The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [BtI] Question: The Final Attraction Roll
Started by: lokis wrangling
Started on: 11/2/2006
Board: Black and Green Games

On 11/2/2006 at 5:18pm, lokis wrangling wrote:
[BtI] Question: The Final Attraction Roll


I was wondering about this rule,

After the Third Date has been completed, make a final roll for all the new Attraction Levels, but this time roll all your Attraction Dice, and add one Die for each Compatibility the characters share.

I'm a little confused. So if two characters had an Attraction of 4 before the third date and gained two new levels during the date, and have two Compatibilities, what would their roll after the third date look like? Would I be rolling eight (4 Attraction+2 New Attraction+2 Compatibilities) dice, and if I got two or more successes would the two levels gained during the third date become permanent and count towards the ending?

Great game, and any help will be much appreciated!

Message 22001#224370

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On 11/2/2006 at 5:36pm, Emily Care wrote:
Re: [BtI] Question: The Final Attraction Roll

Hey there!

Many thanks.  Hope this clears things up for you:

I'm a little confused. So if two characters had an Attraction of 4 before the third date and gained two new levels during the date, and have two Compatibilities, what would their roll after the third date look like? Would I be rolling eight (4 Attraction+2 New Attraction+2 Compatibilities) dice, and if I got two or more successes would the two levels gained during the third date become permanent and count towards the ending?

Yes, that is correct. You'd roll 8 dice at the end, all the Attraction levels, plus 2 additional dice for the Compatilities.  All of the work that the characters have done over the course of the game get to go into making things have more spark at the end.  Sounds like they might not be in for the long haul, though, in this case. Is this an example from a real game?


Message 22001#224372

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...started by Emily Care which Emily Care participated Black and Green Games
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...from around 11/2/2006

On 11/2/2006 at 6:07pm, lokis wrangling wrote:
RE: Re: [BtI] Question: The Final Attraction Roll

Thank you muchly. That part's bedeviled me for some time!

No, the example isn't from actual play, though I did extrapolate from an ongoing game of BtI, which has three levels of Attraction and one of Compatibility after the first date. It's kinda unusual because this particular game isn't standalone but a spinoff from a larger GURPS campaign. * Reminds self get off lazy butt and type up an AP post*

Message 22001#224373

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by lokis wrangling which lokis wrangling participated Black and Green Games
...including keyword:

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...from around 11/2/2006