The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Indie Game Designer for Guest Star Appearance on Danish Game Con wanted
Started by: fjj
Started on: 5/23/2007
Board: Conventions

On 5/23/2007 at 9:23pm, fjj wrote:
Indie Game Designer for Guest Star Appearance on Danish Game Con wanted

Viking Con 26 is held October 12 -14 2007 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Last year, we did a workshop and demo games of many different indie games like Dogs in the Vineyard, My Life With Master, The Shab Al-Hiri Roach, In a Wicked Age and Mountain Witch.

This year we would like to invite a game designer of the indie/forge tradition to visit us in Copenhagen for mutual exchange on how to design and play games.

Danish RPG tradtion has developed a lot since the first D&D came to Denmark in the early 80's. There is a strong tradition for writing scenarios (or stand alone games) for playing with 4-7 players in 4-6 hours on a game con. Some of these scenarios reappear on several cons over the years and are very often not tied to a specific roleplaying game, but includes its own set of rules or is played freeform or arbitrated by a game master. The forge/indie games has put new life into the discussion (in DK) about what constitutes a good game. Some of the ideas of the indie-revolution is old news for us, some are highly inspiring.

Unfortunately, everything is produced in Danish, so we cannot easily share our good ideas internationally.

This also includes the site for the game con: and the library for written scenarios

So if you have designed one or more indie-games that you wish to share and discuss with Danish roleplayers, and you are willing to travel to Copenhagen this fall, then please contact me at frederik at jensen dot net. We will be able to raise some funds covering your travel expenses.

Best regards,
Frederik J. Jensen

Message 23970#234698

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