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Topic: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires
Started by: Justin D. Jacobson
Started on: 8/16/2006
Board: Publishing

On 8/16/2006 at 7:43pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires

It's not often that I'm humbled upon reading a game, but nevertheless here I am. I snagged a copy of BE at GC for a couple of reasons. Principally, I was pretty excited to be able to get Moeller's doodle/autograph, and I wanted to check out the competition in the big-enough-to-kill-a-rat sci-fi book genre. I started reading this thing on the plane ride home and haven't stopped since. This is a game designer and writer at the very peak of his game, folks. So, lest I end up in a state where I am unable to finish my own endeavors for fear that they won't measure up, I'd like someone to chime in if they found a typo. Anything will do: a dangling modifier, perhaps a comma splice, I'll even settle for an instance of its/it's. Seriously, anything.

Message 20905#216789

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On 8/16/2006 at 8:01pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
Re: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires

Sure thing. I can guarantee it. All you have to do is buy me a copy and send it to me.

Message 20905#216791

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On 8/16/2006 at 8:10pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires

p. 92:  "If your character is not a member of any of the elements you brought into the world via world burning, what the hell is doing here?"

I think there's a pronoun missing somewhere in there.  Feel better now, Justin?

Message 20905#216792

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On 8/16/2006 at 8:20pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires

Gah! My disease failed me. ::sobs::

Message 20905#216796

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On 8/16/2006 at 8:30pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires

TonyLB wrote:
p. 92:  "If your character is not a member of any of the elements you brought into the world via world burning, what the hell is doing here?"

I think there's a pronoun missing somewhere in there.  Feel better now, Justin?

Yes. I can press onward now, comforted by the fact that it's not perfect ... merely ridiculously awesome.

Message 20905#216798

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On 8/16/2006 at 9:44pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires

there's a few missing articles in the Psychology chapter, too.


Message 20905#216807

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On 8/16/2006 at 10:12pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: Re: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires

There was a punctuation mistake on the poster at Gen Con. Does that count?.

Message 20905#216809

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On 8/16/2006 at 10:20pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Please Find Me a Typo in Burning Empires

And, of course, all of these little details only distract from the huge gaping problem that is the core of the book.  Every other book has, subtly built into its design, the ability for the reader to put it down and do other things.  Somehow Luke seems to have missed including this most fundamental of features.  Because of this error, what I ended up buying is less a "book" than it is a hypnotic entrapment device.

Message 20905#216810

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