The Forge Reference Project


Topic: EIRPG 15 - São Paulo, Brasil
Started by: itiro
Started on: 6/6/2007
Board: Conventions

On 6/6/2007 at 2:01pm, itiro wrote:
EIRPG 15 - São Paulo, Brasil

The 15th edition of EIRPG (Encontro Internacional de RPG - "International RPG Meeting") will happen in São Paulo on July 7th and 8th.

We are planning to run demo games of MLWM, The Mountain Witch, The Riddle of Steel, Dead Inside, Dogs in the Vineyard and maybe some others (PTA, Donjon, Capes, Sorcerer).

We don't have a lot of experience with this games, our group is small and there is not a lot of players willing to experiment new things, and we are trying to use de con to expand the number of people playing independent games.

Does anybody have any tip to enhance the experience?

Message 24074#235360

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