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Topic: New to the forums, got some questions :)
Started by: Sentience
Started on: 2/2/2007
Board: Publishing

On 2/2/2007 at 2:23pm, Sentience wrote:
New to the forums, got some questions :)


My name is Zack and I'm an aspiring indy rpg writer. While I've known about this site for a few years now, I haven't had the time to sit down and really get to reading what topics have been discussed on the forums, let alone join in on the conversations and ask some questions. I think this forum is an incredible resource for people like me who are eager to get into the indie rpg business as it offers alot of great insight into the subjects that concern an aspiring creator.

I must admit that I'm a little overwhelmed at the wealth of information here, and I'm sure my questions have been answered before, but I don't think it would hurt to ask them again. If anyone knows of any threads that may help me, I'd appreciate it if they'd point me in the right direction.

Here are some of my questions:

1) On the subject of rules, is it absolutely necessary to go D20, or are customers still interested in unique rule-systems? I'm personally not a fan of the D20 system or the OGL. Infact, I've been a little disappointed that so many games are adopting the system. One of my favorite parts of reading a new RPG book is learning about and experimenting with a new set of mechanics. When I see that a game is D20, I generally put it back on the shelf now, as I'm quite tired of reading about the same rule system. Am I alone? Is D20 the only way to go now?

2) On the subject of books vs pdf, do customers still purchase books or have most people moved on to downloadable pdfs? Again, I personally don't like to spend the money on a text file. Even if a book is more expensive, I don't feel like I've gotten anything tangable from pdf, and I hate reading things on a computer screen. While I know I can print the pdf out if I want, I still would rather have that nicely printed, hard cover book in my collection. 

The game I'm creating is a combination cyberpunk/post-apoc with a dash of horror and a little bit of space travel. I've been working on it by myself for about three years on and off, but I've recently recruited four others who are helping to move the project along quite nicely now. I'm eager to get a host for the website and start putting some content out on the web.

We plan on adding a tremendous amount of unique online content that's coupled and integrated with the book, and I hope to come here for feedback in the future.

Am I correct in assuming that this is not the place to advertise? I mean, I would bet alot of the regulars don't take kindly to newbs hyping up their games here, but I'm sure it happens. I personally enjoy looking at (and even purchasing) other peoples games, and I've found a few decent ones on this site in the past.

Anyway, I'll shut up now. Thanks in advance for any comments or answers that you guys may provide.

Sentient Games Inc.

Message 23214#229519

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On 2/2/2007 at 3:23pm, Valamir wrote:
Re: New to the forums, got some questions :)

Short Answer:

The sky's the limit.  There has never been a better time for independent RPG design, this is the new frontier and you'll find there is literally no limit on design or production.

Longer Answer:
I advise checking out which is a fulfillment service that many of the designers here use to sell their games through.  That will give you an immediate sense of the wide range of games that are being designed and published.

d20?  Either way.  You'll still find a lot of d20 products being made...but there's a whole universe of non d20...doesn't even remotely resemble out there -- including most of the games designed by folks who frequent here.

There's never been a time where its been easier or cheaper to publish an actual book, but PDF games are also gaining wide acceptance.  Many publishers offer both, either seperately or as a bundle.

Message 23214#229525

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On 2/2/2007 at 3:55pm, Sentience wrote:
RE: Re: New to the forums, got some questions :)

Thanks for the info! I'll check that site out this afternoon :)

Message 23214#229529

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