The Forge Reference Project


Topic: You play the Elemental!
Started by: Altharis
Started on: 8/31/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 8/31/2006 at 10:01pm, Altharis wrote:
You play the Elemental!

I've been thinking about a rpg based on "the magician's apprentice" by walt disney, in which you play the brooms!
You play as an elemental being animated for a purpose.... but what is it?
I'm going to be using the nameless system with a twist, when you draw an ace of yor trump suit, (water = hearts, fire = diamonds, earth = clubs, air = spades)
You unleash the elemental inside!

Message 21260#219363

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On 9/1/2006 at 7:26am, Noon wrote:
Re: You play the Elemental!

Cool! Is there anything that you think is good but could be better, that you want some help or observations on?

Message 21260#219394

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On 9/1/2006 at 9:27am, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Hi! And thanks for noticing,
For advancement, i'm making a system called "Shards"
As an elemental, you are made of a shard of your home plane, every mission you may find a shard of said home plane.
Shards give you a size increase (and consequent stamina and strengh increases) and a new ability.
I'm working on a tech tree for the shard powers.
For one of the branches of the Fire elemental trees, i'm working on a progressionf rom "Ignite", a power that aloows the fire elemental to raise their body flames to dangerous level, I'd like there to be a progression for slinging fire and a progression for manuevrability and maybe one for phisycal might.
Can you help?

Message 21260#219406

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On 9/1/2006 at 9:29pm, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

I'm terrible at helping, I just ask questions. :)

That tech tree...well, imagine in real life you were blacksmithing a sword. You go to some lengths to forge the metal, fold it, add the handle - anyway, you do alot of work.

But what is the intention for the sword? That's what I feel in terms of this tech tree - what is the intention for it? Don't get me wrong - a sword is just cool and so would an elemental tech tree. But what is the intention for it? Is there something you want to explore with it. Could you name that in one sentence?

Message 21260#219462

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On 9/3/2006 at 6:21am, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Haha, oh well, a good question is great help in it's own way.

Very hard question, with a great metaphor..... I guess I just want to give an option to my players to feel the glory of burning things and release their elemental nature.

Is that the right answer?


Message 21260#219556

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On 9/3/2006 at 4:28pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Was the "a purpose... but what is it?" a rhetorical question or a real one?  Do you as the designer have an idea what the purpose is?

Can you give me a link to the Nameless System? I googled and found some links but none really seemed to be what you are talking about. I assume you're making a supplement to that system to play out this Fantasia-like game, right?

Message 21260#219577

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On 9/6/2006 at 11:44am, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

The pupose, depending on the dm, can be either. I have no idea except what i would use for my campaign.

Here's a link:

Message 21260#219876

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On 9/6/2006 at 11:57am, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

So, what do you need our help with?

Message 21260#219878

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On 9/13/2006 at 8:49am, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

I'm not sure.... i've got a sketchy idea of a tech tree in my head, but that needs work... i've got ideas for ability modifiers by race etc. etc.

All in all i don't know what you can do.... just ask some questions maybe.....

Message 21260#220542

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On 9/13/2006 at 5:38pm, Sovem wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Ok... can you describe the elementals, some more? Your talk makes me think of the classical fantasy elementals--animated spirits composed of a pure element. But your original post made reference to the brooms in The Magician's Apprentice. What is the relation? The brooms strike me more as a golem type thing than an elemental.

Message 21260#220581

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On 9/13/2006 at 9:58pm, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

You play as a piece of element, ripped out of you homeland and bound with magic to serve his will.
This bond has now been broken, and you are not compeled to serve him; but the same bond ties down your elemental nature.
For example: Air cannot fly or discorporate, except occasionally. Fire does not burn, except occasionally. etc. etc.
You have a mind of your own yet you were created like the brooms, to serve a purpose.
The reason i referenced the brooms is to give an idea of what you were created for.

Message 21260#220616

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On 9/13/2006 at 10:44pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Okay, so start designing!

Message 21260#220617

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On 9/14/2006 at 9:08am, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Well, i am desiging every day! i've been compiling new ideas almost every minute of my life!
Is there a formal process for designing i should know about? I'm relatively new to the forge....

Message 21260#220641

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On 9/14/2006 at 1:21pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!


Whoops, Adam, you scared him!

There's no formal design process at the Forge. It's all you. Adam is merely encouraging you because he likes your idea and looks forward to the next step. That next step is totally up to you: summarize your rules ideas and make them available through a download of some kind, or play them yourself and post about it in the Playtesting forum, or ask questions in the Publishing forum if the logistics are relevant at this point, or whatever.

We're interested.

Best, Ron

Message 21260#220664

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On 9/14/2006 at 1:38pm, brainwipe wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

I like the idea that each character elemental has a tied connection with whoever summoned them. Like a puppet, you have a purpose. You may not like the purpose but you'd have to do it before returning to your home plane. After completing the task that you're summoned for, you might want to give a bit of the old retribution back to the magician who cast you in the first place. Elementals turning nasty could be quite good fun.

Also, it's interesting to see how this might be a team game. Perhaps a number of diffrent elementals cast at the same time for a similar purpose. Different elements have different powers and then must work together without killing each other. Interesting stuff.

Looking forward to how this pans out.

Message 21260#220667

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On 9/14/2006 at 7:25pm, Adam Dray wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Ack! I didn't mean to scare him! I meant to encourage and excite him. I need to learn to use my words. What I meant is, I want to see this game develop. Please start recording it so you can share with us what's in your head.

I find that (for me at least) it's all theory till the first words hit the paper (or keyboard or whatever). Then everything changes. Right now you have cool ideas. I can give you more cool ideas but then I'm stomping all over your design. Nail down one corner and then start building on it and share what you do with us!

At some point, you'll have enough to playtest. I don't mean a finished game. I don't mean even a completely written unfinished game. But maybe you have a conflict resolution mechanic or a character generation system or something like that. Playtest it. Run through a few conflicts with a friend or even on your own. Make a few characters. Then go to the Playtesting forum and post what you learned and we can talk about problems.

If you're still at the cool idea stages and need help, post a question or thought here and we can riff with you. That's what we're here for!

Also, let me pimp the online chat community. Log into Foundry MUSH ( 5000) with a mudclient like SimpleMU or Atlantis or TinyFugue or connect to the #indierpgs IRC channel on On either place, you can chat with us realtime about your game and our games.

Message 21260#220707

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On 9/20/2006 at 6:04am, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Hey all,
While out camping yesterday, my friend (who I'd involved in the design since day one) suggested that we give playing a shot.
I'd already tested the nameless system, so i readily agreed, changing a few of the rules.
For more info check the playtesting board under "Elementalia".

Message 21260#221191

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On 9/22/2006 at 2:58am, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

The post is up, so go and check! Warning: it's long.


Message 21260#221342

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On 10/3/2006 at 6:47pm, Altharis wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Hi all, I'm a bit disappointed with the total lack of response, but i'll get over it.
I'm taking it that either I a) did something wrong. b) cheesed off someone or c) posted at a wrong date and let it sink to the bottom of the boards.
I'm coming up with a list of variants, which differentiate Elementalia from Nameless, so expect that to come soon.
I've just arrived in germany at the moment and i am so excited, down side is my more limited internet access.

Message 21260#222362

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On 10/4/2006 at 3:22am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: You play the Elemental!

Hi there,

Let's stick with the Playtesting thread and let this one rest. You'll get lots of discussion there, but it's also a lot slower than here. There's plenty of interest in your game, but you won't promote that by bumping this thread or by complaining.

We're with ya. Sometimes it's important just to let us think, though.

Best, Ron

Message 21260#222407

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