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Topic: Pendragon Actual Play
Started by: Lamorak33
Started on: 9/11/2006
Board: Actual Play

On 9/11/2006 at 3:27pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
Pendragon Actual Play


A while back I posted this,

Basically it was me bitching about the GM's style. I have since played a few games and exchanged a number of emails with the GM. These have all been copied to all members of our roleplaying group.

The problem lies in the differing views on how the characters should behave. For example, in one scene we took an enemy knight, who had attacked us unsolicited, as prisoner. Wanting to get on with the game we, as the players, said that we instruct the knight to go to out Lord and present himself as our vanquished foe, upon discharge of this duty he could return home. The GM said that the guy would not do such a thing.  Our next solution was to say we'll kill him then, which would have lost us honour. So there we were not really sure what to do. We then had a debate about dark age morality and interperatation of the literature, which carried on by email.

Whats interesting here is that we as a group (GM included) have difficulty in interacting in this game (which is unashamably sim) due to a lack of a coherent way in which to play our characters, assuming that playing them per 20th century western roleplayers morality is not in keeping with the setting/ rules.

Does this happen in other games?


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Message 21413#220351

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On 9/11/2006 at 3:49pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
Re: Pendragon Actual Play


My apologies, but for those interested in our solution with the knight in the example, we let him go after he made a promise not to bear arms against us for a year and a day. Pussies aint we? :^)


Message 21413#220356

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On 9/12/2006 at 3:26am, Caldis wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

From my experience, yeah.  And it's a large part of what makes sim enjoyable when you can find a group agreed upon solution to that tangled up question of what would these (in your case) Arthurian Knights do that's correct for the source material and our take on it.  Trying to impose your own moral choices on it, or your view of what the characters choice would be rather than the group accepted view, would be a move towards narrativism. 

I think what you are experiencing is either the desire for narrativism in a sim game or possibly a conflict on what the group ideal form of being Arthurian knights means

Message 21413#220428

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On 9/12/2006 at 3:30am, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

A question for you Lamorak: Did you, or the GM, or anyone in the group, ever try to take this to the system? Was the arguing about what would happen abstractly, in terms of what the characters traits and passions were, or what?

Message 21413#220430

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On 9/12/2006 at 8:04am, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Brand_Robins wrote:
A question for you Lamorak: Did you, or the GM, or anyone in the group, ever try to take this to the system? Was the arguing about what would happen abstractly, in terms of what the characters traits and passions were, or what?

It was purely down to the interpretation of the literature. I am a Malory buff and tend to play my character in a way similar to my favourite chivalric knights. The GM, a Early Medieval History of Britain graduate, is influenced primarily by the modern stuff written by people like Bernard Cornwell. The other players are caught in between these conflicting priorities!

I think we are out of the woods, but the flexibility is from me as the GM asserts he can only write for a game under his own interpretation of Arthur, which of course is entirely correct.

What is fascinating is the conflict within a Creative Agenda (sim), rather than between CA's (Sim v Gam). I have found that posting here has been cathartic and I am actually enjoying the process of exploring this in the game. We play tonight so I hope to see how it goes now we have purportedly ironed things out.

I think what this highlights is that by talking without rancor a group can find its way out of the woods.


Message 21413#220446

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On 9/12/2006 at 3:43pm, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play


I wasn't looking at anything like a conflict between Sim and Gameist agendas. I was looking to see if the conflict was because you all had different ways of using the mechanics of the game, or if you weren't using them at all.

See, Pendragon is a great Sim game because it mechanically supports and underlines Sim agendas. Traits and Passions are wonderful things for getting play to follow a course close to the literature, and using them exactly as the book tells you to will often give you the experience that you are looking for.

However, it seems that your group doesn't want to do that. Rather than use the system to give your Sim coherence in the moments when people's interpretation of literature is different, you go to social arguments and negotiation in order to work it out.

In situations like that the things you are describing are completly at par. If you all have the game to help negotiate conflicts between visions of the Sim space (You to GM: "In the book it says this is an honorable action. Shouldn't he need to roll against his Honor/Valor/Just at this point?" GM to you, "Wow, if you want to murder him I think you need to roll against your Arbitrary") then the negotiations focus around the system, and put everyone on the same page once you work out how you interact with it. But when all you have to bring you together is your joint abilities to agree on something you don't agree on... that can be rough. It's like herding cats.

