The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Pen Names
Started by: RobNJ
Started on: 3/26/2007
Board: Publishing

On 3/26/2007 at 4:35pm, RobNJ wrote:
Pen Names

I have decided that when I eventually publish my RPG, Misspent Youth, I want to do so under a pen name. My real name is spelled such that it produces and embarrassing and entirely logical "mis"pronunciation* that I wish to avoid as my name is getting (hopefully) repeated outside of my presence. After initially choosing and rejecting a completely different name, both because a bunch of people said it sounded like that of a gay porn star (something I still don't get but apparently is true) and because I felt a little precious doing so, I have decided upon an alternate, phonetic spelling of the name the way I prefer it to be pronounced. Those of you who know me in real life and know what my name is will understand my desire. I tested it out recently at NerdNYC's Recess mini-con and it worked very well for these purposes with people who didn't know me.

Anyway, I wonder whether anyone here who has done this can help me with what considerations this brings into getting a book published, going to conventions, and so forth. For example, at Recess, I asked them to just use my board handle instead of my first and last name when posting my events. Had I had my crap together better, I might have done something similar for Gen Con. I am also wondering whether there are any issues to be concerned with in stuff like paypal payments, credit cards, checks, etc.

Any input would be greatly appreciated, including, "Stop worrying you stupid bastard."

* A phonetic pronunciation of my last name according to the standard rules of English grammar produces the "wrong" pronunciation, thus the profusion of scare quotes.

Message 23598#232089

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On 3/26/2007 at 5:55pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
Re: Pen Names

My name is mispronounced by Americans all the time. I don't mind and am happy to explain how to pronounce Finnish to anybody who cares to hear about it (as many of you have had to witness). A good change of pace from discussing the weather. Might be a different case if the mispronounciation was embarrassing (what is an embarrassing mispronouncement like, anyway?), as in my case the name is obvious gibberish to Americans any way you pronounce it, anyway.

That said, if your plan is to write your name with a different spelling to avoid the mispronouncement, I hardly find that a pen name. Rather, it's just a spelling change, which happens all the time to names and other words all over the world. Nothing to worry about, so if you feel that your name is not represented correctly by the current standards of spelling, just go ahead and change it so that you have less trouble with it. Heck, make it official and therefore stop being a victim of subjective spelling systems altogether.

Message 23598#232097

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On 3/26/2007 at 7:37pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Pen Names

I plan on keeping it as is for day-to-day life, just changing it for publication. The question then becomes what are the ramifications of that for money, convention signup, etc.

Message 23598#232110

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On 3/26/2007 at 8:57pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Pen Names

Hi Rob,

I use my own name, but have had to organize various convention arrangements for people who publish with a pen name. It's not very difficult, fortunately.

The name of registration has to be your real one, because it's a financial and legal issue. But the name on the badge can be whatever you specify it to be.

As far as actually publishing the physical book is concerned, that is 100% under your control as you are the publisher. You ought to check with a real lawyer, but as I understand it, it is perfectly all right to publish a book written by yourself, which says "By Ernst P. Higgleby" on the cover and elsewhere, and makes no mention of yourself by actual name.

Now, certainly, in dealing with printers and so forth, you would use your real name as credit cards and checks are involved.

Best, Ron

Message 23598#232111

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On 3/27/2007 at 1:09am, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Pen Names

Thanks, Ron. I suppose I'll just have to communicate separately with Con organizers as I usually don't see a "name on badge" field. Not a problem, though.


Message 23598#232118

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On 3/27/2007 at 2:01pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: Pen Names

Register for Gen Con under your real name. You show your ID when you pick up your badge. The folks at the stand where exhibitors pick up their badges will then change it to whatever you want if you explain that it's a pen name.

Message 23598#232125

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On 3/27/2007 at 2:06pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Pen Names


Since I'm having my badge shipped, would it be better to just change it on the web, since I won't have to prove who I am to anyone when I get there?

Message 23598#232128

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On 3/27/2007 at 2:19pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: Pen Names

They don't ship exhibitor badges. You're going as an attendee?

Message 23598#232129

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On 3/27/2007 at 2:22pm, RobNJ wrote:
RE: Re: Pen Names

Paul wrote:
They don't ship exhibitor badges. You're going as an attendee?

Yeah, I was too impatient to wait for the free badge I was going to get for helping at Judd et al.'s booth.

So I guess it's safe for me to do it this way this year, and next year if I go as an exhibitor, do as  you suggest. Thanks, Paul.

Message 23598#232130

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On 4/11/2007 at 12:45am, jdrakeh wrote:
RE: Re: Pen Names

Ron wrote:
As far as actually publishing the physical book is concerned, that is 100% under your control as you are the publisher. You ought to check with a real lawyer, but as I understand it, it is perfectly all right to publish a book written by yourself, which says "By Ernst P. Higgleby" on the cover and elsewhere, and makes no mention of yourself by actual name.

That's the dealy-o. I've done some editing under a psuedonym (which worked out better for me due to NDA issues), though at the time I checked into publishing under a psueonym, as well. The low down from my attorney pretty much culminated in the above bit of truth. That said, when regsitering for copyrights using a psuedonym, IIRC, you need to provide valid contact info.

Message 23598#232655

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