can spin an over-presumptuous idea for all kinds of mischief.

If there's an out-in-the-open agreement that super-convenient player setting contributions will be countered by super-inconvenient GM arbitration, and everyone likes that, great.

I think that's the agreement that needs to happen before any RPG - trust needs to be established between GM and player, especially when narrative control is no longer monopolized by the GM. In your examples, the GM had no reason to ruin the player's attempt just because it avoided one encounter - that seems like GM abuse of this system. Normally in a game the player might ask the GM "Hey, is there a chandelier there?" If the GM anticipates the player "ruining" the GM's plans with the chandelier, the GM would respond, "Sorry nope." The kind of game I'm composing these rules for is one in which the GM must be supremely flexible and willing to adapt to player improvisation. In other words, these rules won't work for a game that requires rail-roading.

aaronil wrote:
It also shatters any illusion that the gameworld exists in its own right independently of the players' gaming.

Well, only if it's severely abused. Consider two scenarios: A) a highly detailed immersive setting, and (B) a last minute game with a one sentence setting hook.
A) In the highly immersive setting players have presumably immersed themselves in it. They know the theme, the technology level, their character's relationships, the various faiths and so forth. I don't see a player in such a setting saying misusing this ability.

Okay, you have more faith in players resisting the urge to use every method they can to gain an advantage than I do.  :)

Heh. I guess I do. :)

I like a lot of your ideas, and I would totally play your game.  But I don't think I'd pick it if I was looking, first and foremost, for a deeply immersive experience.

Thanks David. I see your point, and you articulated it very well. I agree that these rules could hamper immersion.

It's all about mandalas, baby.

No, seriously, my point was that if you want to create a fun option for something a player can do, you might want to enhance the appeal by creating a sheet with a fun layout, or a section on the main character sheet, or some such.

I really like the idea of a mandala-esque "character journal" as part of the sheet. Thanks for the inspiration David!

Message 20768#217815

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On 8/22/2006 at 7:43pm, aaronil wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface

eruditus wrote:
Sorry, I wasn't tryint to derail, Its just a means to bridge that gap Physically as well as on paper.

Wow, Eruditus, you just described a game in which the player feels physically more powerful than they actually are!
Of course, that would be unusual for a tabletop RPG, but you've definitely got my imagination running.

Message 20768#217818

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On 8/22/2006 at 10:00pm, davidberg wrote:
RE: Re: Character-Player Interface


I think we understand each other.  It seems to me that my comments on immersion and system-abuse have gone as far as they should.  If you want further feedback on those topics, let me know.

aaronil wrote:
Draw a picture of your character in 5 minutes! After that pass your picture to the player on your right, who can draw in an additional thing (or write something). This process repeats until the original character "sheets" get back to their owners. Then the player incorporates everything on their sheet into a pitch to the rest of the group. There's a bit more to it than that, but those are the basics.

I'm a big fan of group character-creation, where the attempt is to ensure that every character is fun, not only for the person playing it, but for everyone else at the table.  Your idea sounds like a pretty novel and enjoyable way to try that.  I'd be curious to see how well it worked.  I'd guess that success would depend in part on whatever structures/guidelines/suggestions/helpful hints you include in the process.  That may be a topic for another time (or another thread)... but if you feel like getting into it, I'd be happy to discuss it.


Message 20768#217865

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