The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Being Overdrawn
Started by: AaronLehmann
Started on: 8/19/2006
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 8/19/2006 at 4:56pm, AaronLehmann wrote:
Being Overdrawn

What does it mean to be overdrawn?  What are the game effects?

Also, I had a question about implementation:  Superman's alterego is Clark Kent.  He rarely makes use of his powers as Clark, but occassionally will use X-Ray vision to see the robery in the bank, or super hearing to hear police sirens blocks away.  How should one do this to represent the fact that Clark and Supes are the same guy?  Is there a way to remove a character from a page?  Do I just narrate them out?

Mechanically speaking, would Clark be the character that I use to get STs, and Supes the one I use to get Inspirations?

Aaron Lehmann

Message 20988#217354

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On 8/19/2006 at 5:04pm, TonyLB wrote:
Re: Being Overdrawn

Separate paragraphs ... maybe I should put them in the wrong order, just to give you guys a challenge, trying to match up questions with answers!  Nah.

For each drive that is overdrawn, at the beginning of each page, pick the highest die on any side that character is allied with, and roll it.  Accept only lower values.  If the scene is littered with conflicts, and you therefore have (say) a six on some conflict that didn't resolve last page then that hurts.  If you're driving through the conflicts like a madman, and therefore the only dice you have to roll are ones anyway then it doesn't.  Players who are overdrawn have been known to push to resolve a lot of conflicts, precisely to exploit this loophole.

Clark has X-ray vision, it's just not a power on his character.  He's got powers like "Shy" or "Quiet" or stuff like that.  So he uses "Shy," stutters over what he's trying to say and looks through a vault with X-ray vision.  As long as what he's doing includes Shy, there's no rule saying that it can't include other stuff as well.

Clark might be a magnet for STs, if the other players like to punish him, and like to see Superman win.  I could just as easily see it going the other way though ... with Clark having all the important victories, and Superman being smacked around by the other players.  The mechanics give plenty of room for either, or any combination.

Does that help?

Message 20988#217356

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On 8/19/2006 at 10:33pm, AaronLehmann wrote:
RE: Re: Being Overdrawn

Yes, thank you.

Aaron Lehmann

Message 20988#217378

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