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Topic: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?
Started by: CaffinatedAngst
Started on: 10/7/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 10/7/2006 at 11:48pm, CaffinatedAngst wrote:
A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

As stated from the general top of the board there is no title as of yet...

Being that I love Tolkien and DnD, I originally wanted to do a RPG along that line.  Since that is over done, I feel adding another to the web when I am already writing a story/ RPG alone those lines, I decided to stray away from it. 

This takes place with VERY limited technology, in a prehistoric setting.  There will be races and classes.  Currently, the lists is very small.  For the classes I think I'm going to create my own.  The dice system will most likely be D20, but it may change.

Humans:  Most common race
Neanderthals:  Need to do more research
Blood-Demons:  Basically vampires, but slightly different

Skullwearer: barbaric mage
Jajauma: a ranger/ mercanary like wander
Healer: self-explaintory

This is what I need:
Ideas for a title
Ideas for Races and Classes
General Comments

Message 21759#222767

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On 10/8/2006 at 12:45am, joepub wrote:
Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

I get the impression that this will feel like a mix of Dark Sun, Dictionary of Mu and Conan in terms of setting, just by your classes and races. (Which, if I'm correct, is hella cool.)

Pre-historic, bloody, shamanistic, combat-heavy.
Blood magic.
Tribal warfare.

...Am I way off base here, or am I pretty close to target?

Also, I imagine a lot of dependance on physical skills and combat, just based on what you've given.
Is that also true?

If so, you want a title that captures those elements: gritty setting, dark atmosphere, pre-historic, demons, blood magic, combat-heavy.

I think that everyone yelling out suggestions won't be all that effective.
But... I'd like to point you to this recent thread, also on the same topic:

Forge Reference Links:
Topic 21705

Message 21759#222769

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On 10/8/2006 at 1:42am, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

I've always thought the transitional time in human evolution when there were various sub-species getting crowded out by homo sapiens is pretty interesting and primed for drama.  You can touch on themes of human potential and genocide in a very real way.  Plus:  Blood demons!

I'll echo Joe's comment - maybe you should tell us more about your vision for the game and what parts of it really excite you as a potential player.

Message 21759#222772

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On 10/8/2006 at 2:03am, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

  Try: Blood will tell
  It has a vamp feel and sort of hints at the evolutionary struggle you are hinting at

  As to clasees, well, I don't like char classes much, but I'll try:
Crucible (these are leaders like Dracula)
Deva (Good vamps, think Angel)



  Anyways, its too early to tell how cool this will be, but it has great potential!

Message 21759#222775

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On 10/8/2006 at 2:43am, Xibalba wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

-How about "Blood Red Night" (I have not idea if this is original or not)

-Some sort of shapechanger, like a were-lion or something.
-I don't know how fantastical you want it to be, but you could have some sort of insectoid race with a hive mind or something.

-a beast master
-totem warriers (their abilities are based on their totem)

Message 21759#222777

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On 10/8/2006 at 2:45am, TroyLovesRPG wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

There are several theories why contemporary humans are comprised of only one species. One theory suggests that there were many species of humans existing at the same time, representing the various stages of evolution and mutation. Then a world-shaking event wiped out most of the species of animals, and all that remained were the hardiest, smartest or most adaptable. Homo-sapiens survived and its cousins died out.

Your game could easily embrace this theory. The Conan sagas are set in Hyborea, before recorded history. What if your game were set on Earth when the continents were just splitting apart and Atlantis was a real place? What if the Earth were populated by hundreds of human species and the struggles varied based on the evolutionary level? I can imagine cave-men, sasquatch, abominable snowmen, merman, vampires, lycanthropes, avian humanoids, hermaphroditic, hairless, chameleon, gigantic, dimunitive and plain old humans sharing the world in a barbaric, exotic, fascinating menagerie. The high fantasy races exist as an evolutionary step. Magic doesn't exist, but some of the hominids have psionic/psychic powers. All features of the species are based on scientific principle, so part of the character process involves genetic theory.

Classes are cliches and you can do better. Think of the society of multiple human species and what special occupations are needed. Without technology and civilization (lives in cities) most will be hunters and gatherers. The various parts of society may include government, commerce, education, medicine, art, science, entertainment, militia and exploration. I bet if you flesh out the story around the humans, your classes and roles will appear with little effort.

I like where this could go.


Message 21759#222778

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On 10/8/2006 at 3:57am, Call Me Curly wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

Select one from column A and one from column B

Ancient Jungle


Message 21759#222781

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On 10/8/2006 at 4:22am, Call Me Curly wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

A & B, continued:



Message 21759#222782

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On 11/7/2006 at 2:25am, CaffinatedAngst wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

Wow!  Replies!

I really haven't worked on this game that much...

Anyway, from Call Me Curly's A and B thing, I like Cannibal Moon... but I don't know how cannibalism would work, (but it could...),  Savage Lust sounds cool... but so does Blood Will Tell and Blood Red Night...

More Classes:
Massicure Hunters (a mass murder who travels in a group... very barbaric, they usually end up killing each other...)
Death Invokers:  (Necromancers)
Shaman:  ...

Message 21759#224580

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On 11/7/2006 at 10:11pm, JustinB wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

I think that something along the lines of Primeval/Primordial Dawn, or Primeval/Primordial Hammer, or Primeval/Primordial Anvil, or Primeval/Primordial Crucible would be good. Those all give the feeling that it's the beginning of things and that the characters/world are going to go through a forging process.

Message 21759#224635

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On 11/8/2006 at 6:15am, Primordia wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

A rose by any other name would......

Id reckon loins of civilization, could be an interesting name. or perhaps tribal past?

in regards to the races and classes, there are a few things you might need to think about.

Do you intend to run a fantasy setting with a prehistoric slant, or do you want to embrace the prehistoric era as it perhaps it could have been on earth?

IMO its a question of the appearance of magic and the use of magic ( shamanistic magic can be done quite suave though )

I like Troys idea, on the several multitude of species, sounds as if that could be really fun, to explore. The game could be about genocide and which race will be the victorious?


Message 21759#224648

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On 11/10/2006 at 8:02pm, Castlin wrote:
RE: Re: A title would be nice, wouldn't it?

I love the lists.

There, that should get you some ideas! Just keep refreshing.

Message 21759#224789

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