Trust me, I know of what I speak here, and I know with Pendragon specifically. When I started playing Pendragon (um... 15 years ago, I think) I hated Traits and rarely used Passions. I only really used the system for traditional task resolution (combat, impressing the princess with your dance, etc), and avoided using Traits and Passions as a tool to determine exactly what people would do in situations where we were unclear about what "was right to the literature." The result was the arguments your group is having, almost exactly. When I started actually using the system Greg had given us, and making Traits and Passions the point of play and the thing rolled most often to drive play, all of a sudden the group tightend up and we started getting stories much closer to the literature.

Pendragon is a great sim game because when you use the system it simulates its source material. The problem you guys are having is that you are not using Pendragon's system, you're using your own social preasure to try and simulate the source material with no guidance or mediation. That's cool, but be aware it is a much rougher course.

Message 21413#220470

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On 9/12/2006 at 4:02pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Brand's completely right.

I've run many successful Pendragon campaigns (including a recent one that's been on hiatus for too long) and that discussion never should have happened.

What I would have done* is give the player knights all checks on Honor for releasing the knight, maybe even a check for Loyalty (Lord) for their acknowledgement of his Lord's status and sending him to report to him (i.e. a check to their own loyalty for their own Lord as their action reinforced the duty to one's liege).  Checks for Merciful or other Traits / Passions may have been appropriate for different knights depending on their own pre-decision interaction.

I'd have then made an Honor Roll for the prisoner to see if he'd actually follow through, and if not an Honesty Roll to see if he'd come clean about it.  If he'd failed his honor, I'd probably have made a Loyalty (Lord) roll for him as well to see if he'd follow through anyway since his Lord's reputation would also be at stake.  If either had been 16+ I wouldn't even have rolled. 

If the knight had a Passion of "Hatred (you guys)" or something then it would have been a roll off...passion vs. trait...hatred vs. honor.  I probably would have let a player roll on the side of the guy's honor, just because rolling off vs. myself would be kind of lame. 

Boom, done.  No discussion of "would he" or "wouldn't he".  The numbers are there defining his character. That's what they're for.
Sometimes there's a gray area (like what exactly consitutes "hospitality") but the texts do a pretty decent job of defining the scope of those things...and in this case, with an action that is so clearly in line with the literature, there isn't any gray at all.

Unless perhaps your campaign was not "Mallory's Britain" but one of the other flavors of Arthur.

* and here "what I would have done" I think is pretty much in line with how the game is meant to be played.

Message 21413#220474

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On 9/13/2006 at 2:58am, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Hi Rob,

Was there any talk about this knight taking an honour hit, for not doing the honourable thing you demanded and presenting himself to your lord? I don't think it would change the basic situation much, but it might make it more interesting - yeah, this night would rather lose honour than do as he should.

Message 21413#220532

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On 9/14/2006 at 12:20pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Hi Brand, Hi Ralph

I always reference my character traits and passions. I can't speak for the GM. I do think that most of the problem is probably interpretation of the genre.


Message 21413#220648

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On 9/14/2006 at 12:23pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Hi Callan

Callan wrote:
Hi Rob,

Was there any talk about this knight taking an honour hit, for not doing the honourable thing you demanded and presenting himself to your lord? I don't think it would change the basic situation much, but it might make it more interesting - yeah, this night would rather lose honour than do as he should.

The GM ruled that it was not a matter of honour because our request was not appropriate. The dumb ass (joking) :^)

I just didn't see it as a big deal. I am going to read the passions to make sure 'I play right' in future. I just have this huge urge every time I play to play like a character out of Malory. Ho hum.


Message 21413#220649

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On 9/14/2006 at 12:53pm, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play


So you'd check your scores and be like "I've got a Just at X, so I'd do Y" right?

But do you use them to mechanically solve dillemas like this? Like did anyone ever say "I want to roll my Just against his Deceitful and if I win he has to go, if he wins he can sneak off?" Was there any time at which the numbers on the character sheet were used not just for your reference, but as actual elements of the game that had power to resolve the conflict?

Because just looking at your honor score is just using the scores as a sort of suggestion. Getting into with opposed rolls and full mechanical resolution is what I'm looking at.

