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Topic: strong feelings
Started by: Tim C Koppang
Started on: 5/22/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 5/22/2002 at 10:43pm, Tim C Koppang wrote:
strong feelings

I’m going to try and write this without getting too angry. I’d like to stay objective, however I realize that responses may be biased seeing as I’m posting this in the Little Fears forum. I was recently at a game store (I won’t mention the name yet) and was all set to purchase my copy of Little Fears. I didn’t see it on the shelf and so I asked the storeowner if he carried it. I am perfectly used to places not keeping a game on their shelves for various reason, be they business or otherwise. He told me that they in fact did not carry the game. I inquired as to the reason, and he told me that he had received some but threw them out. I said, “as in threw them in the garbage?” and he answered with an affirmative. I asked him why and he told me it was because he couldn’t return them. I was getting suspicious but remained hopeful with my next question: “what was wrong with them?” to which he told me that he didn’t like what the game implied about children, or what it does to the children.

Ok, so fine. I can appreciate a dissenting opinion of the game. I have friends who would never play the thing because they are uncomfortable with the subject matter. But this storeowner threw books away - into the trash. I found this act, and still find it appalling. To me, it’s this exact type of behavior that leads to banned book lists. If he doesn’t want to carry the game, that’s his choice, but his action says to me, “I’m going to do what I can to make sure this book isn’t available to anyone.” And that to me is unacceptable. No one has that right.

I’m going to stop before I get preachy. I hope I haven’t already. That wasn’t my intention. I just feel very strongly about censorship, and I think the above qualifies as just that.

Am I wrong? Am I overreacting? Right now I don’t feel that I can again buy anything from the store in question. Which is a shame, because in every other way the store is exceptional. The owner has often shown just how knowledgeable and friendly he can be. Their inventory is immense and shows great depth. One of the reasons I’m so bothered by this incident is because I have been so impressed by the store in every other way. But some things I just can’t support.

Message 2238#21420

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On 5/22/2002 at 11:00pm, Bankuei wrote:
RE: strong feelings

I can certainly understand your feelings about this. Unfortunately, he has the right to carry, or not carry anything he chooses, for whatever reason. On some level, I respect that he made a decision based on something other than the bottom line of cash, even if I don't agree with that decision.

On the other hand, you are fortunate that you can talk to him face to face and let him know how you feel about it, and why he won't have your business anymore. Game stores rely on repeat customers, and losing even one cuts out at least $100 a year, if not more.

It's even worse when large distributors or chain stores make that decision, not based on how they themselves feel, but fear of bad publicity and lawsuit. At least this guy did it based on his own feelings, not fear of everyone else's, and you can talk to him, unlike the board of directors of Barne's & Nobles or whatever chain store isn't carrying who knows what books because of whatever reason.

It's really sad, because everytime someone makes a game out of genre of swords, sorcery and spaceships, people freak out. "God, what's next? Mature comic books that make people think?" :/

Oh well.


Message 2238#21422

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On 5/23/2002 at 12:04pm, wyrdlyng wrote:
Your dollar is your voice

It's his store and he can run it as he feels. But you don't have to agree with him. If you feel that how he runs his business is incorrect then take your business somewhere else. If you are somewhat close to him then tell him why you feel the need to do so. If he's cool he'll understand your side and may even reconsider it as a bad business move. If he's a dick well then you'll find out his true nature almost immediately.

This isn't feudal Japan. Customer's are not bound to be loyal to a store/company/brand until death. Stores are just convenient locations wherein multiple products that interest you are stored and sold.

Personally, I would be turned off to the store as I think that allowing your personal feelings to override your reason and business sense is a sign that you can't seperate or control your emotions. I hate my job. I despise the company I work for. Do I spit on people at work to show my intense loathing? No. I keep it to myself and do the job I am paid for.

It's just a shame that when confronted with things that don't a) immediately fill them with a sense of self-righteous superiority or b) fill them with hollow, saccharine happiness that most people react negatively and with hostility. "If it disturbs me it must be destroyed." Little Fears is not for everyone but that's no reason to keep it from others.

Message 2238#21452

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On 5/23/2002 at 6:26pm, peteramthor wrote:
RE: strong feelings

I guess I am lucky that there is a FLGS near me that will get almost anything I want in. Or anything anybody wants regardless of the subject matter as long as its legal.

I remember when KULT was treated in the same fashion. Even most distributors wouldn't carry the game. Thus making it hard to get and even harder to get the supplements. Of course in this day and age with the net we can order almost anything we want directly from the publishers now days.

I still hate to see stuff like this happen. Hopefully it isn't that often.


Message 2238#21508

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