The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Playtesters Wanted for New Gods of Mankind RPG
Started by: coldblackwind
Started on: 2/26/2007
Board: Connections

On 2/26/2007 at 1:27pm, coldblackwind wrote:
Playtesters Wanted for New Gods of Mankind RPG

Greetings fellow gamers,

Dark Skull Studios is looking for playtesters for our new product New Gods of Mankind. GMs and players will need to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement before start of the playtest. Each playtest group will be rewarded with 1 PDF document of New Gods of Mankind RPG once it is complete.

Contact me via PM or email

Here are some details about the game:

Live the Myth. Become the Legend. Be a God.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a God? To soar above the plane of mortals to palaces built from dreams? To part the oceans and turn water into wine? To be a guiding light to your followers who depend on your blessings? Here in New Gods of Mankind you can do that and much, much more!

New Gods of Mankind is a roleplaying game where players take on the role of young deities who guide their tribes through the dangers of the world. It is an archaic age with the newer species of humanity struggling for survival beside six Elder Races and their ancient gods. The gods of the Elder races have a detailed history with the world and each other. Many wars have already been fought over people, land, and resources, and mankind and their new gods are infants by comparison.

Player Characters in this game are Deities in the classical sense. Each player will have the opportunity to create a god or goddess with powers like the ancient Greek, Native American, Norse, or other pre Judeo-Christian Gods. Like the gods of old, these characters will have many followers, priests, and heroes living in temples, villages, and cities dedicated to the God. Each player will get to describe their tribe, land, priesthood, temples, heavenly abode, and even their Heaven and Hell.

Gods of this setting are able to do much more than pass judgment on the masses. As a God you are a powerful spirit, intangible in a natural state, able to affect the Known World with miracles obtained through the belief of your followers. Gods may travel from the Celestial Spheres of Heaven to the Known World instantaneously. For a small amount of belief, a god may transform into a mortal form and descend into the Known World to directly interact. A God may see their followers wherever they are and can respond to those who pray to them. Mortals using the name of a god or their symbol can instantly call attention to that particular deity.

Rules for this game are simple, yet open ended with plenty of leeway in terms of actions and abilities. Both resource management and dice pools mechanics are intertwined into a Belief system. Mortal conflicts from simple one-on-one combat to massive-scale armies are solved with a simple active opposing dice roll system. The number of followers you have each Season of the year equals the number of Belief you accumulate or lose for you god resource management system/miracle point pool. Simply put, the more followers and resources you have, the more belief points/ and miracles you get to use.

Message 23390#230771

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