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Topic: GenCon signup
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 6/19/2001
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 6/19/2001 at 5:56pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
GenCon signup

If you're going, sign up!

Reminder -- I have a pass available (cheap!).

Message 233#2021

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...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Memento-Mori Theatricks
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On 6/27/2001 at 5:33pm, Peter wrote:
RE: GenCon signup

I'm in. (pant)

It looks like I'm driving too, if there's anyone along the way that needs a ride (or wants to share accomodations) I am coming from Baltimore and driving to Milwaukee. Email me at

I actually have certain misgivings about it this year, though. I'm not sure why. The old (Gaming Outpost) community has gotten a little bit fragmented. Maybe thats a good thing. I know it's not going to be like last year because everyone is different, plus lots of new faces, plus the landscape is different (this being the first Gen Con post d20).

Does anyone want to set up a gaming schedule?

Message 233#2344

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...from around 6/27/2001

On 6/27/2001 at 6:35pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: GenCon signup

Woo hoo!!!

Dude, I am so psyched. Last year we had some cool people...and uh, Mearls. :wink: This year? We gots Jason Blair and JeffNosh and Moosey...

...and Mearls.

Oh well.

Heheheh. I still have to get him back.

Message 233#2354

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On 6/27/2001 at 6:43pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: GenCon signup


curse you, sorenSON!

Message 233#2355

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On 6/27/2001 at 6:53pm, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: GenCon signup

curse you, sorenSON!

Woah! Calm down, Jeff. Don't take it so personally.

Message 233#2357

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On 6/27/2001 at 7:18pm, joshua neff wrote:
RE: GenCon signup

back off, key20jason (if that is your real name...& if it is, what's the deal with that? were your parents big acidheads or something?).

Message 233#2360

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On 6/27/2001 at 8:50pm, Peter wrote:
RE: GenCon signup

Ah, Gen Con memories...

I just want to share some of the "how Mearls burned Jared" story because I was in on it..

We ran into Mearls first, and I recognized him from an outdated picture from Gen Con 1999 (he had lost like 60 pounds or something.. but there he was). I also knew what Jared looked like from just a few months earlier, when we had met in Baltimore, and I knew that Jared would be demo-ing Monster Rancher and I knew the general location of the booth because we toured the facility the night before as journalists.

So anyhow, the next day, we arrive full of mischief. Jared was demo-ing Monster Rancher, so we kept checking the booth until he arrived. He wasn't hard to miss. I'm not sure who came up with the actual idea, but anyway, the idea was for Mearls to hide his badge and go up and play Jared at Monster Rancher. Then.. after a while, he'd try and engage Jared in conversation about his "house rules for Rolemaster, the greatest RPG in the world". Nick Lalone and I would stand around nearby.. actually Nick managed to sit right next to him and play the other guy demo-ing Monster Rancher. I sort of hung off to the side at the booth next door in case Jared recognized me.

Anyhow, Mearls had Jared going for what seemed like a long time about Rolemaster. I think he was trying to get him to agree with him about the superiority of Rolemaster.

Message 233#2366

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