The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Great Game!
Started by: Lina
Started on: 5/19/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 5/19/2002 at 9:15pm, Lina wrote:
Great Game!

I just have to say that Little Fears is incredible!
I just love it!
I live in Sweden and I read about the game on the internet, it has just turned up in stores here.
I wished it for my birthday from my brother and I got it!!!
That was just the day before yesterday. I read the whole book in one day and an adventure started taking form in my mind, I started writing immediatly. Last night we started playing. It's so great!!!
And the system... so easy! It's incredible!
I hate complicated rules and this is really easy which is great!
My players were really scared too which made it even better.
I am 24 years old and I've been roleplaying since I was 8 (I am one of the few girls in Sweden who plays....)
I LOVE horrorgames and I think this is the ultimate one!
I have written a few scenarios were the players play children before, in different gamesystems (World of Darkness and so on) I have even thought about creating a game where you play children, but I never got started, and then I found Little Fears! It felt like I was reading my own thoughts when I read the book and I just couldn't put it down. Of course I probably never would have made such a good game if I tried, so I am really happy that jason l. Blair wrote it. It's great!
Does anyone know if there will be any sourcebooks for the game?

I'm sorry about my english but I hope you understand me.
And, Jason, if you read this! I am impressed! I really am! I wish I had your imagination. Thanks for this lovely, lovely game.
(Thanks of course to those who helped making the game too.. like the illustrators and whoever. The pictures in the book are great too!)

bye for now/ Lina in Sweden.

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On 5/20/2002 at 5:29am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Great Game!

Thanks, Lina!

There will be supplements coming out for Little Fears. In fact, I'm editing the first one right now. Look for the PDF release this week!

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to post in this forum or send me an email at

Message 2201#21053

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