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Topic: Dice probabilities question and meta-question
Started by: RobNJ
Started on: 8/14/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 8/14/2006 at 5:27pm, RobNJ wrote:
Dice probabilities question and meta-question

1) I am wondering where I can find probability distributions for various dice pools, or how I can generate them.  Most of us know the 3d6 bell curve, what I'm wondering about is what the curves for the following look like:

1d4, 2d6
2d6, 1d8
1d6, 2d8

And so on, from 1, 1, 1d2 to 1d8, 2d12.

2) Does this matter?  Am I going to get anything useful from looking at these distributions?  Should I just go with my gut and have it playtested?

(PS: On the drive home from Gen Con I wrote the complete notes/outline of a game.)

Message 20857#216461

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On 8/14/2006 at 6:18pm, stack0v3rflow wrote:
Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

I'm not sure what you are looking for, but to find the average of a die you take the number of sides, divide by two and add 0.5.  So a 1d4 will roll a 2.5 average.

The 1d4+2d6 will have a minimum of 3 (since all of the dice could roll a one), an average of 9.5 (2.5+3.5+3.5), and a maximum value of 16 (4+6+6).

I hope that helps a little.

Message 20857#216463

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On 8/14/2006 at 6:23pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

Oh, right.  I was more thinking, like this is the 3d6 bell curve:


So what would that look like for 1d4, 2d6, and so on.  Here are all the combinations I'm thinking of, by the way:

2d1, 1d2
1d1, 2d2
2d2, 1d4
1d2, 2d4
2d4, 1d6
1d4, 2d6
2d6, 1d8
1d6, 2d8
2d8, 1d10
1d8, 2d10
2d10, 1d12
1d10, 2d12

Message 20857#216464

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On 8/23/2006 at 5:56pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

I'm going to make one bump attempt on this and then I'll let it die an ignoble death if that's its fate.  Does anyone have any input on this?  Maybe there's a website that can pump out these probability diagrams?

Message 20857#218071

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On 8/23/2006 at 6:26pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

I sort of figured that someone would get you an interactive page for generating histograms ... but surprisingly, even when I went searching, I couldn't find one.  Is there seriously no tool out there that will map out the outcomes of 1d4+2d12?  That seems ... odd.

Anyway ... if all you're doing is adding independent variables then you're going to get shapes that look like the gaussian bell curve you're familiar with.  Generally speaking:

• Mixing small dice with large dice, the results will not be very steeply slanted away from the edges.  For 1d4+1d20, any value from 5 to 21 is equally likely (I think) and the only places where the probabilities will be different are from 2-4 and 22-24.
• Mixing same-size dice will tend to fiddle with the distribution across the whole range.  For 2d6, 7 is more likely than 6 or 8, and so on all the way out to 2 and 12.
• More dice will create a larger field of possibilities (100d6 can go from 100 to 600) so the actual variation away from the centerline will be huge:  100d6 is not that much less likely to generate 345 than 350 ... that's five points away ... the difference in odds between 2d6 generating 7 and generating 2 (also five points away) is immense.  But, proportionate to the scale that you're operating, the probabilities will be much more tightly clustered.  The difference in odds between 100d6 generating 300 vs. 350 is a much bigger difference than the difference in odds between 2d6 generating 6 vs. 7.  When you scale down to the same overall size, more dice will result in a much tighter, sharper peak at their most probable point.

I hope that helps some.  There's a whole branch of mathematics, y'know, and it's hard to know what pieces you need.

Message 20857#218077

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On 8/23/2006 at 7:27pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

You know for the small number of dice you're looking at, it wouldn't be too hard to just do it the hard way and bang out an excel spreadsheet that lists all possible combinations...count each combination up and graph the result.

Message 20857#218095

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On 8/23/2006 at 10:15pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question


Thanks for your attempts.  Actually what I'm searching for is the single thing you didn't mention, which is keeping the dice pool size the same, and the dice only ever varying by one step.


I might try that.  I started and then gave up because I wasn't sure what it would look like.  Also because if you look at the list of dice pool possibilities, that seemed like a lot of tables to write up.

Thanks for the attempts, guys.  Basically what I know about these is:

1) As the dice used go up, the central node of the bell curve increases, and vice versa.
2) Bigger dice make higher curves, smaller dice make flatter curves.

Message 20857#218139

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On 8/24/2006 at 12:05am, jerry wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

Tony: I think the problem is that most of us who program, end up doing this sort of thing on the fly and never wrap it up into a nicer piece of software.

Rob: You might look at statistical software. 'R' is free:

and can generate histograms, though it's easier to use to generate random tests than full charts (it most likely can do the latter, since it does have a repeat function).

I wrote about it for dice checking:

If you look towards the bottom, you'll see how to generate the standard 3d6 bell curve. If you wanted to instead plot 2d8+d4, for example, you could use:

[code]samplesize = 500000
roll1 = sample(8, samplesize, replace=TRUE)
roll2 = sample(8, samplesize, replace=TRUE)
roll3 = sample(4, samplesize, replace=TRUE)
rolls = roll1+roll2+roll3
frequency = table(rolls)
plot(frequency, type="l", xlab="2d8+d4 rolls")

That'll generate 50 random rolls of 2d8+d4. Given that it's statistic software, I'm sure it can generate standard deviations and such, if that's what you mean by probability distributions.


