The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Super Force Seven] Playtest
Started by: mratomek
Started on: 2/2/2007
Board: Playtesting

On 2/2/2007 at 3:51pm, mratomek wrote:
[Super Force Seven] Playtest

Played a game last night, a quick one-shot game, 500 points each. The
premise of the game was that the villains were meeting with an
informant to extract some information about a mole in their
organization (FEAR).
The heroes have caught wind of the meeting and hope to catch
the villains and the informant together.

I selected Sister Sinister, a whip-wielding psychic with a
mean Domination power, and Death Scream, a sonic blaster. My opponent
used Hawkeye and Captain America--which was a bit of a disadvantage,
because I at least had some idea of what to expect.

We each rolled one complication. Death Scream rolled Breaking and
Entering--and failed on the most basic level, so no harm no foul.
Captain America rolled Community Service at a moderate level and also
did not score enough successes for the brass ring. But it was a fun
side story.

We also rolled a few variations on the conflict, confined spaces,
recover an object and ambush. So the battle would take place in a
fairly narrow back alley, that did present some tactical concerns.
The heroes gained ambush and the villains had the objective of
getting a digital file exposing the mole. They would need to score TN
8 Dif 3 to successfully extract the info--of course, Sister Sinister
could use her Domination power to easily score the required successes.
The heroes must try to arrest as many villains--including the
informant--as possible. No one can leave the game board until the
start of the 5th Turn.

Round 1: The heroes chose not to deploy themselves, but my opponent
gets to deploy the informant. I move Sister Sinister next to the
informant and quickly start the intimidation, scoring a single
successs--I need two more. Death Scream flies into the air and hovers
in position to cover Sister Sinister.

Round 2

The heroes deploy. Hawkeye moves onto a rooftop behind a brick
chimney with a great line of fire aimed at Death Scream. Cap moves
behind a trash truck, out of the line of fire of both villains. We
start with an initiative, which Death Scream wins because she has the
Impulsive special ability. Although Hawkeye is considered hidden--
due to Ambush--he is in plain sight. My opponent asks if he is using
the wall as cover or is completely hiding behind it. I say that he is
not completely hiding--mistake.

She attacks blasting away with a sonic scream + Sneak Attack and
rolls double 5. The total is 33. Hawkeye defensive TN was only 6 +1
for the cover--so Death Scream scored a Fatal attack. Not wanting to
take that much damage so early in the game, I used a Heroic Deed to
barely escape.

However, her next attack, Sonic Scream + Blast with double 6!, had a
total of 37--another Fatal. This time I had to take the damage, but
used by Grit to reduce it to a 3 Hit attack. My opponent opted to do
1 Hit + Slam me. I was thrown up against a brick wall about 4" away,
took 1-Hit of Damage and was knocked down.

Now it was Sister Sinister move--but before she could move, Cap used
his Tactical special ability to interupt play and move out of turn.
He rushed Sister Sinister and used a charge to attack Brawl + Combo +
Sneak Attack and he rolled double 6s as well. The total was 27, a
Fatal, and he chose Smackdown, knocking Sister Sinister out cold and
down to the ground as well. He attacked the informant as well, which
he was able to easily score a knockout and then used his last action
to Grab him.

During Sister Sinister turn I attempted to awaken, but both of my
Fatality Rolls failed.

Hawkeye used his turn to stand-up and attack Death Scream, scorring 2
Hits of Damage.

Round 3

Deathscream moves first and uses her sonic scream + Sneak Attack +
Deadeye to hit Cap scoring another Fatal attack--there was some high
rolling going on. She picks Destroyed, and permanently reduces Cap's
primary combat power to PL 0. With her second attack, she attacks
Hawkeye, scoring another 2 Hits of Damage.

Once again, Cap interupts play, but with very little offensive
capability, decides to make a dash with the Informant. Since the
weight of the informant is higher than 1% of Cap's Max Lift, his
movements are reduced by Half. But he still makes it out of the alley
and around the corner of the building.

Sister Sinister makes a Fatality Roll against the Smackdown TN, which
has been reduced to 13, and misses her first, but makes her second.
With her last action, she stands up.

Hawkeye, attacks Deathscream twice scoring another 3 Hits of Damage,
in hopes of taking her out of the game.

Round 4

Deathscream flies around the back of the building to intercept Cap,
and with her last Action blasts him, forcing him to drop the
informant and get knocked down.

Cap Interupts again, stands up, grabs the informant and falls 2
inches short of the gameboard edge.

Sister Sinister is able to run around the corner of the building and
should be able to easily dominate Cap, but rolls double 1 on her
first attack--critical failure--and then ensnares him with her second.

Hawkeye, shoots Deathscream again, who has racked up quite a bit of
damage, but not enough to take her out. He switches arrows (Gadget
power) and shoots her with a Sensory Negation arrow and nails her.

Round 5

Deathscream moves first, but is blinded. She must find Cap before she
can attack him or can attempt to make a Challenge Roll. All of her
attempts fail--Hawkeye's arrow has proved to worth its weight in gold.

Cap interupts and must make a successful Challenge Roll to escape
with the Informant. But Sister Sinister is no slouch. She rolls a 20
and Cap only has Super Presence 6 to roll with. He had to roll double
5 or 6 in order to overcome the villain's control. And in true, red-
white-and-blue spirit, he rolls double 5, defeats Sister Sinister's
domination power and escapes off the gameboard with the informant in

We decided to end the game at that point. The heroes won.

There is an open beta test of the game available at


Message 23217#229528

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On 2/4/2007 at 1:34am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: [Super Force Seven] Playtest

Hi there,

I've been watching the development of this game with interest.

Question: are you planning to use the trademarked characters in the published version?

Best, Ron

Message 23217#229600

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On 2/5/2007 at 6:11pm, mratomek wrote:
RE: Re: [Super Force Seven] Playtest

I would love to be able to license Marvel, DC, Image or some other notable characters. But I am sure those licenses are $$$.

But you never know.

Message 23217#229662

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