The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Designer Swap
Started by: xiombarg
Started on: 6/5/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 6/5/2002 at 7:33pm, xiombarg wrote:
Designer Swap

Okay, at least one person liked the idea I had, so I'm rolling with it. Click here and look for my post for what I'm talking about, but in short: I think it would be a cool idea for designers with a pool of players to "trade" games. That is, I run Ralph's game and Ralph runs mine, and we post comments on Actual Play here.

In the interests of getting this started, I propose using this thread for this purpose. Post a game you want to see someone else playtest, in return for playtesting theirs. No forcing: both sides have to agree before anything happens, tho I'm sure no one's going to argue if you run their game and comment with no quid quo pro.

Anyway, I'll start out. I'm particularly interested in someone running Rise Again -- it doesn't have to be with the odd background, any situation where characters have to make moral choices during a war would do. To a lesser extent, I'd like to see someone run Faster, Better, Cheaper...

I'm willing to try pitch nearly anything to my group in return. You can poke around this forum to see what I've sprung on them before. Tonight I'm running Elfs...

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Message 2371#23006

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On 6/6/2002 at 4:20am, hardcoremoose wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Okay, so I think this is kind of a cool idea.

And I have a whole bunch of games I'd love to get people to play.


I am already committed to running and/or playing Dav's Violence Future sometime in the near future. Dav, I have no idea when that will be, as I'm knee-deep in WFD right now, and then Wuthering Heights is up, and after that there's still two other people in our group who have the option of running stuff, but it's still at the forefront of my mind.

And I consider it a fair swap, since Dav once played Human Wreckage and provided me with some nice feedback.

- Scott

Message 2371#23087

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On 6/6/2002 at 4:28am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

I'm committed to playing Rafael's Dread, and he's agreed to run my Paladin - I'll make sure and post my findings.

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Message 2371#23089

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On 6/6/2002 at 4:30am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

The last two points bring up something that I might not have made clear: I won't be upset if no one wants to swap with me. I know I have strange tastes, even comparted to the average Forgeite. So if someone wants to put their game up for swap, they shouldn't feel obligated to swap with me. ;-)

Message 2371#23090

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On 6/6/2002 at 7:25pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Well, I better put up.

OK, Kirt, I'll trade you a playtest of F,B,C for a playtest of Universalis if you're up for it (sorry, can't play Rise Again; too Yankee).

Anyone else wanna swap?


Message 2371#23178

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On 6/7/2002 at 4:08am, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Mike, sure, I'm up for that. Could you point me to a link for Universalis?

And I assume you're kidding about Rise Again being too Yankee. ;-)

Message 2371#23227

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On 6/7/2002 at 1:56pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

xiombarg wrote: Mike, sure, I'm up for that. Could you point me to a link for Universalis?

And I assume you're kidding about Rise Again being too Yankee. ;-)


Universalis isn't publicly available, I'll send you a copy. PM me with an address to send it to. Truth be told, it might be little late in the process for a playtest, as Ralph is writing up final revisions, possibly as I type this. But in the spirit of cooperation...

Anyone want to try Synthesis (renamed from Self System)? I'd trade a playtest of that, too.

And I'm too Yankee, not Rise Again. Sheesh, I was a member of the Iron Brigade (well, it's modern namesake, anyhow) for fifteen years. :-)


Message 2371#23256

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On 6/7/2002 at 2:04pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Mike Holmes wrote:
Universalis isn't publicly available, I'll send you a copy. PM me with an address to send it to. Truth be told, it might be little late in the process for a playtest, as Ralph is writing up final revisions, possibly as I type this. But in the spirit of cooperation...

Actually I am. I'm hoping to have the much more focused set of of core rules finished this weekend (or early next week).

If you want to hold off Mike, we can send him those when I have them finished. It probably is "too late" for a playtest now to make it into the version we're getting ready for Gen Con (unless its real fast and real focused) but they'll be plenty of room for suggestions and such as support on our website.

Message 2371#23257

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On 6/7/2002 at 7:19pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Mike Holmes wrote: Anyone want to try Synthesis (renamed from Self System)? I'd trade a playtest of that, too.

And I'm too Yankee, not Rise Again. Sheesh, I was a member of the Iron Brigade (well, it's modern namesake, anyhow) for fifteen years. :-)

Well, I don't want to be greedy, but if you add those examples I requested (so I can actually grok the system fully -- perhaps you already have added 'em, I haven't checked), I'd be willing trade running Synthesis for someone trying out Rise Again. Now, I happen to think a North-oriented game with an Iron Brigade feel would be fine, but I also would be satisfied with using the system for some other war, like 'Nam.

