The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Little Fears mentioned in Out of the Box
Started by: Adam
Started on: 5/31/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 5/31/2002 at 5:36am, Adam wrote:
Little Fears mentioned in Out of the Box

Don't know if anyone else noticed this, but Ken Hite did a little roundup of some of the Origins Awards categories, and had the following to say about Little Fears:

The other two on my short list seemingly pick out each end; Little Fears is an achingly self-aware game born of the immersive, rules-light modern "game as artistic experience" era, while Adventure! is an unabashed wallow in retro pulp style, a second sequel, and an exercise in the old-fashioned White Wolf tradition of game and world design.

Full article

Message 2327#22428

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...from around 5/31/2002

On 5/31/2002 at 1:43pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Little Fears mentioned in Out of the Box


It's interesting that Ken perceives these games to be on opposite ends of a spectrum, whereas I see them both as very solidly at one end of a spectrum.

His spectrum seems to be "light" vs. "serious," or maybe "whatever" vs. "this matters" (referring to the players' mind-sets).

My spectrum is Who Controls Play. At one end is, "GM is God and players experience God's Will," and at the other end is, "Everyone gets to contribute significant content."

On my spectrum, both Adventure! and Little Fears fall smack near the "everyone" end.


Message 2327#22464

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On 6/3/2002 at 12:01am, Seth L. Blumberg wrote:
RE: Little Fears mentioned in Out of the Box

Adventure! only falls near the "everyone" end of the spectrum if you're playing it Sean Demory style. If you play it as written (i.e., with much lower rate of Inspiration gain), it's somewhere in the middle.

Message 2327#22644

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