The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Limited Edition Leatherbounds
Started by: Jake Norwood
Started on: 5/12/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 5/12/2002 at 6:27am, Jake Norwood wrote:
Limited Edition Leatherbounds

We've just got the first Limited ed. Leatherbounds in and they are really really really frickin' cool. All leather cover, each one is hand-bound and is done a bit differently, with different shades of leather and different closures and clasps. This sounds like an ad, I realize, but I just got really excited when I saw the first ones.


Message 2120#20333

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On 5/12/2002 at 6:42am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Limited Edition Leatherbounds

One question.. Is this for the revised edition, or the original? Doesn't really matter, just that I'm curious.. I'd thought you'd already had the leatherbounds, so this came as a bit of a surprise.

Message 2120#20335

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On 5/13/2002 at 12:29am, Jake Norwood wrote:
RE: Limited Edition Leatherbounds

These are for the originals, not the revised. There are currently no plans for the revised edition to have a special version. The reason we only just got them is that no one had ordered any yet, so we had put off getting them made. We got a few orders and had a few made. They really are very "limited."

Less than 50 in print. oooh, ahhh...


Message 2120#20353

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On 5/13/2002 at 2:03am, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Limited Edition Leatherbounds

$99-somethin', right? Hmm... If you've still got any left when I get cash to spare for something like that, I might just order me one..

Yeah, I know I'm a fanboy.

Message 2120#20358

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