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Topic: [Capes] WNIRCC Session 1 "Raid on McGuffin Labs."
Started by: arcane
Started on: 8/24/2006
Board: Actual Play

On 8/24/2006 at 1:46pm, arcane wrote:
[Capes] WNIRCC Session 1 "Raid on McGuffin Labs."

The following is the log file from the narration channel for the Wednesday Night Capes game on MagicStar.  First our players.

Arcane_NH is playing Xethoteq [Master Of Snakes/Psychotic Loner]
Kai_Lord is Hiroshi Mystic Swordsman [Free form creation]
Hans is Big Neutron and Johnny Smiles [Robot/Spunky Kid]
Filip is Hammerfist [Godling/Simple soul modified emphasis on simple]
efindel is Starlight [Godling/Ingeneue]

Our story begins:

<Arcane_NH> It is a warm night in uberopolis, crickets are chirping in the grass surrounding McGuffin Labs
<Arcane_NH> A garter snake is seen slithering towards the building
<Arcane_NH> As the camera pulls out it shows that many snakes are converging to a point just outside the walls
<Arcane_NH> The snakes come together and form a humanoid shape.
<Arcane_NH> "Yesss My Massster I will get it for you."

<efindel> Inside the lab, a blond girl lies on a slab, apparently sleeping.

<Hans> Deep in the basement of the building, a large chamber...and within it, a massive shadowy figure
<Hans> And...nearby, a small twin size bed, with a child sleeping, and crayon pictures above it

<Filip> On the side of the lab building, on the scaffolding three workers repair some electrical installation. Two of them look like children in comparison with the third guy. The big one drops his hammer by accident, and nearly hits the worker below. "Hey, watch what you're doing! You're dumb or something?" The big guy smiles honestly and scratches his head
<Filip> "Sooory..."

<Kai_Lord> Next to the girl, a shimmering portal appears, and a man dressed in a black robe gracefully lands, his hand on his sword hilt.

<Arcane_NH> Xethoteq lifts his hand and a column of Boas and Cobras rise up from the ground. They form into a large hammer and Slam into the Wall.
<Arcane_NH> The scaffolding shakes, more tools fall

<efindel> On the table, the girl's eyes flutter, and then she wake up and looks at the wall.  "What the hell...?"

<Hans> In the dark chamber in the basement, a small red light begins to blink on a large computer panel...
<Hans> Connected to the massive figure.  Words appear on this panel; "Possible threat detected, begin Big Neutron start up routine"

<Filip> On the scaffolding, the workers barely keep their balance and look at the big guy accusingly. "That not me" he tries to explain himself clumsily, waving his hands and barely avoiding to loose his footing. "What happen?" he tries to figure.

<Kai_Lord> Meanwhile, in a corridor, a lone janitor whistles as he pushed his broom.

<Arcane_NH> "It sssseemsss ssstealth may be in order."

<efindel> The girl moves towards the hall, opens the door, and sees the janitor out there.

<Hans> At that moment, the entire building shakes, and the janitor stumbles in the hallway...
<Hans> "What in Sam Hill?!" he yells, as the girl looks out and a series of loud popping sounds are heard below their feet

<Kai_Lord> Suddenly, the man in black appears next to the janitor, steadying him. "It seems here, as every other world, there are innocents in need of help." He sighs.

<Hans> In the basement, we see large cables popping free of the massive figure, as the little boy suddenly jumps awake...
<Hans> "Big Neutron!" He yells, "Why are you always waking me up like this?!  You KNOW I have a test tomorrow!"
<Hans> The massive form shifts, and the building rocks; "Sorry" a DEEP voice says, "but there is a possible thread detection..."
<Hans> "Well, be careful, Neutron" the boy says,
<Hans> "Every time you go into threat mode, I'm always worried someone will get hurt, you are awfully big, and people aren't!"

<Filip> As the building rocks ones again, the scaffolding starts to fall into pieces. Big guy loses his balance. "Oh, mama!" he yells while he plunges into the ground, and then the screams of other workmen follow, as they fall down along with the pieces of the structure. The big guy stands up from the hole in the ground...
<Filip> ...and the workmen fall to the ground from his belly, that obviously softened the fall.
<Filip> "You all right?" the big guy asks "Billy don't like when things rock. Billy finds the bad person who rock things and punish him!"

<Arcane_NH> With the building rocking and rolling small cracks have appeared, cracks just large enough for snakes to slither in, and around the feet of the janitor.  A select selection of snakes also slither over the workmen.

<efindel> .... and then the girl sees the snakes and screams... a pitch that drives the snakes crazy, causing them to writhe about without biting anyone!

<Filip> "But first, Billy check if everyone all right", the big guy says. On his forehead, a chunk of meteorite rock appears and starts glowing. His muscles grow, tearing his shirt of. "Hammerfist ready for patrol!" he screams and jumps high in the air "Cosmic Jump!"

<Arcane_NH> As Hammerfist passes the roof several dozzen constrictors leap on to his flying form and start with the squeezing

<Filip> "Gah! Snakes! Hemmerfist not like snakes! Not like at all!"

<Hans> In the basement chamber, young Johnny Smiles runs over to the computer panel linked to Big Neutron's brain...
<Hans> "Big, it looks like there is some kind of flying target above the lab, maybe that is the possible threat?  And I'm getting...SNAKES?...on the sensors as well"

<Filip> As he slowly rises higher and higher, Hammerfist grabs snake after snake and tosses them to the ground. "What happen? Where the snakes from?" he asks himself confused, and scoops the area below, unsuccessfully trying to figure anything in the chaos.

<Kai_Lord> The swordsman mutters a few words, and then shouts, "Way of Binding number 1!" The snakes then assume a position that suggests if they had arms, they would be bound behind their back.

