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Topic: Crazy, funny, sick, stupid- Chick does Sorcerer
Started by: Bailywolf
Started on: 5/6/2002
Board: Adept Press

On 5/6/2002 at 7:59pm, Bailywolf wrote:
Crazy, funny, sick, stupid- Chick does Sorcerer

check this out. I spat yohoo all over my keyboard.

If only D&D and harry Potter gave geeks like me real magic powers....oh, there would be some kind of trouble, there sure would.

The crazy thing is there is a really hinky twisted Sorcerer one-shot in that thing....

Message 2084#19938

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On 5/6/2002 at 8:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Crazy, funny, sick, stupid- Chick does Sorcerer


I suppose we should be grateful that role-playing games play no part in this little tale.

And I don't know about Bob's mustache ... somehow, he looks kind of off-model for his role.


Message 2084#19939

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On 5/6/2002 at 9:28pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Crazy, funny, sick, stupid- Chick does Sorcerer

Just a note, whether you believe Chick is a great purveyor of Truth or totally off his rocker (or couldn't care less) that site has a lot of details that make it a great spot to research some really esoteric subjects. For example, from his site are links to topics like "the Trail of Blood" which if you get passed the rhetoric provides a lot of detail about the early church and Roman Catholic crusades against what they considered heresy. Whether your for, against, or indifferent I've gleaned a few setting details from the site for some of my historical campaigns.

Message 2084#19949

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On 5/7/2002 at 1:16am, Clay wrote:
RE: Crazy, funny, sick, stupid- Chick does Sorcerer

It wasn't quite as amusing as Dangerous Dungeons (a very old Chick publication), but certainly of better quality than some of his stuff. His anti-abortion tracts are plain over the top (and would also make excellent Sorcerer material).

His statement on Catholicism was "interesting," and internally self-contradictory.

Jack Chick wrote: Can Catholics and Protestants Walk Together?
A Former Catholic says NO!

Wow, that wouldn't go over well in this household, where at least three generations of Catholics and Protestants have done a lot more than walk together.

The whole site makes excellent fodder for Sorcerer. Whether you want over the top situations, or the makings of a seriously whacked cult, Jack Chick provides. We may have a game coming up; I think that I might include just such a cult.

Message 2084#19960

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On 5/7/2002 at 5:13am, Bailywolf wrote:
RE: Crazy, funny, sick, stupid- Chick does Sorcerer

What if the tract itself is the demon, and it can Spawn lesser version of neat batches of 25...

Message 2084#19972

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On 5/7/2002 at 11:40am, Clay wrote:
RE: Crazy, funny, sick, stupid- Chick does Sorcerer

That idea is hillarious. I've got a sort of Sorcerer's Apprentice image running through my mind.

Message 2084#19984

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...from around 5/7/2002