Message 20857#218147

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On 8/24/2006 at 12:06am, jerry wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

That would actually be "500,000 random rolls", not 50.

Message 20857#218148

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On 8/24/2006 at 12:33am, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

Thanks, Jerry.  I'll give that a try.  I also have access to SPSS and SAS through my job, so maybe I can work out something that way too if R doesn't work for me.  But it looks like it will.

Perhaps a broader question, what about original question 2?  Do people stress out over the statistical spread their randomizers present?

Message 20857#218149

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On 8/24/2006 at 1:23pm, Hans wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question


Did a brute force excel spreadsheet that should meet your requirements.  See:

Let me know if the link is bad or there are other problems.  Put the die types in the yellow boxes, and read the histogram and probabilities.


Message 20857#218207

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On 8/24/2006 at 1:24pm, Hans wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

Hans wrote:
Did a brute force excel spreadsheet that should meet your requirements.  See:

Ah, one other thing, you will need to trust me enough to let the Visual Basic in the spreadsheet run...that's where the brute force is applied. :)

Message 20857#218208

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On 8/24/2006 at 2:21pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

This is awesome, Hans.  Thanks.

Message 20857#218217

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On 8/24/2006 at 2:30pm, Lxndr wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

On question #2:

A lot of people go with their gut, and are well-served by it.  Any really obvious statistical anomalies generally show up in playtesting. 

I'm a math-numbers-guy who's currently taking a course in probability, and I have fun figuring out things like that, and sometimes, if you have really complex things, it's good to know which selections are more common (like, rolling 4 dice, what will be more common: two pair, or a triple?).  But in the end, no matter what the numbers tell you, even I say 'go with your gut.'  Sometimes, the dice (or whatever you use) will take you places you weren't expecting.

Message 20857#218219

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On 8/24/2006 at 4:04pm, David Artman wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

stack0v3rflow wrote: I'm not sure what you are looking for, but to find the average of a die you take the number of sides, divide by two and add 0.5.  So a 1d4 will roll a 2.5 average.

That gets you the median (mean?) value, not the average. For the average, I think one sums the lowest value and highest value, then divides by two.

Suppose a die rolls from 0 to 9? Your method delivers an average of 5.5, when it's actually 4.5.

Or am I totally wrong? I am a bit sucky at math (so I stopped after second year Calculus, changed majors from Computer Science to English and Philosophy, and never looked back!).

By the way, if you want your head to explode, read this PDF article:
Roll: A Language for Specifying Die-Rolls.
I don't know if it will tell you the stuff you want to know--my ears were smoking by about page three--but if you understand the whole PDF, then you should be able to own all of us WRT die mechanics and probability. ;)


Message 20857#218247

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On 8/24/2006 at 4:28pm, Hans wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

David wrote:
stack0v3rflow wrote: I'm not sure what you are looking for, but to find the average of a die you take the number of sides, divide by two and add 0.5.  So a 1d4 will roll a 2.5 average.

That gets you the median (mean?) value, not the average. For the average, I think one sums the lowest value and highest value, then divides by two.

Suppose a die rolls from 0 to 9? Your method delivers an average of 5.5, when it's actually 4.5.

This first method assumes highest value = number of sides, which is true for a d10 if you consider the 0 a 10, as most games do.  Your method is more broadly correct, as long as each value appears the same number of times.  For any fair die, the mean = median.

Message 20857#218250

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On 8/24/2006 at 5:12pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

RobNJ wrote:
2) Does this matter?  Am I going to get anything useful from looking at these distributions?  Should I just go with my gut and have it playtested?

(PS: On the drive home from Gen Con I wrote the complete notes/outline of a game.)

Hi Rob,

To answer question 2: Yes, it matters; in games with dice, dice mechanics affect the shape of play greatly.  However, you probably don't need to know curves and probabilities and all the rest of that, except in very broad terms.  I would suggest you're going about this a little bit backwards:

In the context of your game, find out what effect you want the dice to have, both in terms of possible range and effect and probably outcomes.  Then develope on the mechanic that does that, playtest it to confirm it matches expectations.  Lacerate, rinse, repeat.

Dice mechanics and probability curves are fun (for some people) and useful to know as a tool in your designer's belt, but without the context of the game it's going to be in, it's basically mathamatical wanking.

So... what's your game idea?  (probably best for a new thread, esp. since it seems you've gotten your answer to #1)


Message 20857#218265

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On 8/24/2006 at 5:42pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

New thread created.

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Message 20857#218274

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On 8/25/2006 at 7:21pm, efindel wrote:
RE: Re: Dice probabilities question and meta-question

For odd dice questions, the rpg-create Yahoo group is a great place to ask -- Torben Mogenson, the author of the "Roll" language for expressing dice hangs out there, and often fields questions about dice probabilities.

Message 20857#218523

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