The Forge Reference Project


Started by: Priest
Started on: 4/4/2007
Board: First Thoughts

On 4/4/2007 at 11:03am, Priest wrote:


New here, so its nice to be able to chat with other game designers, I have been contemplating a new system that works off of a three system method. Meaning a standard OGL like system, a more storytelling oriented system (similar to WoD), and a Rules Lite system all wrapped into a seemless package which works in a way that is tailored to target players by their experience.

Newbie players who lack an interest in learning a rules heavy system would have the rules lite system to work with, while advanced players might choose the Storytelling system which focuses on the Role part of play above and beyond the Rule part of play. For those who already know the rules of the Popular, and extremely non indie D20-OGL system, an integration of the SRD (Fantasy) system would be included in the over all lay out of the game.

Key elements would be a magic system which is non erra specific, and which captures the feel of mainstream fantasy novels, though it covers a wide swath of them. From Sharon Shinn's Mystic Rider series, to Riddlemaster of Hed (Patricia McKillip).

The system would need a free-form casting mechanic ingrained in it, along with a classless caster mechanic, which would flow well within the context of the systems three system ideology.

To integrate new players with experienced gamers, a Template (ala Shadowrun style) would flesh out the systems core class to classless style of design while maintaining a consistency between both elements, and allowing them to meet in the middle somewhere so that both styles of Character Creation/ Player Orientation could be accomplished.

My inspiration came from my friend and I setting about with his wife, trying to teach her how to "make" a D&D character, the paperwork frustrated her to the point where she didn't want to get involved with our "stupid" game. She was quite simply frustrated with the task of doing the paperwork, for what she knew was just a game.

While I want to keep the core element that D20-OGL system provides, because it is a well respected system which has a large following, I want to branch out and try to reach people who were likewise frustrated by the paper pushing part of the game.

The Character Sheet would remain similar to that of WoTC's though I would add some serious changes like the following;

New Abilities


New Mechanic: Traits
                              Animas: "Force" a characters ability to cast spells
                              Faith: A Dynamic D20 mechanic which allows a faith check (not that the divine produces a manifestation, but that a faitful produces his desire vis a vis great faith, zealotry, etc).

New Mechanic: Talents: (And Talent Trees) Knacks which modify core processes within the context of the OGL core system.

New Mechanic Dual Layer Lite/Heavy Cinematic Scenes:

This includes cinematic "cut scenes" in which a character can go from rolling dice, to talking out his/her actions in a structured free form style, and back to dice on a dime.

Reinitiating Dice Pools for things such as Initiative, and Casting.

Aggressive gritty cinematic forms, where with minimal dice rolling a combat can be fought without slowing the game down (or keeping the stoppage to a minimum) by allowing a free flowing, player creationist dialog

Message 23644#232427

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On 4/4/2007 at 11:06am, Priest wrote:

Well there is the thought process, I would love it if anyone who had ideas about such a system stepped in to give advice critique.

Message 23644#232428

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On 4/8/2007 at 12:38am, joepub wrote:

So, I have a difficult question for you. And the reason I say it's difficult is because I want you to really think on this, and think out its ramifications, before responding.

You seem to be trying to do everything for everyone. You have three distinct systems, all of which cover the same mechanical "pieces" on their own, but use the same databases of reference (like spell lists, etc), right? You have got no target audience, and frankly I have no idea what I'd possibly want to use Trinity System for.

Not just because I'm not sure that the style of play you're encouraging is one I dig, but more because I have no idea what you want this system to be about.

Now, there are a huge amount of articles and theories on this site, but a large amount of it basically boils down to: realize that people play for different reasons, figure out what kind of play you want to facilitate, hone your focus and mandate on that kind of play/experience/system/marketing/overall package, and create mechanics and gameplay that supports that design goal. There are a bunch of words like Narrativist and Simulationist and Gamist to describe the kinds of play and play goals that exist, but you don't necessarily need to know them. You just need to know what you get out of gaming, and how you can facilitate that.

This is just my opinion, but I'd like to share some advice with you: don't try to be everything to everyone. Instead, try to be something for someone.

So, yeah. my big question of the post is: What do you want Trinity System to offer for people? (note how I'm implying "everything" really isn't a suitable answer.)

That all said, I'd like you to forget about Trinity System for a second (I know, it's hard!) Think about the gaming you've had that was most awesome - be it individual sessions, systems, or even brief moments. Think about the gaming that has sucked or frustrated you. A mix of these good and bad elements is probably what prompts you to write a new system. Share those good/bad moments in the Actual Play forum, and make sure you're building on that.

Message 23644#232552

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...started by joepub which joepub participated First Thoughts
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...from around 4/8/2007