The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Online turn order and Chaos gaming
Started by: arcane
Started on: 8/24/2006
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 8/24/2006 at 8:45pm, arcane wrote:
Online turn order and Chaos gaming

When I was planing the online capes games, one of the problems that popped into my head was turn order.  When playing IRL of course you have a table and are able to keep going around clockwise.  Online we don't have that luxury.  So what I did is I had everyone roll a d100, gave myself 100 and said we would play in descending order of rolls.

This also facilitates chaos gaming.  I do not assume that the same players are going to be there for each session, or even the same number of players.  But with the d100 value people can flit in and out as needed.  Right now all of the counters I keep track of (Scene Starter, Page Starter, Action, and Reaction) are set at 75.  This means that efindle will start the next scene and get rights to the first page. If new players show up they will roll.  If they get above 75, well tough luck but you're last.  If they get under 75 they will be slipped into the turn order between existing players.

Message 21122#218342

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...from around 8/24/2006

On 8/24/2006 at 9:18pm, Hans wrote:
Re: Online turn order and Chaos gaming

arcane wrote:
This also facilitates chaos gaming.  I do not assume that the same players are going to be there for each session, or even the same number of players.  But with the d100 value people can flit in and out as needed. 

A work of genius.

Message 21122#218346

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...from around 8/24/2006

On 8/24/2006 at 9:19pm, Melinglor wrote:
RE: Re: Online turn order and Chaos gaming

Pretty cool. It's just like "initiative order" in trad games' combat systems, but preserved from week to week. The method for folding in new players is eerily similar to what I've been doing lately in my Over the Edge game with characters arrivig on the scene of an existing fracas: roll initiative, then slot the numbers in betweenthe initiative values existing. Then, I have no idea if this is some innovation of mine, or common practice.


Message 21122#218348

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...started by Melinglor which Melinglor participated Muse of Fire Games
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...from around 8/24/2006