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Topic: Technical Questions Regarding Simultaneity
Started by: Atomic Requiem
Started on: 5/19/2002
Board: The Riddle of Steel

On 5/19/2002 at 10:32pm, Atomic Requiem wrote:
Technical Questions Regarding Simultaneity

So I advanced to Step 2 in experiencing TROS (Step 1: Read about it on the Forum; Step 2: Read Rule Book and Duel Characters; Step 3: Play actual game with TROS rules) and now have some questions about how simultaneity is/should be worked out.

As I understand it, when two fighters declare "red/attack" at the same time, they go simultaneously. In practice, this is resolved by declaring your action from lowest to highest Reflex, then making a Reflex/ATN check for successes.

Now, first of all, what happens if this Reflex check is tied? Do you reroll? I can't remember many other reroll situations in other RPGs, so this seemed suspicious.

Second, regardless of who goes "first", do both hits go through (this could result in the proverbial double kill, right?), or are the attacks actually in order now, winner of the Reflex roll first?

That being the case, does Shock apply to the loser of the Reflex roll on his "simultaneous" attack or not?

Example for "ease" of discussion:
Roger of Hartby, the dopplehander-wielding strong man from Oestenreich (cough, cough) is fighting Tom, the skillful and Accurate scimitar wielding killer from the east. Both aggressive types, both declare an attack. Roger declares his Cut to Zone 5, intending to "decapitate"/mash Tom's head, with 8 CP after various penalties (armour, activation cost, etc.) Tom declares a Simultaneous Block/Strike (now things are really getting interesting) to Zone 4 (intending to strike at the neck with his Major Accuracy to ensure that), with 5 CP on attack, 7 CP on defense. The Reflex check goes to Roger.

My understanding is that Roger makes his 8 CP attack with Tom using 7 CP to defend. Regardless of what happens, Tom will not suffer Shock till the second exchange or next round (whichever comes first) and will get his 5 CP attack. Had Tom won the Reflex check, he would make his 5 CP attack, leaving the 7 CP to defend against Roger's 8 CP regardless of what damage his 5 CP attack does, even if it removes a leg, causes knockdown, shock, or whatever- that all happens after the ~1 second simultaneous exchange occurs...

Mechanical Questions:
The style 'Cut and Thrust' has simultaneous block/strike (presumably for use with the buckler/arming glove only) as an offensive maneuver but not block on defense. Is this an oversight, or are bucklers not allowed to do a regular block? (Presumably then even if used with Sword and Shield or any other style?)

How are shields useful if people will simply aim around them (ie at a different zone)?

Are the variable AV on, say, plate armour (5-6) in regards to the quality of armour (Good Plate is 6, Poor Plate is 5) or to the area struck (Chest Plate is 6, Leg Plate is 5)? Then again, the helms have numbers like 3-5, leading me to believe it's a quality thing.

Anyways, thanks to anyone who can wade through this and perhaps solve some of my queries.


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On 5/19/2002 at 11:52pm, Wolfen wrote:
RE: Technical Questions Regarding Simultaneity

Simultaneous attacks:

Jake will call me if I'm wrong, I'm sure, but the way we've resolved this is simple. If a simo attack is declared, then whoever wins the Reflex test (if either do) gets to go first. If he hits, the shock penalty applies immediately. Only if the second attacker still has dice left after the penalties does he get his attack. This is why it says that the loser of the Reflex test is usually dead.
In the case of Simo block and strike (a maneuver my partner and I both are fond of) you get to use your defense dice at full because you get to make that roll prior to the damage effects. If you fail to block, you only get your attack if you have dice remaining after Shock is applied.

Simo block and strike: Offensive only, because you can only strike if you are attacking. You may parry or block with the buckler as a normal defense, however.

Shields act as both active defense and passive armor. If an attack is targeted where a shield defends, then it's AV is used. Otherwise, it can be used to block the areas where it normally does not defend, as a defensive action.

Variable AV: I think it applies to various types of armor which would fall under the heading, as well as quality. In reality, there is no such thing as a standarized suit of "plate" You might be referring to a brigandine, a cuirass, or various other types of "plate" armor.

Message 2202#21041

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