The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Mod Forces] When Mobs Attack
Started by: mratomek
Started on: 9/27/2006
Board: Playtesting

On 9/27/2006 at 10:00pm, mratomek wrote:
[Mod Forces] When Mobs Attack

Been altering the rules lately. I was hoping to create a system where a character's Power Level is directly translated to a dice. For example, a PL 6 is a D6. But it seemed to confuse a lot of people.

So I am changing up horses to 2D6 + Power Level (and feats and special abilities). The conversion wasn't too bad, and it had some interesting side effects which played out well in a game pitting Captain America and Vox versus the evil Man of War and about 30 Minion-level Warriors.

I was curious to see what would happen when a hero level character was faced with a mob of minions. The minions were surprisingly effective--even though they were being eliminated by the droves. Cap didn't have any kind of area attack or multiple targeting attacks, so he was taking out 3 Minions each Turn. Vox on the other hand had an area blast with her sonic voice power. She was able to eliminate several minions with each attack; however, that left Man of War alone to target her.

The Minions in Turn would surround Capt, reducing his defensive capability, and then lay in to him with supported attacks. A total of 6 Minions could encircle him at any given time. Usually caps defensive TN was 14, but the overwhelming nature of the minions attack reduced it by half. On top of that, 2 sets of minions supported one other, giving him a +2D6 bonus to his roll. They hammered on Capt.

Capt only defense was to use his Manuever, when he was lucky, to get out of the middle of the mob, which he successfully did a few times. But eventually, Capt succumbed to the mob, after eliminate 26 of the warriros. Vox had to turn her attention to Man of War who was blowing her to bits. Vox would use her Confusion power first to weaken the killer and then let'em have it with a voice blast.

On the othe hand, Man of War would simply concentrate his firepower on her, using all his attacks to score different types of wounds. A key moment came when Vox scored a Critical wound and chose to Cripple Man of War's Dodge power, making him more vulnerable to attacks.

In the second to the last Round, the warriors continued to beat on Capts body, increasing his Damage Level to 22--well beyond his ability to make successful Fatality Rolls. At the end of that Round, Capt used a Defy Death special ability to re-enter play--however, a single hit would eliminate him for good.

But, everyone had already moved, so Capt mad a single attack at Man of War and then the round ended. In the beginning of the next round, Cap usd his Impulsive special ability to win intiative and hit Man of War for several more points of damage.

Man of War then used his Tactical special ability to move before Vox could, he hit her twice forcing her to make two fatality rolls, which she luckily made. Vox realizing that Cap was a dead man, took out her aggression on Man of War and finished him off.

Then the remaining few warrior took out Cap, but could not hit Vox who was flying.

Vox mopped up the remaining warriors and won the battle.

It was fun. The minion mobbing rule greatly strengthen Minons on the battle field.  And the 2D6 + PL action roll simplified and sped up the game even more. I will probably stick with it.

I was wondering, the damage system now has quite a few consequences that a characgter can choose rather than straight damage. But I was wondering if everyone thought they were useful. The other wounds do stuff like reduce a character's offensive or defensive capabilities, knock him down, back or across the game board. Increase the attackers action roll, etc. It kind of rolls the critical hit chart into the game.

For example, a character scores 1 wound if he hits, and 3 wounds if he exceeds the defensive TN by 10 or more, and 5 wounds if he exceeds the defensive TN by 20 or mroe. A character can further score additional wounds by rolling doubles or using specific feats and special abilities.

The character can then spend those wounds any way he sees fits. He could use them on damage or any combination of wounds. But I don't know if it is too much. I like the flexibity in combat, I think it makes the game more tactical.

Here's an exerpt from the rules:

Damage and Wounds
When a character successfully hits an opponent, he scores wounds. A character scores a number of wounds based on the difference between his total and his opponent’s total:

Hit and Wounds Table
Difference Wounds Scored
1-9 1 Severe
10+ 3 Critical
20+ 5 Fatal

For example, if a character attacked an opponent and scored a total action roll of 16 and the opponent defensive TN 5, the difference between the attack and defense would be 11. The attacking character would have scored a Critical with 3 wounds he can use to select any Severe or Critical wounds.

Damage, Injuries
and Combat Effects Table

Wounds (Level) Types
1 (Severe) Advantage, Damage, Disrupt, Escape, Glitch, Hold, Injury, Knock Back,
Knockdown, Shock, Slam

3 (Critical) Cripple, Crushing Blow, Destroy, Disarm, Eliminate, Fatality, Lock, Knockout, Malfunction, Reverse, Stun

5 (Fatal) Deathblow, Destruction, Devistation, Takedown

A player needs a minimum number of required wounds to select a Severe, Critical or Fatal wound; however, a character can select multiple lesser wounds if he decides to.
For example, if a character scored a Critical with 3 wounds, he could select 1 Critical wound type or 3 Severe wound types, such as 1x Damage, Knockdown and Glitch.

Severe Wounds (1 Wound )

Advantage indicates that the attacking character gains a superior advantage versus the affected opponent with his next attack. When the character attacks with his next action roll, he gains +1D6. A character can only score 1 Advantage versus an opponent at a time.


