Topic: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 5/16/2007
Board: Conventions
On 5/16/2007 at 11:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
[GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Hi there,
I figured I'd out everyone, and try to get all the relevant information in one place for Fred. I'm looking for some missing information and corrections, too, because our brochures and stuff can only be based on stuff I do know, not on stuff you think I know or you think I should know.
The primary sponsors are:
Ron Edwards, Adept Press
Clinton Nixon, CRN Games
Ralph Mazza, Ramshead Publishing
Brennan Taylor, Galileo Games / IPR
Ben Lehman and Jasper Anderton (plus Calder Johnson if he can make it), TAO Games
James Brown, Blankenshield Press
Julie Stauffer is also a badge-holder.
Brennan, I need to know who else gets a badge via IPR.
So far, people who've actually paid and will be participating are:
Greg Porter and John Kolbe, BTRC, with EABA, F*ck This, Infinite Armies
Justin Jacobson and Mark Rickard, Blue Devil Games, with Dawning Star, Passages
Gregor Hutton, boxninja, with Best Friends (and 3:16 too, I think, in some form)
Jason Morningstar, Bully Pulpit Games, with The Shab al-Hiri Roach and (I think) Grey Ranks
Fred Hicks, Rob Donoghue, Leo Balsera, Evilhat Productions, with Spirit of the Century, FATE, Don't Rest Your Head, and maybe The Dresden Files
Kevin Allen Jr., Kevin Allen Jr. Design, Primitive, Primitive Deluxe, Sweet Agatha
Troy Costisick, Divine Legacy Games, Cutthroat, Hierarchy, Standoff!, The Holmes & Watson Committee
Seth Ben-Ezra, Dark Omen Games, Legends of Alyria
Tony Dowler, Planet Thirteen, Mathematica
Justin Bow, Green Fairy, Fae Noir
Eric Boyd, Eric J. Boyd Designs, The Committee for the Exploration of Mysteries
Everyone, if I have listed anything wrong, let me know. If there's a game you want listed that isn't, let me know. If you want to correct me regarding any sort of name or whatever, let me know.
I have heard from about three or four other companies who have said they want in but haven't paid yet. Folks, the clock is ticking. Statement of intent doesn't mean anything, I'm a cold hard man who lives in a cave on a mountainside and I care nothing for your intentions. It'd be great to include you though.
So far, it's 11 companies in addition to the primary sponsors. It's great to see some first-timers in there whom I know, and some I don't know. There's room for more, though!
This is also a good thread for any questions that people have about signing up, what it means, and whether you'd like to do it, and what you need to know in order to decide. It's also a good time to muse about whether you want to do the Forge booth or the Ashcan Front. I promise I will be very friendly and helpful to anyone who needs to know the difference, and I totally want people in the place that will serve them best.
Best, Ron
edited to fix a stupid mistake
edited again to fix another stupid mistake
On 5/16/2007 at 11:33pm, iago wrote:
Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Ron wrote:
Fred Hicks, Rob Donoghue, Leo Balsera, Evilhat Productions, with Spirit of the Century, FATE, Don't Rest Your Head, and maybe The Dresden Files
Fate remains electronic (until we get a 3.0 book put together) and the Dresden Files, much as I'd like it, aren't showing up at GenCon. Still miles to go before we sleep, &c. I think Mr. Balsera likes his name shortened to "Lenny"; Leo's a new one on me!
On 5/17/2007 at 12:59am, GreatWolf wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Dirty Secrets will be at the booth in some form as well.
On 5/17/2007 at 9:31am, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Standoff! and the Holmes and Watson Committee will not be available to purchase at GenCon. I will be bringing Cutthroat and Hierarchy, however :)
On 5/17/2007 at 11:48am, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Sweet! Excellent to see people I don't know on that list. Grey Ranks will be there!
On 5/18/2007 at 1:36pm, Kevin Allen Jr wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
I'm also bringing "Record of Threats; a Primitive supplement"
I'm totally wet for a bunch of these games.
On 5/18/2007 at 6:41pm, JustinB wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Green Fairy Games is the actual name of the company.
Thanks, Ron!
On 5/19/2007 at 3:02am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
This is going to be fantastic.
- Clinton
On 5/19/2007 at 3:39am, iago wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Could we get confirmation of what games the primary sponsors are bringing to demo? I imagine those would need to go on the menu as well...?
On 5/19/2007 at 12:41pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Fred, yes, that's on the agenda. Since we're working together on this, please contact me about this logistic stuff by email, OK? This thread is for people who are signing up.
Best, Ron
On 5/29/2007 at 7:30am, Jake Richmond wrote:
RE: Re: [GenCon 2007] Sign-ups so far, and information check
Add Jake Richmond and Matt Schlotte of Atarashi Games bringing Panty Explosion and Classroom Deathmatch. We're going to Gencon, baby! Yeah!