The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Of losing and healing
Started by: Camtha
Started on: 11/27/2006
Board: design

On 11/27/2006 at 12:16pm, Camtha wrote:
Of losing and healing


I was just wondering player vs. player in sertain fashion. When someone loses in this case takes the 6th box in hubris, does the woulds "collapse" as in TSOY? Or does 1 point heal after hubris fight automatically? Because you could get pwned badly :)

Here goes. Hero 1 has his Orate impaired giving Hero 2 advantage on iniating rest scene or declining it. Now if Hero 1 for somereason gets him self beaten in fight or non-combat and marks of that notorious 6 box. Hero 1 now have no means to get healed, he still has 6 box marked and another contest comes - hes right out and cannot participate (as he by default has lost even before combat begins)?
Basically Hero 2 could "carry" mortally wounded or in case of non-lethal mortally depressed companion and own all the worlds glory...until he has to rest.

Is only way out in this case to burn Divine Favor or Fate ? (cant remember if there is anything that could aid recovering, dont have to book with me now)


Message 22291#225712

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On 11/27/2006 at 12:54pm, Camtha wrote:
Re: Of losing and healing

This has been already asked but not answered. If i recall right Darren took it up.
If there is more than one Hero and some win some lose, what happens if one of the Heroes who lost invokes Hubris ? So what happens to contest winners when contest goes to battle?

Should it be desided with Orate like party leading - will the party go in detailed battle or not?


Message 22291#225717

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On 12/18/2006 at 7:31am, Camtha wrote:
RE: Re: Of losing and healing

Is everyone avoiding this subject or have these been answered already ? Anyone, thoughts ? Since i know this will come out in my game sure as daylight.

Im not sure that does dragging mortally wounded hero serve anything, altought it makes dramatic story "but the party didn't stop and Brachus carried his uncounsious friend all the way to top of the mountain defeating many obstacles in the way not letting anyone even brief time to rest before their quest was completed"
Meaning if Brachuses win stream allowes him to defeat several obstacles before resting, the uncounsious hero will lose every scene. Does automatic losing increase fate, since the battle is considered defeat, in your part, as you enter it having mark on every wound box ? This assumes that conficts are not simple ofcourse, since it doesent increase fate.


Message 22291#227025

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On 1/10/2007 at 10:57pm, Ludanto wrote:
RE: Re: Of losing and healing

Ok, here's my totally unofficial take on this.

For the guy with the Wound 6 who can't get his companion to heal him, note first of all that he's only automatically defeated in a battle, not a simple contest.  So you can still gain glory by engaging in simple contests.

Meanwhile, his stingy friend is pretty much fighting battles all by himself, against opponents that were designed for 2 or more people.  It shouldn't take long for him to get beat up enough to need to rest.  Plus, the Antagonist wants you to rest so he can gain bonus Strife, so he'll be working extra hard to make this guy rest as well.  Meanwhile, you can totally be tossing him d4 Help dice and gaining oaths from him, which you can use to make him use his Orate against himself.  Get enough successes and if he wants to "battle" for it, he'll start by wounding himself, thus helping your cause, though it's probably best to just hang back and avoid any trouble.  Plus there's no Glory in defeating one of your own.

Of course, I'm not sure that if you're at Wound 6, you should even be able to participate in a battle, since you technically leave it before it's even begun

Multiple participants when the only loser invokes Hubris is a little trickier, but here's how I'd handle that.  The invoker starts a battle, just himself vs. all of the oppostion.  If he thinks he can handle it, great.  If not, he's going to need to convince his friends to join him (I don't think you can use Orate at this point, but you could certainly offer Oaths and/or beg and whine).

Message 22291#228330

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...from around 1/10/2007