Topic: the in absentia policy for having your game at The Ashcan Front booth
Started by: Paul Czege
Started on: 5/21/2007
Board: Conventions
On 5/21/2007 at 2:53pm, Paul Czege wrote:
the in absentia policy for having your game at The Ashcan Front booth
Hey all,
Matt and I both want The Ashcan Front booth to support a small handful of folks (like maybe two or three) who can't, for whatever reason, be at Gen Con. Our policy for folks interested in this in absentia participation is that anyone who's had a Gen Con booth experience before (The Forge booth, or any other booth) and who's actually planning bodily participation at The Ashcan Front booth can agree to also be the point representative for one other ashcan game from someone who can't actually be at the con. But there is absolutely no obligation or expectation that bodily participants agree to point represent any game other than their own. Participants are going to be point representing their own ashcans, and also representing all other participating ashcans at the booth. So agreeing to point represent an additional game isn't an insignificant decision.
So, here's how it's going to work. If you're interested in in absentia representation for an ashcan of your game-in-development, post a description of your game and your design aims in a reply to this thread. And if you hook someone who's participating bodily and who's had the Gen Con experience, then they'll let you know they want to represent your game. Your buy-in will be $100.
(We're hoping this scheme will avoid social pressures and awkwardness. We're just floating this because we think it would be cool to represent a couple of games whose designers can't be at the con. Please trust us to nix the idea if it starts smelling bad.)
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