<Arcane_NH> "My ssserpentsss sssay ,It ssseemsss a little crowded here, perhapssss I come back later."  Xethoteq slowly shifts back into snake form and slithers southward.

<Hans> Back in the basement, Big Neutron begins to stand.  Ice that has formed on his frame sheathes off...
<Hans> "Big", Johnny says... "the snakes seemed to have disappeared from the sensors, but that flying target is still there."
<Hans> "Then you had better climb aboard, Johnny", says the Robot, "we need to deal with that threat, to protect the Meta-Nucleic Resonant Field Discriminator."
<Hans> "That's right, Neutron...It would be awful if that fell into the hands of a real villain!"
<Hans> The camera pans out to see snakes sneaking away through the grass...

<efindel> As the snakes slither away and the building stops shaking, the girl looks at the janitor and the strangely-dressed man.  "Is everybody okay?  And... do either of you know who I am?"

<Hans> A shudder goes through the entire building as two massive doors on the roof Begin to open...
<Hans> A massive form, brass and silver, floats upwards from the whole, a small figure perched on its shoulder...
<Hans> Hammerfist, looking at this huge form says...
<Filip> "Oh, mama!"

<Arcane_NH> On seeing Big Neutron "Sssuch ssstrength.  Why didn't Phantom tell me.  He'sss sssupposssed to sssee all."

<Hans> Johnny, sitting on Big Neutron's shoulder, says "Hey Big, this guy doesn't look so tough...I think we should be able to deal with him AND still get me back to bed in time for a full nights sleep for my test tomorrow!"

<Filip> With eyes wide from surprise, Hammerfist lands on the ground, accidentally stepping on the fleeing snake's tail. "Now, Hammerfist know what happen! Big ugly fridge-like thingie rocks egghead's building and big ugly fridge-like thingie releases snakes from from cages!" he notices brilliantly 'Hammerfist not happy with that. Not happy at all." He shakes his head slowly, and yells at the robot "Prepare for punish, you ugly fridge-like thing"

<Arcane_NH> And then the fleeing snake is able to wriggle free from under the heel of the possible oppressor.

<Kai_Lord> Hiroshi looks up suddenly. "I sense an evil presence. Please excuse me."
<Kai_Lord> He vanishes, and then appears, next to the fleeing stake man, slashing the ground in it's path, and growling, "You will not be leaving so easily, fiend."

<Arcane_NH> And then the snake darts quickly to the side just skirting the slash mark

<Hans> Big Neutron stretches out a hand towards the now landed Hammerfist...
<Hans> "You will not be allowed to damage this research facility" Neutron says.  Suddenly a swarm of micro missiles leap from the fingertips of the hand...
<Hans> The missiles slam simultaneously into Hammerfist, driving him backwards, tossing several parked cars and a garbage dumpster aside in the process...
<Hans> "Your threat will be neutralized"

<Filip> And then Hammerfist stands up slowly, the meteor piece in his forehead glowing stronger and stronger with cosmic light "You push billy!" he yells "Billy not like pushing!"

<Kai_Lord> Hiroshi vanishes, and once again reappears in front of the snake man, is blade inches from it's face. It recoils, just barely avoiding being impaled.
<Kai_Lord> "As I said. You will NOT be leaving."

<Arcane_NH> and then the snake man dissolves into millions of tiny garden snakes
<Arcane_NH> "Weak little ronin.  You have no clue whatsss happening!"

<Filip> Hammerfist runs toward the lab building, with tears slowly forming in his eyes "Kids at school always push Billy, saying he's stupid" he sobs, running over some thin little reptile that happened to slither on his way "But Billy not like pushing, that why Billy go learn boxin'..." the big guy continues, cleaning his eyes with hand "Now, Billy smack bad ugly fridge-like thingy, like the coach in the boxing school teach him!"

<Arcane_NH> And then the thin little reptile slithers away before the tears clear up enough for Billy boy to get a good look.
<Arcane_NH> The snakes ball themselves up into a fist and punch out Hiroshi

<efindel> Stumbling out the front door, the girl looks around for Hiroshi, thinking that he must have something to do with what happened to her.
<efindel> Seeing him hit, she rushes forward.  "No!  Not before I can find out anything!"

<Arcane_NH> The snakes slither off into the woods, confident they will strike another day.  Big Neutron and Jimmy look down on the pathetic blubbering heap of Hammerfist thinking "Could this guy really be a threat"  While Starlight desperately tries to bring Hrioshi around.

Message 21102#218211

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On 8/24/2006 at 3:37pm, r_donato wrote:
Re: [Capes] WNIRCC Session 1 "Raid on McGuffin Labs."

First, big props out to Kai_Lord for referencing the Kai series, one of my favorite gamebook series.

Second, I feel like this whole scenario should include Samuel L. Jackson muttering "I'm tired of the snakes."

Third, and more on topic, will you be posting any out-of-game chatter that happened between the players? It sounds awesome.

Message 21102#218241

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On 8/24/2006 at 7:51pm, Filip Luszczyk wrote:
RE: Re: [Capes] WNIRCC Session 1 "Raid on McGuffin Labs."

Heh. Every time Hiroshi slashed and vanished I had Bleach soundtrack running in my head ;)

My character was modified Brick/Simple soul, not Godling, although I strongly coloured the Brick part with all this cosmic stuff. Being rather clueless during character creation I went through the click & locks, and came up with a Hulk-ish character. Too bad I didn't knew that things I'd most often like to see in use should be rated 2 or 3. Now that I look at it, I'd probably customized some abilities a bit more. Also, lack of powered ability ranked 5 bites. But not so bad for the first Capes character anyway.

Message 21102#218327

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