The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Um ? Herowars 101 pt 2
Started by: AndyGuest
Started on: 5/29/2002
Board: HeroQuest

On 5/29/2002 at 2:14pm, AndyGuest wrote:
Um ? Herowars 101 pt 2

Um ? Are we still doing this ?

I'm not sure if Ron's waiting for us or if we're supposed to be waiting for him, I know I'm waiting for someone/thing but maybe everyone's waiting for me..... or are we finished ?

Very puzzled and bewildered

Message 2300#22154

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by AndyGuest which AndyGuest participated HeroQuest
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...from around 5/29/2002

On 5/29/2002 at 2:16pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Um ? Herowars 101 pt 2

Hi Andy,

It's all my fault. Between GenCon organizing, Demon Con organizing (for this Friday), and the grading-heavy end-phase of the school term, I am completely overwhelmed.

I do want to continue the exercise, very much. It's all on me for the present: I'm supposed to outline a neat myth for the area, and I'm reconsidering my choice to "skip ahead" without doing the prep-for-play step, because I think people found it disorienting.

Give me a bit of time and we'll get back into it.


Message 2300#22155

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated HeroQuest
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...from around 5/29/2002

On 5/29/2002 at 2:57pm, AndyGuest wrote:
RE: Um ? Herowars 101 pt 2

No probs, I just had a nasty thought that it might be me holding things up and wanted to check ;-). If you are busy the last thing you need is something as fun as gaming becoming a chore, take your time, I can wait.

Message 2300#22166

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...started by AndyGuest which AndyGuest participated HeroQuest
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...from around 5/29/2002

On 5/29/2002 at 9:58pm, epweissengruber wrote:
Keep it going guys

You are conducting a valuable seminar in how to set up a Hero Wars campaign, guys.

I really want to see how this turns out.

Take as much time as you need to do it right (and so that it doesn't interfere with your pressing concerns).

PLUS, I think everyone wants to see the Dragonewt myth.

Best of luck on the grading (I have been done since the 2nd of May)

Message 2300#22231

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...started by epweissengruber which epweissengruber participated HeroQuest
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...from around 5/29/2002

On 5/30/2002 at 2:10am, Ayrizale wrote:
RE: Um ? Herowars 101 pt 2

Hi all,

I'm actually kinda glad that things have not proceeded. I've had some trouble getting my laptop to connect through the Cable modem here at my Sister-in-Law's house, so I have not been able to get online anywhere near as often as I had hoped I would. Next week will be much better for me.



Message 2300#22291

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...started by Ayrizale which Ayrizale participated HeroQuest
...including keyword:

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...from around 5/30/2002