The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Decay RPG] Artists, playtesters, concept designers, and others needed!
Started by: Sentience
Started on: 5/23/2007
Board: Connections

On 5/23/2007 at 6:45pm, Sentience wrote:
[Decay RPG] Artists, playtesters, concept designers, and others needed!


As the middle of the year quickly closes in, Sentient Games has come to realize that we're behind schedule! A few of our designers have parted ways due to collegiate obligations, and another has suddenly found himself with no time to work on side-projects (congrats on the marriage!). Therefore, we've decided it may be a good idea to start searching abroad for a few imaginative people with some spare time and a penchant for futuristic role-playing games.

The project we're developing is called Decay: The Remnants of Earth. It is an ambitious undertaking, wherein we aim to publish a hardcover, stand-alone, post-apocalyptic / cyberpunk role-playing game book coupled with an online component (which we'll focus on at a later date). For a brief introduction to the game, visit the official website at

Currently, we have roughly 40% of the writing for the book complete. We hope to finish the project by the end of 2007. But in order to do so, we need your help!

In particular, we're looking for the following:

Artists - We need a slew of black and white art, with a heavy post-apoc / cyberpunk theme. Character art, environment art, technical drawings, ect ect. As of right now, we're currently working with an in-house artist (who is a bit overwhelmed at the moment) and a great emerging artist named Bleeker ( But we want to ensure that the finished product is artistically rich.

Playtesters - With most of our core playtesting group heading off to college, we need to start opening up the flood gates. We need groups willing to delve into a new (yet simple and familiar) game system, work with it, use it, abuse it, and ultimately throw rocks at it. Help us develop the system and take pride in seeing your name printed in published material!

Concept and Design - While 70% of the concept is pretty solid at the moment, we'd love to have some more input! Are you imaginative? Do you like to create characters, places, technology, and creatures? Lend some aid and earn yourself the title of Designer when the book is published! We're open to all types of ideas.

Anyone Else Who Wants to Participate
- If you have any other services you'd like to offer, let us know! Are you good at creating border-art? Like designing maps or diagrams? Do you spend all day thinking of great adventures for your players to enjoy? Send us an e-mail! We'd love the help!

While not all contributions and help will be rewarded monetarily (we are, indeed, indy to the core), everyone who provides some significant help can rest assured that you'll see your name in the credits and receive a free copy of the book after it hits the printers. For those who go above and beyond, we are in the position to negotiate some financial incentive.

If you're interested helping us to finish the project, please send us an e-mail describing what you'd like to do. If your services require payment of some sort, please let us know of that as well. We're willing to negotiate.

Send all responses to!

Z. Adam Wolf

Message 23968#234692

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