The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night
Started by: Clinton R. Nixon
Started on: 8/8/2006
Board: Conventions

On 8/8/2006 at 10:47am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Peoples of the Forge,

Wednesday night, I will be organizing a demo-fest. I'm sure you've got a 10-minute demo of your game, right? I'd like to help you get better at it, and I'd kind of like to learn how to run a 10-minute demo of your game myself.

Without knowing plans, but knowing previous years and whatnot, I'm making an arbitrary time of 7:30 in the Embassy Suites lobby. Eat before then or bring food and gather. The more people we have, the more we can get out of this.

If you have a reason this is a bad idea (besides the DJA, already considered) feel free to bring it up here if and only if you have a solution. Otherwise, come on down to the Embassy Suites tomorrow night (!) and have some 10-minute demos!

Message 20795#216099

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On 8/8/2006 at 11:51am, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Thanks for organizing this, Clinton. I'll be there.

Message 20795#216104

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On 8/8/2006 at 12:19pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Sweet, Justin. I want to play Passages pretty bad.

Message 20795#216105

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On 8/8/2006 at 12:27pm, JohnU wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

General population welcome?  Or is this more for game designers tweeking their demos?

Thanks, really looking forward to the IPR/Forge booth.

Message 20795#216106

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On 8/8/2006 at 12:39pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

JohnU wrote:
General population welcome?  Or is this more for game designers tweeking their demos?


Demo-tweaking. My apologies - but there will be plenty of time for other play later. I don't expect this to be fun, actually - speed demoing isn't.

Message 20795#216108

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On 8/8/2006 at 1:00pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

I'll be there with the new revision of the Capes speed-demo.  I'm eager to learn other people's speed-demos, too.

Clinton ... do you have a ten minute demo for TSoY?  That would be HAWT!

Message 20795#216111

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On 8/8/2006 at 2:09pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Clinton wrote:
Peoples of the Forge,

Wednesday night, I will be organizing a demo-fest.

As if anyone needed further proof that Clinton is THE MAN! I'll be there, With Great Power box in-hand.

Message 20795#216120

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On 8/8/2006 at 2:50pm, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

I'm in like sin, baby.

Message 20795#216127

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On 8/8/2006 at 3:01pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

TonyLB wrote:
Clinton ... do you have a ten minute demo for TSoY?  That would be HAWT!


You meant the one I've run at every convention, including GenCon last year? Yes.

Message 20795#216128

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On 8/8/2006 at 4:23pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Clinton wrote:
You meant the one I've run at every convention, including GenCon last year? Yes.

Ah, my bad.  Inattentive.  I definitely want to see how you get the system across that fast.

GenCon is definitely getting me buzzed.

Message 20795#216139

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On 8/8/2006 at 5:40pm, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

I'll be there with Agon.

Message 20795#216150

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On 8/8/2006 at 6:31pm, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

I'm pretty happy with the Polaris demo, but I'll be there to play everyone else's.


Message 20795#216156

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On 8/8/2006 at 7:00pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

And to teach yours, right?

Because, man, I don't want to do the sock-puppets thing any more.

Message 20795#216159

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On 8/8/2006 at 9:03pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

I'll be there with the Death's Door demo kit.  The demo's pretty solid, but (I strongly suspect) runs over for time, so I need work there.

Plus, I want to get a whole whack of other folks' demos under my belt.


Message 20795#216174

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On 8/13/2006 at 4:50am, joepub wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

You guys, I just want to say a big thank you for putting this Demo Fest on, wednesday night.
I, personally, got a lot out of it.

I had no idea what Dictionary of Mu was before Judd's demo.
I had no idea how Capes worked before Tony's demo.
I had no idea about a couple different games I sat in on.

Just those few hours of demo's gave me the confidence and understanding of the games to pitch them, to talk about them, and to get others excited about them.
And... in a pinch I could even have demo'd some of them.

Message 20795#216411

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On 8/14/2006 at 9:35am, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Yes, this was a HUGE help. Thanks so much for the guidance and advice, folks. And thanks much to Clinton for setting it up.

Message 20795#216449

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On 8/14/2006 at 8:04pm, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night


Are any of these demos generally available? With two friends of mine we're hoping to demo indie games at the Stockholm, Sweden convention in September, and some demo materials would be appreciated.



Message 20795#216467

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On 8/14/2006 at 8:07pm, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Gah! I ended up missing this cuz I was helping with product check-in, so I didn't get to check out as many of the demos as I would have liked. But, all the demos I did get to play at the booth were tight and good, so it seems like it was a valuable time!

I don't know if this is what was happening or not, but I think there's room to expand on the concept for coming years. Something like "teach-a-demo" night, where people can snag a designer to teach them how to run the demo, and so gradually expand on the ability of the booth to provide them. Saying "hey guys, learn each others demos" is good, but leaves it open to not learning others demos. Saying "pick one demo and learn it" and arranging the time and place to do it would be awesome.

