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Topic: I have this problem, you see...
Started by: Jack Spencer Jr
Started on: 6/8/2002
Board: Actual Play

On 6/8/2002 at 8:08pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
I have this problem, you see...

OK, here's my situation:
I really haven't been able to play with any regularity in the last 4 years due to my work schedule. Now I have a new job that will no doubt kill me, but I can now play on a regular basis. During that time, I have been able to play on and off a couple times, sometimes a month at a time but not always. Mostly I didn't. Point is, I'm rusty. Add to that all the crap I've been filling my head with, narrativism and such, and the problem takes shape.

The group is player D&D3e. I'm going to be fairly vague here about the people specifically since I don't want to talk shit about them behind their back and stuff, but if you ask me a direct question, I will answer it.

This week started with one of the players having a little "talk" about last week's battle with the other players and what problems we have. To his credit, he started with himself. His "talk" boiled down to two basic points:

• No one is really role-playing enough.
• Everyone showed poor tactics in last weeks battle

Now, I know there's a problem here, but darn is I can express it into words. Add to this that his memory of last week's battle was skewed a little (i.e. he accused one player of doing something which just plain isn't how it happened either last week or during the campaign at large. I'll elaborate on this if anyone asks) and he's also the sort who wants everything just so but doesn't go out of his way to tell you how he wants it or nothing. This just adds distraction to the problem at hand.

To, it seems like these two things are separate goal as per the GNS and stuff and what's good for one is not necessarily good for the other.

I admit that I am somewhat not there. Maybe I should leave the group. But I'm trying to puzzle this thing out so maybe I won't have to.

So, any questions or comments?

Message 2410#23411

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On 6/8/2002 at 8:38pm, J B Bell wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...


That is indeed rather vague. But it doesn't sound like a total disaster area. Take a look at Pyron's woes for a number of excellent suggestions that should serve a group that is not as bad off as his seems to be.

The core of it:

• Discussion of battle tactics should be the last thing. That's one player's priority.
• First discuss what people's priorities are. As has been said elsewhere, this is not the place to bring up GNS. Just what are people looking for? What do they mean by "role-playing"?
• Hash out the scheduling stuff, how much table-talk is OK, what kinds of things in play push people's buttons (in subject matter and in out-of-game social behavior). You know, that whole social contract thing.

Start there and see how it goes. Maybe have the above discussion on a night when you all play something less fractious, like a card game or something.


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Message 2410#23412

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On 6/8/2002 at 9:42pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

J B Bell wrote: Discussion of battle tactics should be the last thing. That's one player's priority.

And the GM's piority, I think. He's a big wargamer, WH40K and such, and seems to be intent on imparting this sort of thing on his players
First discuss what people's priorities are... Just what are people looking for? What do they mean by "role-playing"?

To be honest, I'm not sure but I don't think I'd get a straight answer out of anybody. I think this is also a fairly disfunctional group with some seriously socially retarded individuals. That is, pretty much all of the people sitting at the table has some form of mental/emotional problems and a few of them have been professionally diagnosed, two are without job because of this, one of which is living in a group home and one several medications.

I bring all of this up because I fear that getting an answer to a very simple question like this is going to be like pulling teeth.

Maybe I'll cobble up a written questionaire based on the stuff here and see what answers I get.
Start there and see how it goes. Maybe have the above discussion on a night when you all play something less fractious, like a card game or something.

This might be part of the problem. We never do meet for anything except for this. This, I believe is part of the problem since the session is our only social interaction and, as it turns out, is probably some players' only social contact period (see above).

I'm starting to feel even more pessimistic the more I think about it. Does anyone have sucha questionaire already made up? I seem to recall such a thread.

Message 2410#23426

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On 6/8/2002 at 9:54pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Jack Spencer Jr wrote: I think this is also a fairly disfunctional group with some seriously socially retarded individuals. That is, pretty much all of the people sitting at the table has some form of mental/emotional problems and a few of them have been professionally diagnosed, two are without job because of this, one of which is living in a group home and one several medications.

Wow, Jack. Can I come over and play with you guys? 'Cause it sounds like you got yourself a hum-dinger of a group...

