The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Rats in the Walls - Playtesters needed
Started by: Wolfen
Started on: 8/11/2006
Board: Connections

On 8/11/2006 at 4:01am, Wolfen wrote:
Rats in the Walls - Playtesters needed


My fellow Forgites, I am in need of your services, if you are interested in helping me out. I've (finally) gotten around to putting together the latest version of the rules for Rats in the Walls, and would like anyone who's got a group which is decidedly lacking it's own personal Lance to fill in the gaps in the rules and explanations to take a gander at this, play a few sessions and tell me where it doesn't work, where it's unclear, or what may be entirely missing. If you're capable of doing all of that and still having fun, then that's even more what I want to hear! Even if you're lacking a group, anyone willing to take a look at the text and give me any comments on any part of the text (to include layout and what artwork exists) then I would love to hear it.

For those not aware, Rats in the Walls was a winning entry in the September Ronnies contest. I'm just an incredibly slow developer, which would explain my long membership here at the Forge, and no published games to my name. But I'm working on that, and with your help, I can make publishing a reality!

Notes on previous playtests can be found at the following Actual Play links.

Playtest 1:
Playtest 2:

The game itself can be found at

For questions, comments, praise or flames, send me a PM via the Forge, e-mail me at or leave a message in the Rats in the Walls forum, here


Forge Reference Links:
Topic 16876
Topic 17262

Message 20828#216329

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On 8/25/2006 at 3:59am, Wolfen wrote:
Re: Rats in the Walls - Playtesters needed

Due to some astute questions (along the lines of "Why are [vital rule X] and [vital rule Y] missing?") from William Burke, I've re-revisited the revisited text of Rats in the Walls. Same requests apply from above, same link. Just wanted to let anyone who might have taken a gander know that the rules for losing hatreds and what Change points are for have been re-added to the text. See the pages numbered 12-13 for the added text.


Message 20828#218399

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