The attacking character causes 1 point of damage to either the opponent or to a piece of the opponent’s gear (any  power with an Equipment or Magic special ability).
If the character damages the opponent, the opponent’s Damage Level is increased by 1 point for each point of damage done. If the character targets a piece of gear, the power’s PL is reduced by 1 point for each point damage done.


The attacking character causes an opponent to lose his concentration, freeing any characters who are currently under the opponent’s control and terminating all other effects that he might be controlling.


The attacking character has successfully escaped from an opponent’s Hold, Lock or Takedown. A character can also use this wound to free a teammate from an opponent’s Hold, Lock or Takedown.


The attacking character has hit his opponent and temporarily caused him to fumble. The fumbling opponent moves last in the Round. If another opponent is fumbled later in the Round, that character moves after any previously fumbled opponents.


The attacking character causes a targeted Equipment power to temporarily malfunction. For the remainder of the current Round, the targeted power total action rolled is reduced by half.


The attacking character causes a targeted default ability, power or special ability to be temporarily injured. For the remainder of the current Round, any action rolls using the targeted default ability or power are reduced by half, and the targeted special ability cannot be used.


The attacking character has scored a basic hold on an opponent. The character does not have his opponent “Captured” nor can he prevent him from doing anything except for moving away from the character or using a “loose” Equipment or Relic power.
If used to target a piece of loose equipment, neither the character nor the opponent has possession of the equipment.
The character must use 1 Action per Turn to maintain the Hold; otherwise, the opponent is automatically freed.

Knock Back

The attacking character knocks back his opponent 1”.


The attacking character knocks his opponent down. While on the ground, the opponent is considered immobilized.


The attacking character has hit his opponent and temporarily stunned him. The shocked opponent’s total Action is reduced by -1. An opponent can only be shocked once per Round.


The attacking character slams the opponent backwards 1” per point of Strength. The opponent must weight 50% or less of the character’s total Lift in order to be slammed. If this wound is purchased multiple times, the total distance is increased by 1” each time.
A Hero or Champion cannot be slammed off the game board—but a Minion can be slammed off the game board. If a character hits an obstacle while being slammed and the character’s defensive (vs. Damage) power’s PL is higher than the hardness of the obstacle, the character can choose to smash through the obstacle or stop and take 1 Wound of Damage. If the character’s defensive (vs. Damage) power’s PL is lower than the hardness of the obstacle, he automatically stops and take 1 Wound of Damage.

Crtitical Wounds (3 Wounds)

The attacking character cripples one of his opponent’s attributes. While crippled, any action roll that uses the targeted attribute is reduced by half.

Crushing Blow

The attacking character scores a crushing blow: the opponent must immediately make a Fatality Roll—regardless of his current Damage Level. If he fails his Fatality Roll, all his remaining action rolls that Round are reduced by half.


The attacking character has severely damaged a targeted Equipment power. While destroyed, the Equipment power’s action roll total is reduced by half.


The attacking character knocks the targeted piece of loose equipment out of his opponent’s hand. This wound can only be used against loose equipment.
A game marker should be placed on the game board next to the opponent to indicate the piece of loose equipment.


The attacking character automatically eliminates a single Minion—no Fatality Roll is allowed.


The attacking character scores a potentially deadly blow: the opponent must immediately make a Fatality Roll—regardless of his current Damage Level. If he fails his Fatality Roll, he is eliminated from play.

Knock Out

The attacking character scores a crushing blow: the opponent must immediately make a Fatality Roll—regardless of his current Damage Level. If he fails his Fatality Roll, he is not eliminated, but is knocked unconscious.


The attacking character has “Captured” his opponent in a locking hold or grasp. While captured, the opponent can only attempt to escape from the character.
If used to target a piece of loose equipment, the attacking character has control of the item.
The character must use 1 Action per Turn to maintain the lock; otherwise, the opponent is automatically freed.
A character must have the Grab to select this wound.


The attacking character has severely damaged a targeted Equipment power. The power cannot be used for the remainder of the current Round.


The attacking character no only escapes from his opponent’s Hold, Lock or Takedown, but captures the opponent in a Lock.


The attacking character has hit his opponent with a stunning blow. If the opponent has not moved, his Turn is skipped this Round.

Fatal Wounds (5 Wounds)

Deathblow is so deadly that the opponent must make an immediate Fatality Roll versus 2x his current Damage Level to remain alive.


Destruction reduces the PL of the targeted Equipment power to 0 for the remainder of the game (unless repaired).


Devistation reduces the PL of the targeted power to 0 for the remainder of the game (unless healed).

Take Down

The attacking character captures the opponent in such a strong hold, that he automatically causes 1 wound of damage each Round that he maintains the hold. Furthermore, the captured opponent cannot free himself using an Escape. An team mate must free him by attacking the captor.
A character must use 1 Action to maintain a Take Down during his Turn.
A character must have Grab to select this wound.

Message 21632#221818

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