Again, no pressure tho. I need to bullyrag my local group into allowing me to try it out on them again. (Tho some of the dialogue about the game, while amusing, was depressing. James: "If I play an sentient monkey, can I fling poop?" Me: "Why would you want to? I am a sentient primate, and I don't fling poop. I hope you don't either.")

Message 2371#23286

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On 6/7/2002 at 8:12pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

xiombarg wrote: Well, I don't want to be greedy, but if you add those examples I requested (so I can actually grok the system fully -- perhaps you already have added 'em, I haven't checked), I'd be willing trade running Synthesis for someone trying out Rise Again.
As it happens we should have a posting on a new release soon, that will hopefully satisfy.

Now, I happen to think a North-oriented game with an Iron Brigade feel would be fine, but I also would be satisfied with using the system for some other war, like 'Nam.

Again, no pressure tho. I need to bullyrag my local group into allowing me to try it out on them again.

Quite. Let's stick to one swap at a time. I'll think about "Rise" once I've discharged my obligation to you for FBC.


Message 2371#23293

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On 6/11/2002 at 10:24pm, rabidchyld wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

er..uh..well I don't have any games that I have written, but I have a group who is ready and willing to play just about anything.

Am I allowed to join in the fun?


Message 2371#23851

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On 6/12/2002 at 5:23pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

rabidchyld wrote: er..uh..well I don't have any games that I have written, but I have a group who is ready and willing to play just about anything.

Am I allowed to join in the fun?

I certainly don't think anyone here is going to bitch if you're willing to playtest our games with no quid quo pro.

If you want to try out one of mine, check out the links at the top of this thread... I also welcome questions in email...

Message 2371#23963

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On 6/12/2002 at 8:48pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

rabidchyld wrote: Am I allowed to join in the fun?

Like Kirt said, please do. Here's the link to the current version of the Synthesis Sytem if you are interested.


Message 2371#24009

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On 6/12/2002 at 9:10pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Designer Swap


...I have a group who is ready and willing to play just about anything.

Am I allowed to join in the fun?

Truly? Anything? You have a fantastic opportunity to prove that by playing Nicotine Girls, the game that some have said might never be played by anyone.

I'm in the process of redesigning the mechanics, to fix the problem that rolling more dice doesn't increase chance of success. The new mechanics no longer use FUDGE dice. If you're interested, let me know and I'll send you the revisions.


Message 2371#24013

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On 6/12/2002 at 9:28pm, Paganini wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

This is the wierdest thread I've ever seen. You guys have started up a meta-meta-game where everyone plays game designers, where the games themselves are the currency and the actual play of them are the mechanics.

<shakes head>

Now I've got to hurry up and create a character (i.e., become a game designer by completeing a game) so I can join in!

Message 2371#24019

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On 6/12/2002 at 9:43pm, DaR wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Paganini wrote: This is the wierdest thread I've ever seen. You guys have started up a meta-meta-game where everyone plays game designers, where the games themselves are the currency and the actual play of them are the mechanics.

<shakes head>

Now I've got to hurry up and create a character (i.e., become a game designer by completeing a game) so I can join in!

I know this isn't a constructive followup, but I have to say that this just absolutely made my day, as one of the funniest things I've read in weeks.


Dan Root

Message 2371#24021

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On 6/12/2002 at 10:07pm, xiombarg wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Paganini wrote: This is the wierdest thread I've ever seen. You guys have started up a meta-meta-game where everyone plays game designers, where the games themselves are the currency and the actual play of them are the mechanics.

I think you've hit one of the reasons, artistically speaking, I was interested in this idea, since I love self-referential meta-thingies (yes, meta-thingies, you can quote me).

Yes, create your character, er, write your game...

Message 2371#24033

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On 6/12/2002 at 10:22pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Reaching back into my early days at the Forge, I find this.

Prescient, I'm prescient, I tell you :-)


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Message 2371#24042

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On 6/12/2002 at 10:43pm, rabidchyld wrote:
RE: Designer Swap

Thanks you guys. I told my group about this thread and they all said:

Oohhhhh...we're playtesters!

So I told them we'd play one new game per week. With all of our schedules I figure that's all we can do while giving the games the justice they deserve.

I'm going to start with Chthonian Redux, because Zak has been speaking to me, then I'll just go down the list.

This is going to be fun.


Message 2371#24053

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