Message 21413#220656

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On 9/15/2006 at 6:25am, Noon wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Lamorak33 wrote: The GM ruled that it was not a matter of honour because our request was not appropriate. The dumb ass (joking) :^)

Hmmm, I think if it's always his turn to deciding if it's appropriate - well, perhaps suggesting some sort of turn system to decide that instead (could still be heavily favoured to the GM, like 10% chance a random player decides). I'm not sure him deciding all the time is going to add any spin to your game/take it anywhere new.

Message 21413#220748

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On 9/16/2006 at 2:15pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play


Brand_Robins wrote:

So you'd check your scores and be like "I've got a Just at X, so I'd do Y" right?

Hmmm. Not exactly. The GM was pretty good, so the character represents fairly closely what I'd like to play. Over time I expect my reinforcementof this to make the character scores more acute.

Sometimes, when I don't have a view on what I want to do and there appears to be conflicting traits then I might roll against them to see which comes out on top, and its something that the gm actually enforces. So yeah, I think we got a handle on what the designer was intending. Not that thats the point of course.


Message 21413#220874

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On 9/16/2006 at 2:19pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play


Callan wrote:
Lamorak33 wrote: The GM ruled that it was not a matter of honour because our request was not appropriate. The dumb ass (joking) :^)

Hmmm, I think if it's always his turn to deciding if it's appropriate - well, perhaps suggesting some sort of turn system to decide that instead (could still be heavily favoured to the GM, like 10% chance a random player decides). I'm not sure him deciding all the time is going to add any spin to your game/take it anywhere new.

My thoughts exactly. He is a fairly autocratic GM. I think he plays D&D and Warhammer FRP, both quite traditional rpg's. My favourite system is Heroquest, and I am more switched on to protaganist play, but I just love the genre and the system of Pendragon. I don't really have a problem, its very cool to be playing.


Message 21413#220875

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On 9/16/2006 at 10:27pm, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Lamorak33 wrote:
I don't really have a problem, its very cool to be playing.

Is this really true though?

I mean, if you say it's all good then I'll have to believe you -- but considering this is the second thread you've started about this same game in which you reveal major issues in play and discuss how you were not satsified with what was going on at the table -- I have to wonder if you're really being fully honest. Not honest with us either, honest with yourself.

Because, to get back to your question at the top of the page "is this common" I'll answer bluntly. It is not common with any group I have played with in over 5 years. This kind of stuff used to be common in my groups, until I quit telling myself that it was okay and I was lucky just to be playing. This kind of stuff  is very common with groups that have a dysfunctional social contract and who do not consistantly apply mechanics or system in a fair and even way. Which means, yes, there are a lot of groups that end up no better, and maybe even a lot worse, than your group is.

But is that really good enough for you?

Because if it is, then I don't think we need to spend any more time on the issue. All you've done is vent, because people in games they are happy with don't need help in fixing them. And while venting is fine and good it calls for a different kind of response than that which we've been trying to give you. We thought you actually had a problem you were wanting to fix, and if that isn't the case then we should stop.

And if it isn't good enough, maybe you should try engaging a little harder with what we're telling you. Because honest to God, I don't think you've actually understood anything I've asked you.

Message 21413#220899

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On 9/16/2006 at 10:54pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play


Brand_Robins wrote:

And if it isn't good enough, maybe you should try engaging a little harder with what we're telling you. Because honest to God, I don't think you've actually understood anything I've asked you.

Easy Brand! I started this thread based on my (recent) experience in a game where the GM and I have completely different interpretations of the genre. This problem is not rules or system based. Its like this, the rules give explicit information on codes of behaviour. However, those standards do not help us because I am playing heroic-chivalric-Malory and the GM is a dyed in the wool gritty medieval gamer.

What I am interested in here is not 'trying to fix my broken game'. Ron's 'tough love' in the other thread opened my eyes to what was going on and I am dealing with it. However, I may have allowed the thread to take a direction that I had not intended, but I was genuinely interested in the things you guys were saying. My bad for not keeping the thread discipline.

What I wanted to find out is whether other people have encountered this in a game. I have been playing for over 20 years and its a new one on me. So, has anyone else experienced a genre in a game that they have completely been at a tangent to other players/GM's interpretation of that setting?


Message 21413#220900

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On 9/16/2006 at 11:16pm, Web_Weaver wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Lamorak33 wrote:
What I wanted to find out is whether other people have encountered this in a game. I have been playing for over 20 years and its a new one on me. So, has anyone else experienced a genre in a game that they have completely been at a tangent to other players/GM's interpretation of that setting?

