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Topic: Gamer: the Podcasting reviews Breaking the Ice
Started by: Paka
Started on: 2/20/2007
Board: Black and Green Games

On 2/20/2007 at 7:57am, Paka wrote:
Gamer: the Podcasting reviews Breaking the Ice

Message 23335#230455

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On 2/20/2007 at 4:31pm, Emily Care wrote:
Re: Gamer: the Podcasting reviews Breaking the Ice

Caroline and Jeff talk about their game of BtI where Caroline plays an artistic black sheep member of the English Aristocracy (with a thing for drawing working girls), and Jeff plays a chronically sick, gambling musician cum music teacher who together get caught up in a quirky heist flick plot complete with wacky gangsterslike Frying Pan Face and Mr. Lindermann, as well as vomit on the first (?) date.

Thanks for the link, Judd. This is a really fun review.

Caroline & Jeff: Thanks so much for playing. I'm glad you guys had a good time, and hope you get a chance to play again. (And I look forward to your discussion on immersion.  Go you!)

Plus, you heard it here first:

"Hear that geeks, the dice, it increases your attraction..."



their site:
gamer: the podcasting

Message 23335#230472

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