The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Looking for references
Started by: Icel
Started on: 11/29/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 11/29/2006 at 1:04pm, Icel wrote:
Looking for references

I have a rpg system which I'm revising, mainly putting some major thought on the combat system, as the early version concentrated on extensive character building (the system is writen in hebrew, or else I would've linked it).
I got some ideas from a forum I read about this combat system. The general idead is that you have a battle pool, which points you give to 4 combat areas: offense, defense, mobolity and damage. Thats means you can consentrate on attack one round, then go of the defense and so on.

I'm interesting to find if someone did a system with a this idea or a close one.


Message 22326#225839

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On 11/29/2006 at 1:10pm, timfire wrote:
Re: Looking for references


Do you mind giving us a bit more info? How does allotting these pools interact with the dice or otherwise effect success/failure/damage/etc.? Are there other factors that effect resolution?

You could also try linking the document, I'm not sure if you'll get much response, but there are a few Hebrew speakers here.

Message 22326#225840

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On 11/29/2006 at 1:23pm, Icel wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for references

timfire wrote:

Do you mind giving us a bit more info? How does allotting these pools interact with the dice or otherwise effect success/failure/damage/etc.? Are there other factors that effect resolution?

You could also try linking the document, I'm not sure if you'll get much response, but there are a few Hebrew speakers here.

Really? well, sure link.

See now,
each of the categories gives a bonus to some combat activities: offense gives +attack, defense +parry/block, mobolity +initiative/dodge, damade +damage ( ;-) ).
At first I thought doing different types of categories: offense, dodge, block and parry, but i changed it after a discution in the forum I mentioned.
Also, some when using some weapons its easyer to put points in some of the categories: its easyer to defend with a stuff, but not so easy with a bow.

Message 22326#225843

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On 11/30/2006 at 7:52am, Icel wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for references

I guess no one thought of this before?
Its good on one hand, as I'm doing something unique.
But on the other hand I wanted to see other people implementations...

Message 22326#225922

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On 11/30/2006 at 8:07am, joepub wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for references

Hey, Icel, welcome to The Forge.

You seem pretty quick to assume nobody's done this before. The Forge can be a pretty slow-moving machine at times.

Tim asked for more information on the system, and I would bet that he would still want more.
You've given us very little information.

Let me ask a few questions:
1.) Is this a task-resolution system, or conflict-resolution system? (If you don't know what that means, either ask or skip. I'm assuming task-resolution at the moment.)
2.) Are the points allotted from the Combat Pool dice that are rolled? static bonuses? range increases? I have very little idea how dice work in this game so far.

Also, some when using some weapons its easyer to put points in some of the categories: its easyer to defend with a stuff, but not so easy with a bow.
This sounds really interesting. It sounds like weapons are largely defined by what they limit, instead of what they provide, and I think that's really cool. That keeps the emphasis on the character, while still giving the weapons significance.

Can you tell us more about the overall system?

What do characters do? What is the setting? Is there a Game Master (GM)?
How do dice work?
When do rolls happen? Are they directly opposed, or against static numbers (like Armour Class or something similar)?

But on the other hand I wanted to see other people implementations...

This thread hasn't even been up a day - if you give people more information, and more time, I'm sure you'll see some responses.

Message 22326#225923

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On 11/30/2006 at 10:30am, Icel wrote:
RE: Re: Looking for references

Sorry :) i guess I'm used to a faster pace, and the thread almost reached page 2.

Is this a task-resolution system, or conflict-resolution system?

Are the points allotted from the Combat Pool dice that are rolled? static bonuses? range increases? I have very little idea how dice work in this game so far.

They are a bonus to a check.

Lets see...
There isn't a spesific setting. It's build for fanatasy genre with a cenimatic feeling.
There is a GM.

The rolls are generaly:
d10+ modifiers vs. 5 (vs. environment) / d10 (vs. player or npc) + modifiers.
I try to keep dice rolls at the minimum.

Combat roll should be something like:
d10+ attack vs. d10 (or a sttatic 5, don't know yet)+ [mobility/parry/block] dependes on the action.
Combat Pool is agility+weapon skill.
raw damage is STR/2+weapon; If character has "unarmed combat" skill, then weapon is STR+[martial weapons, if there is any].
Attributs are on 1-10 scale.

On the weapons issue, first thanks for the reply.
Each weapon can have a *X, *1/X or - in each category.
e.g. bow will get *1/2 in defense. does one will need to put 2 points for every +1 defense with the bow, while a stuff will have *2 defense so one will only need 1 point for +2 defense.

thats what i can't think of on the top right now.

Thanks for your imput.

Message 22326#225926

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