This is incredibly common in Pendragon and I have experienced it and also heard about it many times. The two most extreme:

• I Had a game where one player had very extreme views on the religiosity of knights, and he seemed to think it was "Wagner's Parsifal the RPG" not Mallory at all. He couldn't pass a church without going in and preying in character.

• A friend had a campaign where his players didn't understand why they should spend valuable time helping people or vanquishing monsters when they were travelling, they didn't quite get the genre, "We are in a hurry, lets not investigate the dragon rumours".

But, the above posters are providing the best solution, use the system. Mallory portraits a variety of behaviours, you need a baseline for you and the GM to agree on instead of just getting frustrated that you don't agree.

If you disagree on behaviour norms within the genre (ie Mallory v Dark Ages) it may be helpful for your GM to re-jig the requirements for such things as the Chivalry Bonus or Religious Bonuses. It may also be helpful to reset the starting values to a level that makes sense in the light of these new bonuses.

If you have a clear model for what kind of behaviour is expected of a knight, then you will know when you are diverting from it willfully or otherwise. Discussions of this kind will definitely help. You can then portray your character in any way, as long as you are all clear on how he departs from the norm, and why he is doing so.

This, or a reiteration of the standard bonus system has worked for me and appears to have worked for others here. The system answers you have received are a direct attempt to let you know that these issues are well addressed by it.

Message 21413#220902

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On 9/16/2006 at 11:50pm, Web_Weaver wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

That was an awful spelling mistake back there, now I have an image of a rogue knight stalking priests down dark church aisles.

Message 21413#220904

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On 9/17/2006 at 2:49am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Hey Lam,

I really hate trying to critique a GM's GMing in-abstentia.  Perhaps if he was interested in popping in we could actually have a valuable discussion on Pendragon GMing techniques.

Your analysis of the issue as a genre difference doesn't seem to ring true to me.  If you were picking up the dice to roll with X idea and he were picking up the dice to roll with Y idea...then maybe the clash between X and Y might be a genre thing.  But niether of you are picking up the dice to roll.  That tells me its most likely a mechanics thing.

Pendragon was my all time favorite game back in the day.  I didn't know why at the time, but now I do...because it actually gave rules for how to do stuff other than fighting, and it expected both player and GM to follow them.  Both of those seem pretty ho-hum by current Forge standards, but back then...dang revolutionary.  The worst Pendragon experiences I've ever had were when playing with GMs who treated Pendragon like D&D or Runequest or any of the other main games of the day...which involved alot of ignoring rules, and alot of GM fiat to cover situations where there were no rules.

Your description of how the GM handled your idea and the defeated knight's response is classic D&D DMing.  There are no rules in D&D for determining whether or not that knight would do what you told him to the DM would resolve it by fiat...usually coming down on the "sounds like a sneaky player trick to me...I'm not going allow it" side of things.

Thing is Pendragon does have rules for resolving that situation.  Rules the GM is expected to follow.

So as much as I don't like critiquing other GMs when they're not here...if he did not roll any dice during that scene to determine that knight's response...then he's frankly breaking the rules (with a few caveats I won't bother listing here because they probably aren't pertinent).

Similarly if he did not award your knight with checks to Mercy and / or Honor and / or Loyalty to Lord or some similar variation for your act, regardless of the knight's response...then he's frankly not following the rules.

Don't know what else to say there. 

If your GM is interpretting things with a gritty medieval sensibility then he'd better have done some major renovation on the Pendragon Virtues and Passions system because the rules are very clear about the central place of Mallory as the prime source material.  And if he didn't tell you about any such alternate world view, then again...he's not following the rules, because as I recall the GM section is pretty clear on establish which Arthur you're playing up front.

Message 21413#220914

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...from around 9/17/2006

On 9/17/2006 at 7:21am, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play


Valamir wrote:
Hey Lam,

I really hate trying to critique a GM's GMing in-abstentia.  Perhaps if he was interested in popping in we could actually have a valuable discussion on Pendragon GMing techniques.

Your analysis of the issue as a genre difference doesn't seem to ring true to me.  If you were picking up the dice to roll with X idea and he were picking up the dice to roll with Y idea...then maybe the clash between X and Y might be a genre thing.  But niether of you are picking up the dice to roll.  That tells me its most likely a mechanics thing.

