Topic: Figgys guides?
Started by: chuckhazard
Started on: 9/21/2006
Board: Connections
On 9/21/2006 at 11:16pm, chuckhazard wrote:
Figgys guides?
Hi all, I was going through the resources links and discovered Uncle Figgys Guides was no longer a live link. I found a link to parts of his guide via Google, but the 'new' home at is a dead page. Does anyone know the status of these guides? Have a version they can link or upload? The material I read via Google was superb, it would be a shame to lose a resource like this to the entropy of the internet.
The reason I was looking (and not necessarily what I found from Figgy, even though his stuff is great) is writings on game mechanics. Choosing mechanics, balancing them, etc. If anyone can point me to resources on this topic, I would be equally appreciative.
On 9/24/2006 at 4:18am, Paul Czege wrote:
Re: Figgys guides?
Hi Chuck,
Have you ever used the Internet Archive Wayback Machine?
A search for produces navigable archived versions from 2004 and 2005. Here's the most recent, from March 5, 2005: