The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Halloween Upcoming- Anyone doing anything to promote your titles?
Started by: daMoose_Neo
Started on: 10/21/2006
Board: Publishing

On 10/21/2006 at 9:54pm, daMoose_Neo wrote:
Halloween Upcoming- Anyone doing anything to promote your titles?

Last year I did a little something fun: I handed out cards from my dark fantasy game Final Twilights to older trick-or-treaters in my community. Posted about it on the Forge, talked about its impact, tracked my site traffic for the following month, and awareness about the title spiked. The year before, I ran a special Halloween event at a couple hobby shops and got about two dozen people all total to participate. So all in all, this is a decent chance to promote darker fantasy or horror related titles, or even give a good kids game a kick in promotion.

Rather than post an afterthought thread this year, I thought I might start the ball rolling a touch early, see if anyone else has any promotion plans for the holiday and what the results might be. This year, I'm going to dole out some sample packs, with rules, and see what happens in the local shops if business picks up there. I know someone last year thought it'd be a great chance to throw in an abridged ruleset for one of their simpler kids games, so thats a possibility as well.

Lets keep before & after discussion here to keep things tidy. I'll start with a couple basic questions for others: Anyone else planning on doing anything already? Anyone have any other ideas? Anyone else do something similar, and if so what were your results?

Message 21883#223680

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On 10/21/2006 at 10:03pm, Jake Richmond wrote:
Re: Halloween Upcoming- Anyone doing anything to promote your titles?

I wish i had time to promte Panty explosion right now. I think halloween ifs the perfect time for it. I like the idea of handing out rules with candy. You know what, I think I'm going to do this. I think this Halloween and the weekend before I'll hit the local shops and hand out little pE rule packs, postcards and japanese candy. This is a good idea.

Message 21883#223682

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On 10/22/2006 at 10:09am, andrew_kenrick wrote:
RE: Re: Halloween Upcoming- Anyone doing anything to promote your titles?

We're about to get Dead of Night for sale on IPR and then promote that quite heavily, for those who missed it first time round last year. Then I've got a couple of new adventures I'm going to be releasing around the same time too, to keep it in the public eye. I've got some more DoN retrospective posts brewing so might try and get them finished for halloween too!

Message 21883#223698

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