The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Actual Play - special rule
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 8/29/2006
Board: Actual Play

On 8/29/2006 at 3:42pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Actual Play - special rule

this post is obsolete
edited to un-sticky

Hi everyone,

This has been a rule for a while, but I want to emphasize it.

In this particular forum, Actual Play, the first three pages of threads are always considered open for participation, not just the first page. The only exceptions are threads which were internally closed by the moderator, i.e, me.

So take a little extra time to click on all three, when you browse by. Don't be a new-addict; many of those threads are begging for further development.

Best, Ron
edited because I am not smart with formats

Message 21211#218989

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