The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Theory from the Closet] Seeking Listeners, and critics.
Started by: c
Started on: 1/2/2007
Board: Connections

On 1/2/2007 at 3:54am, c wrote:
[Theory from the Closet] Seeking Listeners, and critics.

Hi folks,

I've started a Netcast/Podcast specifically to discuss RPG theory and design. It's modeled loosely on Leo Laporte, and Steve Gibsons show Security Now . For those who don't follow my reference the show is designed to be presented bottom up, so that folks who aren't knowledgeable can learn with out getting in over their head. As the show goes on the subject matter gets more intense as it is expected the listener has already built up their knowledge from the previous shows. The particular bottom I'm starting with is GNS theory, and the Big Model. If this sounds useful to you, the first show is at Theory from the If you give it a listen let me know how well you were able to follow along if you're feeling charitable.

I'm no theory-fu master so I could use folks to apply a critical ear to the 'casts, and let me know when and where I go wrong. Also if you are interested I have a Wiki where I'll be writing up the show outlines before recording. Anyone can edit the wiki until after I start recording when I lock that particular shows outline down. This means if you have ideas for what concepts need to be covered you can propose a show, or if you have arguments to make, you can add them to the outline. You can also enter your feedback right into the next shows outline. I have the final say of course, on what show occurs when or what gets said. The edit button is at the bottom of the page, have fun.

The first show has some fragments. I was nervous, I had some pops, and I kept touching the mike cord which apparently-- is not a good idea. Unfortunately I didn't figure this out until after I spent the time editing the show to make it listenable. I think the show is pretty good, all things considered, for a first try.

Message 22889#227730

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On 1/4/2007 at 2:31pm, c wrote:
Re: [Theory from the Closet] Seeking Listeners, and critics.

Hi Folks,

I've just about got the outline for Show002: Conflict and Task Resolution done. I could use some help on sections F, J, and K. (The link will take you there.) I could also use some dialog on the order I'm planning to teach in. I've got up to show 006 pretty solidly planned out and feel pretty good about the order, but confirmation would be cool too.

Just to be clear this isn't a hidden whine, my main motivation is to help long distant friends, and local folks. Think of this more as an offer to get involved. *grins* The edit button to the Wiki is at the bottom of the page, no signing up necessary. Thanks.

Message 22889#227896

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...from around 1/4/2007