Seriously, drop these guys. Drop them like bad habit. Yikes.

Message 2410#23430

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On 6/8/2002 at 10:29pm, Eric J. wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

I am in distress because the reaction to my group was worse than yours. My feelings: Drop them. If they make up most of the group, leave the group. I don't know what you are trying to fix. Even if you get them to role-play you then have a whole new area of problems to work with. I really don't know what to say.

Message 2410#23436

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On 6/8/2002 at 10:59pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Hi Jack,

It all comes down to this: are you happy playing with these folks? That is, socially, personally, time-expenditure-wise?

If not, don't play with them, all done.

If you are, then the concern becomes, how do you communicate with them about your unease? Let's take the only concrete thing we've heard about: "better role-playing" and "better tactics." And right away, I hit a brick wall. We (and you) don't have enough to work with, mainly because by "role-playing," a person can mean anything.

For instance, the GM may expect total in-character characterization during non-combat scenes and total out-of-character tactical commitment during combat scenes.

Or, in many contexts, using optimal battle tactics would be consistent with the characters' outlooks and concerns - hence better role-playing = better tactics.

Or he wants two contradictory things and is in denial about it.

See what I mean about all the possibilities? There're more, too.

Now, I'm not in the group, and so I don't know. Maybe in your experience of them, the two "betters" are indeed contradictory. I do suggest probing just a little to see whether they are or aren't. Ask for an example of each one, or of both together.


Message 2410#23438

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On 6/8/2002 at 11:27pm, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Pyron wrote: I am in distress because the reaction to my group was worse than yours.

Don't worry about it. I think most people either are either burnt out on your thread, as this is a similar problem going on here, or just don't know what to say since I was somewhat vague.

Ron Edwards wrote: Now, I'm not in the group, and so I don't know. Maybe in your experience of them, the two "betters" are indeed contradictory. I do suggest probing just a little to see whether they are or aren't. Ask for an example of each one, or of both together.

I think you're right here, Ron. I will have to probe a little more before anything of substance can be discussed as well as possible solutions, barring just leaving which would be a difficult option for me as my wife also plays and, well, it would just be more hassle than I care to deal withdoing that.

For role-playing, it seems to be a matter of getting a "sense of the character" whatever the hell that means. In many cases we don't have a decent sense of the player, ferchrissakes. No wonder the character isn't very well fleshed out.

I think what's bothering me more than these problems is the one player's desire to try to address things with the "talk." This player, who is the GM's SO and female I changed the pronouns in my original post for some reason but screw it, has some sort of controlling deal. I'm not exactly sure how to put it into words.

I think what it is is that the group is incoherent and that's fine. We play to socialize and stuff and we really don't care. Or I don't care, at least. The little talk was a kind of "let's do the incoherency thing better" which bugged me the way such a statement should bug anybody, you know? Do incoherency better...please.

But, with this person I could do one of a couple things, I could either explain to her the incoherency of the group at large and the play style and with her help, get the group into a more coherent playing style and thus get a better experience, whether it be narrativist or whatever OR she'll get extremely bitchy and the wife & I will stop going.

Actually, we left the game group before because of her (actually, except for her & the GM, it was a totally different group), but she & my wife had patched things up at some point and neither seem to want to go back to that.

What I'm going to do is figure out some form of questionaire about in-game goals and such and see where this takes me.

Message 2410#23441

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On 6/8/2002 at 11:42pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...


This might be one of those situations in which goals of play are not even relevant. (Cue: "Whaa-at? What did he say??")

Chill out, everyone. You all know that I think Exploration and GNS and every role-playing technique exist embedded in a social matrix. And I've always been fine with the idea that some groups are only about the socializing, and literally don't care about the role-playing, rendering GNS etc totally moot (because it's about the role-playing).

So, if that's the case with this group, a questionnaire from you will have about the same effect as the processing/control stuff going on from the woman you described - ie, no effect. In that case, the only question you have to face is the one about whether you (and your wife) want to socialize with these folks at all. The role-playing will be irrelevant.

Again, I don't know. I'm trying to see all the possibilities.