I probably could have run some others peoples demos by the end of the weekend, but I didn't have the confidence for it cuz I hadn't done it yet. Having a time to learn it, and then run it once or twice for the designer, would be a great confidence builder for most of us, I think - going from "I probably can" to "I can" is teh hotness.

Yoki - Sons of Kryos recorded a bunch of the demos and will be putting them out on their podcast! How cool is that! Also, I think you could ping any of the designers at Gen Con to get demo materials for specific games. For example, if you want the materials to run carry demos, I can hook you up with those - drop an email to n.d.paoletta-at-gmail-dot-com.

Message 20795#216468

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On 8/14/2006 at 8:48pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

One thing I'm hoping for next year with this is not just the designers running the demos, but also possibly tightening up demo-packs and their portability by, maybe, making sure that some other people run the games of the designers, rather than just run through them.

That said, this was very awesome and useful.  Tony's index-card Capes distillation has inspired me to do the very same thing for Fastlane.  Tony can tell you more about it, but basically, he created a little Capes mini-game that manages to pretty-well capture the way Capes plays, without needing to explain rules or anything.  To split a die, there's a nice little card that says 'split dice'.  There's a similar card that mimicks inspirations, and other cards that mimic story tokens and, of course, pre-generated goal cards.  This is the perfect way for me to sidestep the "eight minutes out of a ten minute demo" that involves (a) setting up a wheel, and (b) explaining how to play roulette and dive right into gameplay, even if it somewhat blasphemously removes the wheel from the demos.

Message 20795#216473

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On 8/15/2006 at 2:02am, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Yes, it was quite helpful to run through the demos and get a sense of other games, and get a chance to tighten up my own.  I know (because I timed it) I was running 15+, often pushing a half hour before the con, cut it to 15 minutes at the practice night, and the two demos I actually timed at the booth both rolled out in 10 minutes, which I'm very pleased with, and it likely wouldn't have happened otherwise.



Message 20795#216489

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On 8/15/2006 at 2:52am, Paka wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

This was tremendously helpful and it honed my demos for the rest of the con.

Message 20795#216492

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On 8/15/2006 at 3:46pm, Meguey wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Ditto the 'this was super helpful!' stuff above. I got excellent feedback about my demo, and it was way fun to see/hear/play other games. I loved being able to actually give good, clear pitches of a dozen games by Friday morning, and the demo workshop really helped. Also, I felt much more confident that other people could demo my game when I had to do kid-care.

Message 20795#216552

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On 8/15/2006 at 4:03pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

I've said before, and I'll say again that I believe the ability to demo other people's games is something we should consciously make room for.

There's a learning curve.  Your first demo of Capes is not going to be as good as my hundredth demo of Capes.  It may even be so bad that you lose a sale that I would have easily secured.  I don't care.  Because your second demo will be better, and so on.  On a purely logistical level, that means that I can step away from the booth (or not attend a convention) without my game losing its voice.  On a more global level, your pitch of my game will be a much better pitch after you've run even a few demoes, and started to learn what particular parts of the game fit with your style.

The wednesday night session got me stoked to demo 1001 Nights (which I did), and Mortal Coil (which I didn't get a chance to).  Being stoked about that on thursday got me charged up to learn and repeat Judd's demo for Dictionary of Mu, and to try to pick up other people's demoes.  I did much less mutual support than I would have liked, but much more than I would have done without the demo-fest.  I feel strongly that it should be repeated, institutionalized and expanded.

Message 20795#216557

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On 8/16/2006 at 8:56am, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night


I can't wait to hear those podcasts of the demos, but if there are written materials that go along with them (e.g. character sheets), I would love to receive copies of them. I am sure lots of fans of your games would like demo copies, and believe posting the demos on your web sites would be worthwile.

At Stockholms Spelkonvent 2006 (Stockholm's Game Convention) we will be bringing our own copies of your games, and will do our best to pimp how cool they are. We will host scheduled gaming, but believe that quick demos would only help get the word out.

Here's a list of what we'll have on hand for pimping purposes:
With Great Power...
The Shadows of Yesterday
Burning Wheel
Lacuna Part 1, second attempt
The Mountain Witch
Breaking the Ice
Dogs in the Vineyard
Primetime Adventures
Sorcerer and all three print supplements
The Riddle of Steel
The Princes' Kingdom
Conspiracy of Shadows
Faery's Tale

We will probably also pimp some PDF only games, and games we don't own in print, but love, such as Trollbabe, Contenders, Piledrivers & Powerbombs, The Farm, My Life with Master, Cat, etc.



Message 20795#216686

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On 8/17/2006 at 12:18pm, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon demo fest Wednesday night

Let me rectify my statement, as I had misunderstood my invitation. I was invited to run three sessions of 2-3 pre-selected indie games, there will be no organized "pimping" or demoing going on.

Message 20795#216877

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