The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Black Cadillacs] Playtester(s) needed
Started by: Darcy Burgess
Started on: 9/25/2006
Board: Connections

On 9/25/2006 at 4:33pm, Darcy Burgess wrote:
[Black Cadillacs] Playtester(s) needed

It was really, really dark.
We were running lights out so that the Krauts wouldn't spot us.  I was at the head of the column, and nervous as hell.  Every bump in the road sent the gun I was towing clanging all over the place -- I swore I was going to wake Hitler up with all the racket I was making.

The pressure was really on, so racket or no, throttles were pretty much wide open.  Battalion intelligence had some new info that meant we needed to shift our position -- we'd be able to catch Jerry in the open.  Battalion intelligence had lots of info.  What they didn't have was a real map of the town we were moving through.  And they sure as hell didn't know that there was a monster of a fountain right in the middle of the town square.  That would be the square we were motoring through at forty per.

Did I mention that they also didn't know that the fountain had a big bloody statue in the middle of it?  Well, I sure as hell found out for them -- the problem is I did it head-first right after I went over the handlebars.

Pretty good story, huh?  The first time I heard it, I was ten and I hung on each and every word as it shot out of Dad's mouth.  He'd go on to tell about what the recovery was like and how that's how he ended up spending VE day in Halifax instead of kicking Hitler's ass.  What he didn't talk about was that that was also the reason why we got a cheque in the mail each month -- something to do with "75% mental incapacitation".  Not that you'd know it -- there was no sign that my pop had taken one hell of a hit on the melon, so it didn't matter.

At least, not for a good long time.  It did start to matter in 1998 when Dad started...slipping away.  Call it Alzheimer's, call it senility, it doesn't really matter.  What mattered was that the guy staring back at me from a hospital bed was not my Dad.

And here's the kicker: I still, to this day, don't know if that story is true.  And if the story ain't true, what does that mean about me and Dad?

That's the sort of stuff I'm angling at with Black Cadillacs.  It's a collaborative/competitive rpg with mechanics founded loosely in Sorcerer, but also borrowing a lot from boardgames.  It's got a GM.

What it doesn't have is a proper playtest.  Real life means that I can't run a face-to-face playtest, and I want to be involved.  So I'm running one online via the Vassal engine.  If you're not familiar with Vassal, it's a powerful & configurable Java-based whiteboard, specifically designed to support realtime gaming online.  And it's FREE.

I'm looking for one or two more people to wade into this with me.  I'm picturing 3-6 sessions over the next 3 months, lasting 2-3hrs apiece.

So, if you're interested please drop me a PM here at the Forge and I'll set you up with rules and all the necessary Vassal know-how to participate.

Thanks up front

Message 21592#221554

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