Here's another one: if enough people involved do indeed want to have a more coherent group in terms of role-playing itself. If that's so, then the woman's desire to "talk" is a constructive thing. I mean, that's what we always say to people, right? Talk to the players? Communicate? So if that's going on, then good on her. She's opened some dialogue about goals, even if it's perhaps more about "I want you to play my way," or whatever. If this is the case, then your questionnaire is a valid and hopefully useful extension of that dialogue.

Well, that's about all I can say without further information. Let us know how it goes.


Message 2410#23442

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On 6/9/2002 at 1:41am, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Below in the quote box is a questionaire I came up with, including the little intro. I know I must be missing some important points with this, so comments?

The following fill-in-the-blanks are designed to help figure out what you desire out of a role-playing experience and how to best get it. Answer each question as completely and honestly as you can. Use a separate sheet of paper. Remember: the only bad answer is a dishonest answer.

1. A role-playing game is _______.
2. To me, "role-playing" means: _______.
3. The most important thing in a RPG session is _______.
4. The least important thing in a RPG session is _______.
5. When playing, I am most happy when _______ .
6. When playing, I am least happy when _______.
7. As a player, I enjoy doing _______ during a session. (You the player, not your character)
8. As my character, I enjoy doing _______ during a session.
9. After a session, I feel _______.
10. I would most like to play _______ type of game because _______.

Message 2410#23445

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On 6/9/2002 at 2:27am, Henry Fitch wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Couple problems I see. One is that the "least important part" is really hard to answer; the natural inclination is to say something absurd. Also, in question 10 there's no way to answer it by literally filling in the blanks while being gramattical; that always bugs me on questionnaires.

Message 2410#23447

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On 6/9/2002 at 2:55am, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Henry Fitch wrote: One is that the "least important part" is really hard to answer; the natural inclination is to say something absurd.

Perhaps, perhaps not. Maybe what they think is absurd is more telling. I'll take that under advisement.

Should I reword #10 as:

I prefer to play (specific or type of game)_______ because _______.

Message 2410#23450

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On 6/9/2002 at 3:02am, Henry Fitch wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Good thought for #10. As for the "absurd" bit, I mean things like "fighting monsters based on ex-US Presidents isn't important" or "having our characters get killed and fed to one another by psychotic innkeepers isn't a priority."

I don't think you can really choose the least important thing when there's no defined set of "things." It's like trying to choose the highest positive number.

Message 2410#23451

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On 6/9/2002 at 3:24am, Jack Spencer Jr wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...


I suppose it depends on how you read it. It says least important, which could be read as, it's still important, but of the other stuff that is important it's the least important. That stuff you've mentioned doesn't even register, you know?

Message 2410#23453

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On 6/9/2002 at 4:46pm, Eric J. wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Uhh... Off track but my opinion:

4. should be something like: The least important element of role-playing is:

Message 2410#23485

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On 6/9/2002 at 5:57pm, Fabrice G. wrote:
RE: I have this problem, you see...

Hi Jack,

Definitely keep the n°6 (the least...), because it can indicate some pretty important things. Forex. for me at one time the answer would have been: fights. If we had anwser such a questionaire, it would have been made obvious for everyone why I didn't enjoy some seesions.

Take care,


Message 2410#23490

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On 6/9/2002 at 10:30pm, Clay wrote:
Some notes on human interaction

I might recommend not using a printed questionaire for this, or doing the verbal equivalent. I think that your idea of going in with a list of questions that you'd like to know people's responses to is a good idea. I expect the answers to be less useful that you might hope.

When I was serving my time as a high-priced consultant, universally the best way to get honest responses that match observed reality was with face to face verbal communication. This type of communication also provides you with a prime opportunity to get your point across, just by asking the right questions.

Bringing a printed questionaire into this creates a gigantic barrier to open communication, especially because people think differently when writing and when speaking. Make sure you're indicating in your non verbal communication how important what they have to say is, as well. Don't have much more than a piece of paper for taking notes in front of you, and don't spend too much time looking at that paper. Look at them when they're speaking, and you'll be surprised how much useful information flows.

Message 2410#23521

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