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Topic: Nexus Stuff for your input
Started by: Aussigamer
Started on: 9/4/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 9/4/2006 at 1:28am, Aussigamer wrote:
Nexus Stuff for your input

There are several items already there so pick one and lets chat.

Message 21306#219605

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On 9/4/2006 at 4:45am, MikeH wrote:
Re: Nexus Stuff for your input

Hiya! :)

I'm brand spankin new here and I can't download any of your posted materials yet.  But I'm always willing to talk shop. :)  I did see a little of what you were posting already.  Are you aiming to create a new system or more of a d20ish variant with your own personal tweaks? If you were to summarize each part in a paragraph, what would make what you are creating stand apart?

Message 21306#219612

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On 9/4/2006 at 5:17am, Aussigamer wrote:
RE: Re: Nexus Stuff for your input

you need to be a member, but be warned you also need to post in the 1st week or you get deleted. Just part of the "Living Site" feel for it.

It is solidly based on the d20 systems, but it is not going to be a variant as you can not take things from another and use them without modifing them. As HP and AC etc are worked out differently.

Same with weapons, as the damage increases the 1st die or decrease by -1 overall. Thus a medium weapon doing 2d6, enlarged 1 size now does 3d6. But the size of the weapon affects the final TH.

So its heavily tweaked d20 :)

15 body points, thus more ablilty to assign damage better and to build the armour you want. A brigidine is a chest, upper legs and uper arms armour. So you make the armour like that.
Limbs assign damage differently. Though they use the full number for damage threashold, to see if they have been blown off etc, you only get 20% max HP damage assigned for hp reduction.

I feel the combat initiative system is a great way to get the players interested during the combat, you get to have a stance and then assign options to that. Which alters your initiative number thus affecting the combat order.

I have changed the re-roll a critical chance to confirm into 1 roll. Thus you check to see if you are 20+ above, or less if the weapon has a 19-20 critical. If you are 1-9, normal hit; 10-20, major success, +10% damage; 20+ critical hit, normal multiplier for damage. This means a critical has a good chance of doing some extra damage on the damage threashold.

You get free ones but you can only assign them if you have a success with them during the session.
You can go to external learning place and get more or learn one you don't have or increase one.
No cross class skills. This is silly and restrictive for no reason.

That will do for now. questions?

Message 21306#219614

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On 9/4/2006 at 9:26pm, MikeH wrote:
RE: Re: Nexus Stuff for your input

No opinion on body points at the moment.

I like the more dynamic combat choices (something I've been striving to enhance with each version of my own game).

I like reducing the amount of any rolls needed. So one roll deciding two things instead of one thing is good in my book. :)

d20 skills is a mess to me. If by removing cross class skills you mean allowing any class to learn skills, then I'm all for it.

Message 21306#219661

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On 9/4/2006 at 9:48pm, Aussigamer wrote:
RE: Re: Nexus Stuff for your input

The combat part is for me the most important part. My players enjoy a good fight, thought xp wise they don't get much for the fighting now as they do for D&D etc, you get more for skills uses.

So I suppose I have leaned the game to that part of the system, skills.

The combat damage threashold is a big stopper for players just standing in the middle and shooting, with them being able to be knocked prone and staggered quite easily in most modern + games.

The skills, I saw them as too restrictive, you had to take that class if you want that skill. So now you can access them but if you don't do the skill well then you don't get a success. So low dex PCs wearing heavy plate armour still have problems with tumble or stealth.

Message 21306#219662

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On 9/5/2006 at 3:59am, Aussigamer wrote:
RE: Re: Nexus Stuff for your input

I have now posted all the character making files on the site. You need to be a member to download, sorry that jus the way the site works.

Please comment here and there, as I don't want this to be just a link to my stuff, but would like the other site to be busy as well.

Message 21306#219689

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On 9/11/2006 at 5:35am, Aussigamer wrote:
RE: Re: Nexus Stuff for your input

Qi sent me a message about setting the tone.

I am a fan of d20, I like playing and GMing the system.

I am not a fan of the class system or some other aspects of the D&D 3.5 or modern systems.

I also want to make a system that its usable for olden days gaming to scifi futuristic gaming. I am trying to develop a system that will allow you the GM to design the campaign type you want and you will have the tools to build things for it.

I have developed a size system that allows combat between a small hafling with a plasma pistol with a planetiod based sized base station space craft, OK you would not cause any damage but it needs to be there just in case.

I have put the link at the start so you can go over and grab a file or two, read it and then comment.

It is still in development so its pretty bland looking.

Its not a house rule version of modern or D&D, it has too many changes to be just that now. Even the base abilities now have been combinaed to make max/ min PCs hard to do.

The idea for classes and skills is that you can specialise in one thing and thats all. Thus no PrC or AdC just a specialisation class and general classes. The system should allow you to build a PC you want, and not be stuck with a 1/2 baked mix class which is not what you truely wanted.

Any way, please comment or ask questions.


Message 21306#220322

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