Curious. Here I was thinking, your not really getting what I'm saying. But then,

Valamir wrote:

Pendragon was my all time favorite game back in the day.  I didn't know why at the time, but now I do...because it actually gave rules for how to do stuff other than fighting, and it expected both player and GM to follow them.  Both of those seem pretty ho-hum by current Forge standards, but back then...dang revolutionary.  The worst Pendragon experiences I've ever had were when playing with GMs who treated Pendragon like D&D or Runequest or any of the other main games of the day...which involved alot of ignoring rules, and alot of GM fiat to cover situations where there were no rules.

Your description of how the GM handled your idea and the defeated knight's response is classic D&D DMing.  There are no rules in D&D for determining whether or not that knight would do what you told him to the DM would resolve it by fiat...usually coming down on the "sounds like a sneaky player trick to me...I'm not going allow it" side of things.

Thing is Pendragon does have rules for resolving that situation.  Rules the GM is expected to follow.

So as much as I don't like critiquing other GMs when they're not here...if he did not roll any dice during that scene to determine that knight's response...then he's frankly breaking the rules (with a few caveats I won't bother listing here because they probably aren't pertinent).

Similarly if he did not award your knight with checks to Mercy and / or Honor and / or Loyalty to Lord or some similar variation for your act, regardless of the knight's response...then he's frankly not following the rules.

Don't know what else to say there. 

If your GM is interpretting things with a gritty medieval sensibility then he'd better have done some major renovation on the Pendragon Virtues and Passions system because the rules are very clear about the central place of Mallory as the prime source material.  And if he didn't tell you about any such alternate world view, then again...he's not following the rules, because as I recall the GM section is pretty clear on establish which Arthur you're playing up front.

This is actually bang on. This is what Brand and others have been saying as well yes? Now your saying it it just makes so much sense. I have the 5th edition, I'll look up the sections youmentioned. Thanks,


Message 21413#220921

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On 9/17/2006 at 6:36pm, Brand_Robins wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play


Some people have told me that I have "angry sounding post disorder." This is a terrible disease in which I sound very angry in a post when, in fact, I'm not at all.

I wasn't meaning to piss on you. I was just meaning to clarify where we're all coming from. Because if I'm thinking the thread is about X and its actually about Y, then responding like you're talking about Y is the wrong response. So I was just trying to pointedly get us all on the same page. If it's a bitch thread, I'm cool with that. If its a "has this happened to you" thread, I'm cool with that too. If its a "help me fix this" thread, then I'm good with that as well. I just need to know which it is, and I think a lot of others do as well.

So: for the bitch thread response: Yea, that sucks. Sounds like a lot of time got wasted.

For the "does this happen to others" response: Yea, used to happen to me all the time. Then I got to the things that Ralph and I have been talking about and it stopped happening (as much) because we realized there were actually rules to avoid this.

For the "help fix this" response: Yes! I don't know what magic Ralph has to say things more clearly than I could, but that is what I was talking about. By the rules of Pendragon when a conflict like that comes up you should be rolling dice to solve it. That's one of the main things Traits and Passions are for -- so you can roll dice to solve conflicts, rather than having to argue them out. They are guides to "how to play the character" but they're also much more than that, they are powerful mechanical system bits that let you make the way the game runs respond directly to the character and the character to the game.

Message 21413#220940

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On 9/18/2006 at 10:22pm, Web_Weaver wrote:
RE: Re: Pendragon Actual Play

Valamir wrote:
Pendragon was my all time favorite game back in the day.  I didn't know why at the time, but now I do...because it actually gave rules for how to do stuff other than fighting...

As an aside, it also opened my eyes to the whole idea of telling an actual dramatic story, the rules on Moral Tests, Conflicting Emotions & Personality Disputes are so powerful as concepts that they changed my roleplaying forever. Rereading the whole Ideals and Passions chapter is well worth the investment.

To take a relevent quote to this thread:

Greg wrote:
Traits & Passions are the primary indicators that you will use to determine "correctness" in  the Arthurian setting. If your character gains the proper traits and passions, then your character will be doing just exactly those things which constitute correct behaviour in Aurthurian society.

This was the context of my previous advice, if your GM wants to have slightly different "correctness" then adjusting the traits and passions is all that is required. Everything else is handled in the rules.

Message 21413#221066

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