The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Where are the new toys?
Started by: mahoux
Started on: 5/29/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 5/29/2002 at 6:43pm, mahoux wrote:
Where are the new toys?

I have been looking over the site to find out what new stuff will be out for Little Fears. So far I don't see anything new. What about Behind the Door and the PDF supplements?

Right now my group is about to wrap up a gnomish D&D adventure and Little Fears is on the table as a possible next game. I have a story and a town created for them, but I'd like to have some other stuff to back me up later on.

How about it?

Message 2309#22207

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On 5/30/2002 at 2:17am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?

Hey mahoux,

I'm going to finish up the editing on "When the Monsters Came" (a 16pp PDF) tonight and it should go up in about 24 hours.

Then (after I finish up some outstanding writing assignments) I will finish up "Ever After." The art has already been commissioned (and sent in) so just some writing and editing and it's good to go!

Message 2309#22292

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On 5/31/2002 at 2:39pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?

UPDATE: It's coming! The print has been edited, I just need to carry over the edits.

Message 2309#22472

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On 6/1/2002 at 7:50am, peteramthor wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?

Are you going to make a payment option available to those of us without credit cards? Paypal, money order or something like that?

Just wondering cause I want the new stuff.


Message 2309#22560

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On 6/1/2002 at 9:48pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?

PeterAmthor (and any others with the same concern),

Yes, I will. I'll probably use PayPal for those who want to use credit cards, but realizing that PayPal doesn't work so well for those overseas (or those who don't have/don't want to use credit cards), I will have an address that checks or money orders may be sent to.

Message 2309#22587

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On 6/1/2002 at 10:15pm, peteramthor wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?


The answer I was hoping for. Paypal, although like you said only for those of in the US, is not just for credit cards. To get an account through them all you have to have is a bank account. Thats how I got mine.

But checks and money orders are how I prefer to pay for stuff nine times out of ten.

Message 2309#22588

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On 6/1/2002 at 11:03pm, Fabrice G. wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?

Hi Jason,

I just wanted to tell you that Paypal is workning just fine in most european country.
Personnally, i'm in France, and there was no pb with my previous order trough them (that was for Sorcerer and it's splements).

I would really like it if you would add paypal, this way i'll allready have an account.

Take care,


Message 2309#22589

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On 6/2/2002 at 4:28am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?


Cool. Last I heard there were some problems. Do you know if there are any problems in Asia or Australia? Or Antarctica? I hear the penguins down there love it.


You're right. I have my card tied into my bank account, so I forgot about that.

Either way, the check/money order option is no problem on my end. All it would do is add some wait time on the buyer's end. I'll just make sure that all checks are accompanied by contact information for the person in case it bounces.

Message 2309#22612

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On 6/2/2002 at 10:57am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?

PayPal worked fine for me in Nooooo Zeeee-land when I bought InSpectres.

Message 2309#22627

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On 6/3/2002 at 10:43am, Jürgen Mayer wrote:
RE: Where are the new toys?

I'm also using Paypal from Germany without problems.

Message 2309#22668

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